T7 Final Report Writing

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Final Report Writing

Topic 7
10.1 Report Writing and Presentation
10.2 Elements in Writing Research Report
10.3 Research Report Framework
10.4 Writing Styles
10.5 Report Writing Guidelines
10.1 Report Writing and Presentation

• Purpose?
– To report and share what have gained through
– Findings
– Further reference

• Can be prepared in many forms

10.2 Elements in Writing Research Report

10.2.1 Elements of Good Writing.

10.2.2 Approaches to Good Writing.
10.2.3 Specific Writing Materials.
10.2.1 Elements of Good Writing:
i. thought
ii. correctness
iii. appropriateness
iv. readability

i. Thought.
• Good research writing contains proper hypotheses, assumptions and
• Shows a lack of bias.
• Portrays believable justifications.
• Reflects the author’s enthusiasm and persuasiveness.

ii. Correctness.
• Good writing contains correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
• Correct writing is coherent, marked by proper syntax and good sentence
• Contains main sections with headings and appropriate sub-headings.

iii. Appropriateness.
• Good writing has the right tone.
• The reader is neither patronize nor buried in verbosity and pompousness.
• Appropriate writing gives the reader a clear idea of needs and desires.

iv. Readability.
• Good writing is readable, without bombastic words.
• Readable pieces have a lead-off topic sentence followed by sentences
that outline the work. The reader knows early where the material is
heading and how the work will turn out.
• Contains logically presented ideas, and clear transitions from paragraph
to paragraph.

10.2.2 Approaches to Good Writing.
Good writing develops with practice and a willingness to try new methods,
such as:
a) Essential in using word processing software.
 Integration with other software.
 Compatibility with statistics, graphics, and spreadsheets
 Reliability with hardware used.
 Compatibility with software used by colleagues and supervisor.
 Good practice to divide report/thesis into separate files.
b) Before writing, plan the outline. Identify the topics and sub-topics
to be included.

c) Reports for journals/proceedings should be written according to
the topics outlined.
For theses (40 – 80K words), it is recommended to begin writing at
the introductory chapter, followed by the summary/conclusion
chapter. The literature review chapter (theoretical part)
normally has already been prepared earlier.
Next: methodology, data analysis and discussion of findings.
d) Fixed a dateline for every chapter/topic.

Guideline for a Good Writing
i. One sentence should be less than 40 words (3½ lines).
ii. At every end of the main section/chapter add a summary, and what to
discuss in the next section/chapter.
iii. Once begin writing, write as much as possible without stopping.
iv. Use the outline as a checklist. Determine the dateline for each topic.
v. “Reward” yourself after completing one main section/chapter.
vi. Don’t use bombastic words. All technical words should be defined.
Prevent from using ambiguous words. Eg. “In several cases…..”; “Some
people says that….”; “According to a reliable source…..” etc.
vii. Write as if you are talking to the reader.

• Very important especially with the aid of a word processor.
• A good writer revises his/her writings 5-6 times.
• Each time in a revision, imagine you are reading for the first time even
after subsequent reviews.
• Extend the time between revisions (eg. 1 or 2 days).
• An alternative approach to reviews:
i. Write the first section and leave it alone.
ii. Revise the first section before writing the second section.
iii. Revise the first and second sections before writing the third section.
iv. …..etc………

• Another approach to reviews:
Involves reading passages aloud. This helps uncover awkward and
confusing sentences.
• Revision process should be done slowly and repeatedly until satisfied.
The final revised work should be reviewed by an advisor and “writing
• Ask for a tough review, and respond constructively.

10.2.3 Specific Writing Materials
i. Research Notebooks
• Used to prepare a record of experimental work.
• Also a repository for diagrams, graphs and standardization routines
(research protocol) that permit repetition of experiments.
• Notebook descriptions should include:
 Title, date and purpose.
 List of required equipment and materials.
 Outline of procedures, including calibrations and
 Observations and data collection.
 Graphical representations of data.

 Equations, calculations, and statistical tests.
 Records of unusual events that may influence results.
 Conclusions.
 Modified hypotheses and plans for future experiments.
 For patenting purpose, researcher’s signature and a witness is
 Negative results/finding not expected should also be included.

ii. Reports
 Preparation of reports requires as much as one-third of the researcher’s
 Reports should answer the following questions:
a) What are you trying to do?
b) Do the methods and conclusion make sense?
c) What is the importance/significance of the work?
 Reports should include:
 A statement of the problem and underlying hypotheses.
 Analysis of how the problem developed.
 Description of possible solutions.
 Steps to be used to implement preferred solutions.
 Costs.

Report format:
 Title (incl. Name(s) of author(s), and address(es)
 Table of Contents
 Abstract
 Introduction
 Experimental section
 Results
 Discussion
 Bibliography
 Appendices

Do not use titles such as: “Investigation of…”; “Analysis of…”; “Interesting
aspects of …”; “Results of…”.

 Abstract should be written last.

 Abstracts should have:
 Statement of the problem (introduction).
 Brief description of methodology.
 Main findings.
 Conclusions.

 Use the past tense, 3rd person

• Introduction consists of overall reviews of materials in the report.
Introduction should attract interest of the reader to continue reading subsequent
sections that follow.
• Experimental section consists of description of experiment and the research
methods used.
Put in enough information to enable other researchers to repeat the same
• Findings should be written in the past tense and describe what has happened,
whereas the experimental section describes what was done.
• Discussions should be written in the context of the study being published and
referenced. Use the past tense when making reference to your own
findings/results, and present tense to findings of studies published and
• Do not introduce other observations that are not included in the findings/results.

iii. Research Papers
Four most common research papers:
1. Articles or full-length papers.
2. Notes.
3. Communications.
4. Letters.

• Articles are written to describe extensive and definitive studies.
• The format and style of articles are similar to research reports.
• Notes are short articles and can also be found in journals.
• Communications and letters are short (ie less than 5 type-written
pages) papers of unusual importance.
• Usually used 12-point font, double-spaced, on 22 X 28 cm paper and 2.5
to 3.5 cm margins.
Converting Research Reports into Research Articles

Format Element of Changes needed to prepare Research Article

Research Report
Title page Add key words for literature retrieval system.

Abstract Depending on journal.

Table of contents Omit.
Experimental section May use tables to list large numbers of research
Results Avoid presentation of negative results.

Discussion Limit speculation, discussion of negative results, and

plans for future research.

Format Element of Changes needed to prepare Research
Research Report Article
Add summary and conclusion sections as
required by journal.
Add acknowledgement section to express
gratitude to funding sources, faculty,
students, and staff.

Bibliography Note reference system used by journal.

Appendices Omit.

10.3 Research report framework
Report format:
 Title (incl. Name(s) of author(s), and address(es)
 Table of Contents
 Abstract
 Introduction
 Experimental section
 Results
 Discussion
 Bibliography
 Appendices
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