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Ayu Ashari,S.Pd.M.Pd
• Meteorology is the science that studies atmospheric phenomena,
especially those that relate to weather(with a major focus on weather
forecasting). Meteorologists who forecast the weather rely on
thousands of weather stations located around the world, both on land
What is and at sea.
meteorology? • Maritime meteorology  deals with air and wave forecasts for ships
deals operating at sea.
Presentation title 20XX 2
1. The cadets are able to
describe weather conditions
2. The cadets are able to
describe weather forecast
Why should we learn about the
meteorological information (weather)
related to maritime?
This is how we ask and answer about the weather:

Question: What is the weather like?

Answer: It’s rainy (or it’s cold, or it’s windy, etc.)

Question :What is the temperature right now?

Answer: The temperature is 17 degrees Celsius
What’s the weather like?
Match the sentences to the pictures and write the correct sentence under each picture

It’s snowy It’s rainy It’s foggy It’s windy

It’s stormy It’s cloudy It’s sunny It’s partly cloudy’s c. ................. d. ......It’s

cloudy.......... snowy........

e.’s f.’s g. ...............

stormy......... foggy........ h.’s
L ook at the map. What is the weather like in Europe?

current and
Presentation title 20XX 7
• Answer the questions about today’s weather and
temperature. Use the information on the map above and
1. What is the weather like in the key to the weather symbols.
Madrid? ........................................................... • 1. What is the weather like in Bucarest?
2. Where is the hottest • It’s mostly sunny today. The temperature is 17 degrees
weather? ...........................................................
3. Which is sunnier: Vienna or
Stockholm? ......................................................
4. What is the weather like in
Athens? ............................................................
5. Where is it the
coldest? .............................................................
6. Is Berlin hotter than
London? ...........................................................
7. What’s the weather like in
Rome? ..............................................................
8. Is Warsaw colder than
Bucarest? .........................................................
Presentation title 20XX 8

This is
This is how
how we
we ask
ask and
and answer
answer about
about the
the weather
weather forecast:

Question: What
Question: What is
is the
the weather
weather going
going tobe
tobe like?
Answer: It’s
Answer: It’s going
going to
to be
be rainy
rainy (or
(or it’s
it’s going
going to
to be
be windy,
Look at the weather map below. What is the weather going to
be like in Europe tomorrow?




21 Rome

19 Ankar
Task 2. Answer the questions about the weather forecast for tomorrow. Use the
information on the map above.

1. What is the weather going to be like in Rome tomorrow?

Tomorrow it’s going to be mostly sunny and warm
2. What’s the weather going to be like in London?
3. What’s the weather going to be like in Madrid?
4. What’s the weather going to be like in Athens?
5. What’s the weather going to be like in Bucarest?

Today’s weather…

– What’s the weather like where you are

– Do you like the weather today?
- What’s your favorite weather?
– What is it going to be like later?

Presentation title 20XX 12

Presentation title 20XX
Presentation title 20XX
You are going to listen to a
shipping forecast issued on 14
march 2023. Read the
information below and do the
exercises that follow.

1. Viking / North Utsire / South Utsire

 Wind: Variable, becoming mainly easterly later, 3 or 4
 Sea State: Slight or moderate
 Weather: Occasional rain or showers, fog patches
 Visibility: Moderate or ___________________, occasionally very poor
2. 2. Forties / Cromarty / Forth / Tyne
 Wind: Variable, becoming easterly or southeasterly 3 or 4  S.
Sea State : Slight
 Weather: Fog banks, occasional ___________________ at first
 Visibility: Moderate to very poor
3. Dogger / Fisher / German Bight / Humber
 Wind: __________________, becoming east or southeast 3 or 4 
Sea State: Slight
 Weather: Fog patches clearing
 Visibility: Moderate or good, occasionally very poor

Presentation title 20XX
You are going to listen to a shipping forecast issued on
21 April 2011. Read the information below and do the
exercises that follow.

4. Thames / Dover / Wight / Portland / Plymouth

 Wind: East or northeast veering east or southeast 3 or 4, occasionally 5
 Sea State: Slight
 Weather: Showers
 Visibility: Moderate or good, occasionally ___________________,
5. Biscay
 Wind: ___________________ 3 or 4 in southwest, otherwise easterly or southeasterly 4 or 5 S
Sea State : Moderate
 Weather: in north, mainly fair. In south, thundery showers, fog patches in southwest
 Visibility: Moderate or good, occasionally very poor in southwest
6. FitzRoy / West Sole
 Wind: Cyclonic or variable 3 or 4, occasionally 5 later, but becoming northwesterly 5 to 7 in far w
 Sea State: Moderate or rough
 Weather: Rain or thundery showers, ______________________ patches 
Visibility: Moderate or good, occasionally very poor
Presentation title 20XX
You are going to listen to a shipping forecast issued on
21 April 2011. Read the information below and do the
exercises that follow.

7. East Sole / Lundy / Fastnet / Irish Sea / Shannon

 Wind: _____________________ or northeasterly veering southeasterly 3 or 4, occasionally 5 later
 Sea State: Slight or moderate
 Weather: Showers
 Visibility: Moderate or good, occasionally poor
8. Rockall / Malin
 Wind: Variable 3 or 4 becoming southeasterly 4 or 5, occasionally 6 
Sea State: Moderate or rough
 Weather: Occasional rain or _____________________
 Visibility: Moderate or good, occasionally very poor
9. Southeast Iceland
 Wind: Southwesterly ____________________ southeasterly 5 or 6, decreasing 4 for a time
 Sea State: Rough
 Weather: Showers, rain in west later
 Visibility: ______________________ or good

Presentation title 20XX
I remember the time when...

Think of a time when there was an incident on your vessel during bad weather
conditions. Read the questions in the table. Make notes about the incident you are
thinking of.
Tell the story to the another group.

no Questions Your Answer

1 What was the incident?

2 When and where did it happen?

3 What was the weather like?

4 What procedure were you involved in when the

incident occurred?

5 What was the cause of the incident?

Presentation title 20XX
A previous voyage

Write a paragraph that

describes one of your
past voyages. Work with
a study partner.
-the route
-the weather
-the actions taken on
board due to
meteorological warnings

Presentation title 20XX 19

Have a good day

Bon Voyage....!

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