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Writing Proficiency

in classroom





Writing is an essential life skill. You will need to write many

things in teaching learning process, so learning how to
write and doing daily practice on your writing skills will
serve you well.
The Four Main Styles of Writing

The four main styles of writing are:

Narrative------Tells a story
Let’s take a closer look at each of these writing styles
and what they mean.
Expository text:
1. It gives facts
2. Explains
3. Presents in a logical order
4. Informative
5. Clarity.
6. Exposition remains focused on its topic
7.Impersonal...., No emotion or opnion
9.General to specific
10.Abstract to concrete.
11.Limit the usage of First person Pronoun
12.Limit the usage of Comma
13. Use Simple structure
1. Accentuate [v]
10. Influx [N]
2. Cohort [N] 18. Reengineering[v]
11. Insulation[N]
3. Confide [V] 19. Succour [ V,N]
12. Inadvertent {Adj]
4. Domicile [N] 20. Susceptible [N]
13. Polarization [N]
5. Debunk [V] 21. Salutary [Adj]
14. Protracted [N.V]
6. Distortion [N] 22. Subterfuge [N]
15. Perverse [Adj]
7. Deployed [V] 23. Undermine [V1052]
16. Pummelled [V]
8. Erstwhile [Adj] 24. Untenable [Adj]
17. Reiterate [V]
9. Hefty {Adj]

As a matter of fact, the advancement of  Informs

internet in the world has paved an easy  Explains
way to read news; the readers of  Presents in logical order
Newspaper have reduced since then. The  Articulate concepts
source of current economic condition,  Merits of the facts
trade, sports, and commerce is seen in  Clear and focus language
newspapers. Wikipedia rates that India  General to specific
sells 78.8 million copies per day. Reading  Abstract to concrete
newspaper develops reading habit, the  Hard to find out writer
knowledge about one’s  Rarely use Pronouns especially First-
surroundings/world and the person pronoun
communication fluency of the readers.  Use simple structure
Therefore, newspaper has been the  Right usage of punctuation marks
source of general and specific  Limit the usage of comma
information. 
1. Descriptive essays
2. Process essays
3. Comparison essays
4. Cause/effect essays
5. Problem/solution essays.

• Newsletters
• Instruction manuals
• Textbooks
• Educational articles
• Recipes

 Independent clause
 Dependent clause
 To set off essential elements
 To connects the dependent clause with
independent clause
 Before a conjunction (and, but, or, nor, so,
far, yet) to connect independent clause
 To separate three or more items in a series
 After a verb that introduces a quotation
 After an independent clause to introduce a list
 After an independent clause to introduce an
explanation or elaboration
 Directly after a verb (such as a form of be or
 Directly after a preposition or “such as”
Descriptive writing

It is a literary device in which the author uses

details to paint a picture with their words
1. Understand and utilize the descriptive language associated
with the five senses.
2. Identify the different types of descriptive paragraphs: person,
place, object, and event.
3. Describe a person, a place, an object, or an event adequately
and concisely.
4. Indicate in writing the significance of a person, place, and
Example, when you eat an apple you:

