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Global Environmental

The environment or the ecosystem is considered as the life support

of the planet earth, however due to rapid urbanization and
globalization, it has highly damaged the earth. Subsequently, the
world is being confronted with complex environmental problems that
need to be addressed. Global environmental problems are classified
Global Environmental Crisis

• Greenhouse effect, Global Warming

and Climate Change

• Biodiversity loss

• Transboundary pollution

• Depletion of Ozone layer

Greenhouse effect,
Global Warming
Greenhouse effect,
Global Warming
According to a report put forward by the European Environmental
Agency (EEA), there have been a significant increase in the global and
European annual mean air temperatures. There is strong evidence that
greenhouse gases emissions, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2) is provoking
the earth’s surface temperatures to rise (Global Warming), and the
result of this increase in temperatures lead to the global environmental
issue of climate change.
Biodiversity Loss
Biodiversity Loss
According to O’Neill, the issue of Climate Change is expected to
be the principal cause of biodiversity loss and other problems
such as desertification and transformation of terrestrial and marine
ecosystems (2009). Furthermore, within the same 40year period,
there has been a doubled growth in human population, a 76% loss
of freshwater wildlife and a 39% loss of terrestrial wildlife and
marine wildlife.
Biodiversity Loss
The issue of biodiversity loss develops from factors such as extensive
clearing and burning of woodland, the haphazard use of pesticides,
overharvesting of animals and plants, harmful farming and fishing
practices, urbanisation and so on. Emerging research suggests that
the increased proportion of extinction will further accelerate and the
loss of species and the disruption of the ecosystem will have a
damaging effect on human health (Anand, 2013).
Transboundary Air Pollution
Globalization, free trade and The
interconnectivity among nations with regard
Trans- to the geographical borderless nature of
countries has meant that there are shared
substantive growth among many economies.

boundary Air However, as economic growth is shared, so

are environmental hazards. There are
various examples of transboundary

environmental issues including long range
transboundary air pollution such as acid rain,
pollution of water bodies and worldwide trade
in hazardous wastes (O’Neill, 2009).
Transboundary air pollution is air pollution generated
in one country and affecting other countries. It
contributes to summer smog and acidification, soil

Trans- and water eutrophication and the dispersion of

dangerous elements (EEA, 1998). The principal
sources of transboundary air pollution consist of
industrialization, energy use and transportation

boundary Air including both local transportation and international

shipping . The 1986 Chernobyl disaster which took
place in Ukraine when a nuclear reactor exploded,

and radioactive gases were released into the
atmosphere is a vivid example of transboundary air
pollution that led to devastating effects in Ukraine and
neighbouring countries
(World-Nuclear, 2016).
Depletion of Ozone Layer
Depletion of Ozone Layer

According to Clapp and Dauvergne, various scientists in 1974 made a

unique discovery that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which is also
considered as a greenhouse gas, were drifting into the atmosphere
and causing a gradual depletion of the ozone layer. A depletion of the
isothermal layer which protects humans against the adverse effects of
the ultraviolet sun rays.
Depletion of Ozone Layer

Scientists found out that an exhausted ozone layer could cause devastating effects such
skin cancer conditions and cataract, reduce the disease immunity in humans and weaken
the productivity of plants (2011). There are several other global environmental problems
that we are faced with in the 21st century such as desertification (caused by over
cultivation, overgrazing, and deforestation and so on), overpopulation, waste disposal,
ocean acidification, genetic engineering among others.
Environmental Decisions
Environmental Decisions
Environmental problems are mainly caused by human actions. The role of
humans is, therefore, vital because it is their attitude that has shaped the
present- day environment. Clearly it is only through a transformation in attitude
that people can take initiatives in influencing the conditions of the environment.
Decisions affecting the environment may be made by an individual, a family, a
society, consumers, industries or the government.
Environmental Decisions
Decisions affecting the environment may be made by an individual, a family, a
society, consumers, industries or the government. In the 20th century,
technologically advanced societies regarded a steadily improving standard of
living for their people based upon economic growth and industrial development
as their main goal. Environmental considerations had a low priority.
The illustration below describes the effective
environmental decision making which involves
consideration of innumerable issues.
Environmental Decisions
Such as ecological, economic, social and technical aspects. Also various
alternatives in policies, actions and practices to contemplate for taking a
decision. Thus, numerous global collective actions are taken due to the
undeniable ill effects of human actions towards the ecosystem and among the
lives of the human race. In this part of the module we will discuss some of the
global policies about environmental issues responses.
Global Environmental Policies
Global Environmental
In this part, discussed are global environmental issues responses. The United
Nation as the leading international organization in response to global
environmental issues even finds it challenging to address (Linner&Selin, 2013).
To highlight the global need to response for global environment problems it
hosted the conference on “Human environment” (Stockholm conference) on
June 5-16, 1972 (UN, 2018).
Global Environmental
Another response was the strategic plan known as “Agenda 21” at the United Nation
conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) at Rio de Janeiro in June
1992. Agenda 21 addresses various themes within the concept of sustainable
development. Agenda 21 covers subjects such as the protection of the atmosphere,
combating deforestation, poverty eradication, toxic chemicals and waste
management, sustainable agriculture and development. Albeit the responsibility of
governments for the implementation of Agenda 21, international cooperation is
needed to assist and complement.
Challenges Towards Global
Environmental Response
The critical need for cooperation among actors (national

government, institutions, non- governmental organizations) of

global environmental issues is significantly important to succeed

in the implementation of various frameworks and agreements.

Challenges Towards Global
Environmental Response
The challenge of accountability according to Bowen et al (2017) exist as
problems despite of the global cooperation by all the actors. Najam and
Halle (2010) cited that involved should be evaluated based on a
measurable implementation of obligation and objectives not only based
on their statements of goodwill.
Thus, to Bowen et al (2017) accountability
requires the consideration of four
distinct forms:

• The normative behavior for actors,

• The connection between actors “ held to account” and actors who “hold to


• The evaluation of the behavior of those held to account and how those “held

to account” are responsible for their actions along with how sanctions are

Challenges Towards Global
Environmental Response
As noted by Bowen et al (2017) conflicting interest and behavior of actors either promote or hinder a
change in global policy towards the goals. Lastly, the challenge of compromise. In the
implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) according to Bowen et al, it is inevitable
that tension will arise into which will recognize the need for trade-offs or compromise. Achieving the
goals of SDGs for example is serious challenge because multiple goals or targets are interrelated
with each other that the realization of one goal may depend on the other, that is meeting one target
may mean the compromise another goal.
Challenges Towards Global
Environmental Response
Accountability is therefore one reason why global environmental problems is

difficult to address through political actions. The challenge of diversity is

another concern, the variety of political actors involved in the efforts to combat

environmental issues is a huge test that need to be harmonized.


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