See: the green skin of the apple, the white flesh

Hear: the crunching sound as the crisp apple is
bitten in to, chewing, swallowing
Touch: smooth skin of the apple, the sticky drips
of juice
Taste: sweet taste of apple
Smell: the soft and subtle smell of the fruit.
Personification --The attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something
 Lightning danced across the sky.
 The wind howled in the night.
 The car complained as the key was roughly turned in its ignition.
 Rita heard the last piece of pie calling her name.
 My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every morning.
 The breeze kissed my cheek.
 When I got home from school my dog smiled at me.
 The blanket wrapped its arms around me.
 Rays of sunshine danced through the trees.
 The chainsaw hummed a tune.
Metaphor-- Directly refers to one thing by mentioning another.
 Life is a race and we never realise that we are running towards nothing!
 He is the light of my life.
 For this whole year, this room has become my prison.
 Love is a fine wine!
 My heart's a stereo and it beats for you!
 She is happy as a clam.
 A Heart of Stone” ...
 That Place Is a Zoo” ...
 It Is a Melting Pot” ...
 The Apple of My Eye” ...
 The Snow Is a White Blanket” ...
 The Tears Were a River” ...
 The Stars Are Dancing” ...
 You Are My Sun”
Simile ---compares two things
•You were as brave as a lion.
•They fought like cats and dogs.
•He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys.
•This house is as clean as a whistle.
•He is as strong as an ox.
•Your explanation is as clear as mud.
•Watching the show was like watching grass grow.
•as white as a ghost
•as sweet as sugar
•swims like a dolphin
•grows like a weed
•has a voice like a foghorn
•runs like the wind
•climbs like a monkey
•rain fell like teardrops
•love is like a rose
Repetition of identical initial consonant sounds in successive or closely associated syllables within
a group of words,
•All Adam ate in August was apples and almonds.
•Barry bought a book to bring to the backyard barbecue.
•Come and clean your closet, Kevin.
•David's dog drunk dirty water down by the dam.
•Even elephants enjoy eating eggs every day.
•Those lazy lizards are lying like lumps in the leaves.
• Paula planted the pretty pink poppies in the pot.
• Kim came to help us cut out a colorful kite for Chris.
• Bake a big cake with lots of butter and bring it to the birthday bash.
• Paula's prancing pony out-performed all the others.
• Little Larry likes licking the sticky lollipop.
Irony-- Humorous or emphatic effect.
•Telling a quiet group, “don’t speak all at once”
•Coming home to a big mess and saying, “it’s great to be back”
•Telling a rude customer to “have a nice day”
•Walking into an empty theater and asking, “it’s too crowded”
•Stating during a thunderstorm, “beautiful weather we’re having”
•A comedian telling an unresponsive audience, “you all are a great crowd”
•Describing someone who says foolish things as a “genius”
•Delivering bad news by saying, “the good news is”
•Entering a child’s messy room and saying “nice place you have here”
•A fire station burns down. ...
•A marriage counselor files for divorce. ...
•The police station gets robbed. ...
•A post on Facebook complains about how useless Facebook is. ...
•A traffic cop gets his license suspended because of unpaid parking tickets. ...
•A pilot has a fear of heights.
1.This is another fine mess you have got us into.
2.There is a real love hate relationship developing between the two of them.
3.Suddenly the room filled with a deafening silence.
4.The comedian was seriously funny.
5.You are clearly confused by the situation you have found yourself in.
6.Her singing was enough to raise the living dead.
7.Do you have the original copies that we requested?
8.This is a genuine imitation Rolex watch.
9.I really would like to try that new jumbo shrimp restaurant.
10.His new girlfriend really is pretty ugly.
11.Sorry, I can’t help you out right now, I am involved in my own minor crisis.
12.Give me the fifty dollars you owe me or pay for dinner, it’s the same difference.
13.My trip to Bali was very much a working holiday.
14.I let out a silent scream as the cat walked through the door carrying a dead bird.
15.You are going to have to use proofreading services, it is your only choice.
Hyperbole-- Exaggerated statement or claim that is not meant to be
taken literally.
•I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.
•She's as old as the hills.
•I walked a million miles to get here.
•She can hear a pin drop a mile away.
•I died of embarrassment.
•He's as skinny as a toothpick.
•She's as tall as a beanpole.
•It's raining cats and dogs.
Figures of Speech Examples
1. Personification The opportunity knocked at his door
2. Metaphor It is raining cats and dogs
3. Simile He is as brave as a lion
4. Alliteration She sells seashells on the seashore
5. Onomatopoeia The buzzing bee flew over my head
6. Hyperbole She has got a pea-sized brain
7. Euphemism He passed away in his sleep
8. Irony Your hands are as clean as mud
9. Anaphora Dr Martin Luther King Jr: “I Have a Dream” Speech
10. Apostrophe Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are
11. Pun Everyone thinks my runny nose is funny, but it’s snot.
12. Paradox “Some of my biggest triumphs have also been failures,”
13. Oxymoron You are clearly confused by the situation you have found yourself in
14. Assonance How now, brown cow?
15. Metonymy “The pen is mightier than the sword”
 Connect two independent clauses with a semicolon to
avoid a run-on sentence or a comma splice
 To separate items in a list containing internal commas


 Semicolons interchangeably with colons.
 After an introductory phrase or dependent clause, even
if the phrase or clause is long.
Mango is the national fruit of India which is loved by one and
all. It is a very juicy, pulpy and luscious fruit. Ripe mangoes
can either be consumed raw or in the form of salad, juice,
jams, milkshake or pickles. Mango is a rich source of various
vitamins and minerals.
Obviously, the fast advancement of internet the 1. Transitions
information superhighway in our world has 2. Apposition
brought an amazing shift in all departments since 3. Similie
the birth of internet The availability and the 4. Metaphor
accessibility of it has become handy and it helped 5. Oxymoron
a lot people read news without spending much of 6. Alliteration
their savings. On the other hand, the number of 7. Apposition
newspapers being sold has been reduced after 8. Number of punctuation marks
the development of internet and related devices. 9. Adjectives
For instance, the number of houses where 10.Adverbs
newspapers are being supplied would be less in 11.Compound structure
comparison with previous years without internet. 12.Complex structure
13.Compound complex structure
Persuasive writing

It intends to convince readers to believe in an idea or opinion and to do an action

The purpose:

1. When a writer needs to convince his or her audience, the Persuasive

writing style is the one they choose.
2. Sometimes a writer may write something, which could create a
mixture of feelings among the readers. To avoid that and to keep the
readers by the writers' side, the writer tries to convince the audience
through the writing.
3. The writer would put all the logical points and sometimes may
provide arguments favouring the thoughts he wants to impose on the
4. However, the readers would feel an emotional connection and
eventually adopt the writers' opinion most of the companies having
marketing departments use this writing style to promote their
products or services.
The types of Persuasive writing

•Company brochures
•Cover letters
•Opinion columns
•Recommendation letters
•Movie review
•Letter to news paper editor

1. Use Experts opinions

Persuasive style
2. Use commonly accepted
I am certain that the advent of Internet has reduced 3. Be Aware of expected
the number of readers of newspapers. In support of counterpoints
this, I can reinstate that the distribution of 4. Make emotional
Newspaper had obviously come down in number. connection
Exactly seven years back, there were 78.8 million 5. Provide supportive facts to
people were reading newspaper on regular base; all statements
Without a doubt, I can assure you that the number 6. Know your readers
of newspaper readers are now 68.6 as per the 7. Be aware of what you are
current distribution. Furthermore, the accessibility trying to prove
of internet has become one of the elements behind 8. Never deviate from the
this issue. In short. I can prove that the recipients of topics
news are increasing day by day regardless of
newspaper decrease.
Narrative writing

a piece of writing characterized by a main character in a setting who

encounters a problem or engages in an interesting, significant or
entertaining activity or experience.
1. Plot,
2. Characters,
3. Point of view,
4. Setting,
5. Theme,
6. Conflict,
7. Style

1.Exposition. This is the beginning of the story.

2.Rising action. Once the story has begun, it is important to create
tension by raising the stakes. You must raise the stakes along the
way and create obstacles of ever-increasing intensity while keeping
your eye firmly fixed on your conclusion.
3.Climax (middle). The pinnacle of your plot.
4. Falling action. The falling action occurs after the climax but
before the end. Falling action frequently depicts the protagonist
dealing with the consequences or fallout of the climax. The falling
action is when the protagonist ties up loose ends and heads toward
the conclusion. It is also referred to as the denouement.
5. Resolution. This is the end of the story.
The best way to recognize the narrative style is to
identify its more characteristic elements:

 Sets a scene.
 Usually has a beginning, a middle and an end.
 Includes characters, plots, backgrounds and
 Tends to be longer than the other writing styles.
Good writing skills are a life skill.
If you improve your writing skills, it will help you in many
aspects of your life. Not just for employment, but in many other
ways too.
Writing is not only something we do in school or college. It is
not just an assignment we do for homework.
Later in your life, you may be required to write emails, guides,
reports, letters — even a short story. By practising your
writing skills and developing all the main four writing styles
will benefit you in your life.


As a matter of fact, Bengal
As free-thinking and speech spread around the
Gazette is the first globe, India printed its first newspaper- Bengal
newspaper in India. Bengal Gazette in 1780. Then, The Times of India
Gazette was published by seconded newspaper journalism in 1838 as a fast-
James A. Hickey. It started reaching newspaper. The popular Newspaper of
its publication from Kolkata modern India-The Hindu, was started as a weekly
in 1780 January 29. The English-language newspaper in 1878 and it was
newspaper is also known converted to a daily newspaper in 1889.
in the name of 'Calcutta Newspapers convey insight about the surrounding
General Advertiser'. Bengal things and the world across. Around 7 years back,
Gazette ceased publication the culture of reading newspaper was a part and
in 1782. It was published in parcel of our grandparents. Reading newspaper or
English Language. reading online news is the one thing that help
readers read their surroundings as well.
To state that newspaper is the
fast-reaching news carrier around In 1780, the production of
the world. It has succoured newspaper had paved the way
numerous candidates to find for news to travel around the
opportunity on time. Five of my world. The man who played the
collage mates had succeeded in role behind the way was James
attending their interview though Hickey. newspaper reached in
they didn’t receive interview card. the hands of many people; the
Therefore, I reinstate that parson behind the newspaper
newspaper is the fast-reaching was not reached as newspaper
news carrier around the world. reached.

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