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What is management?

• Management or managing is the

administration of organizations, Whether
they are a business, nonprofit organization,
or a government body through business
administration, nonprofit Management, or
political science sub-field of public
administration respectively.

• Management is how business organize and

direct workflow, operation, and employees
to meet company goals. The primary goal
of management is to create an environment
that lets employees work efficiently and
What are the five meanings of Management?

At the most fundamental level, Management is a

discipline that consists of a set of five general
Planning, Organizing staffing, leading and
These five function are part of a body of practice
and theories on how to be a successful manager.
1. Planning:

When you think of planning in a management

role, think About it as the process of choosing
appropriate goals and actions to pursue and
then determining what strategies to use, what
action to take, and deciding what resources are
needed to achieve the goals.
2. Organizing:

This process of establishing worker relationships

allows workers to work together to achieve their
organizational goals.
3. Leading:
This function involves articulating a vision,
energizing employees, inspiring and motivating
people using vision, influence, persuasion, and
effective communication skills.
4. Staffing:
Recruiting and selecting employees for position
within the company (within teams and
5. Controlling:
Evaluate how well you are achieving your goals,
improving performance, taking actions, put
processes in place to help you establish standards,
so you can measure, compare, and make decisions.
Five Basic operations of a manager

In general these are five basic functions of a


1.setting objectives፡
• setting and achieving objectives is the primary
way a manager accomplishes and maintain
• They must also be able to convey them to their
saff or employees in a compelling manner.
2. Organizing፡
Managers evaluate the type of work, divide it into
achievable tasks and effectively delegate it to staff.
Organization consists of a series of relationships among
individual staff as well as departments or entities inside
the organization.
It is the managers responsibility to ensure that these
individuals and entities work in harmony, which includes
motivating staff members and departments to do their
task. A good manager is skilled in building interpersonal
relationships among their team members and can
troubleshoot when members confuse their encounter
3. Motivating the team:-

In addition to the tasks of organization and

delegation, motivation includes having the skills to
handle different types of personalities in a team. An
effective manager must know how to galvanize
team members around a cause.
• 4.Devising systems of measurement፡
Managers need to set targets or key performance
indicators that the team aims for and then generate
ways to measure whether the team is on track to
meet those goals.
It can be challenging to come up with measurable
ways of understanding performance, managers must
often be creative and thoughtful. However, like the
other functions of management, measurement is
critical to improving business performance.
5.Developing people፡
In addition to leading their team towards a goal and
measuring their progress along the way, good
mangers invest in their staffs development.
Managers can, for example, work with their team to
help them set goals to move up in their careers.
Managers must have leadership skills to use these
five operations successfully. They are responsible
for coaching their team members by helping them
recognize their strengths and weaknesses and
improve their performance. Different managers
may have different styles of leadership. Regardless
of their style, managers should develop their
leadership skills to effective supervisors.
Characteristics of management

• Management of people
• Management of work
• Management is multi-dimensional
• Management is all-pervasive
• Management of operations
• Management is a continuous process
• Management is a Dynamic Function
• Management is a group activity
• Management is an intangible force
• Management is a goal-oriented process
Objectives of Management

• Maintain discipline and moral

• Optimum utilization of resources
• Ensuring regular work flow
• Mobilizing best talent
• Minimize element of risk
• Improving performance
• Promotion of research and development
Levels of management

• Top level management

• Mid-level management
• Lower level
Functions of Top –level- Management
• Delegation and Empowerment of resources
• Change management
• Leadership
Functions of Mid- level- Management
• Performance management
• Team building
• Talent development
Function of Low-Level-Management

• Directing
• Controlling
Who is a Manager?
A Manager is a senior professional whose job
role, revolves around planning, organizing ,
evaluating the workflow of a team of professionals.
In most cases , a manager is also responsible for
department activities such as recruiting, selection
and training.
Qualities of a good manager

1. Professional Efficiency:
• Professional efficiency refers to having a
thorough knowledge of the field concerned. In
management, professional competence involves
being well-versed in management principles and
the way these principles are often applied within
the given situations.
2. Assurance in High Achievement:

Quality managers have faith in high achievement.

They have an internal locus of control, implying that
they feel that they will control situations and,
therefore, the situations cannot control them. They
have a sense that if others can do something
exceptional, they can also do it the same way. This
faith instills confidence in them for doing better and
3. Creativity:

Creativity involves conceiving original and unique

alternatives to the answer to a problem. Creativity
is necessary because the nature of problems goes
on changing, requiring innovative solutions.
4.Analytical Skills:
Managers need to add complex situations which
contain both significant and insignificant factors.
With analytical skills, quality managers could also
be ready to identify those factors which are more
relevant for his or her work.

Quality managers are quite decisive. They make

decisions after careful examination of the reference
variables well in time. They do not waver between
‘what to do’ or ‘what to not do’ in a given situation.
6. Excellent Communication Skills:
Communication involves sharing ideas and
understanding with others. To know others and
make yourself understood by others, excellent
communication skills are required. Further,
motivating communication may influence others
7.Lead from the Front:

Good Quality managers lead from the front. They

are recognized by their work instead of their words.
This ability makes the followers follow the leaders
8. Openness:
Quality managers have a quality of openness. They
are change-prone and not note change-resistant.
Being open, they consider any beneficial idea and
accept it from whatever source it comes from.
9. High Integrity:

Quality managers have high integrity and adopt

ethical practices in altogether types of decisions and
dealings. Similarly, they expect an equivalent
pattern to be followed by others.
10. Team-based Approach:
Quality managers adopt a team-based approach.
For work performance, they choose a give and take
approach. They believe in developing themselves as
well as others
To ensure their team successfully reaches their goals,
managers should do the following:

• Clearly communicate the goal to employees.

• Select the right individuals for each task.
• Motivate employees to reach each objective
• Set appropriate deadlines.
• Check in with employees to ensure they are making
• Set key performance indicators to measure success.
• Regularly review performance metrics
• Make strategy adjustments as necessary

The best managers continually reevaluate

their goal setting strategies and seek ways
to make sure employees are working in
the best and most efficient way possible.
 10 golden rules of effective management

• Be consistent consistency is key.

• Have clear, concise and complete communication.
Communication is the foundation of community.
• Set goals for the team.
• Publicly recognize hard work.
• Be the example.
• Be transparent .
• Tailor your approach for individuals.
• Encourage opinions and ideas.
Most difficult challenges of a manager

• Liaising between organizational levels.

• Using team input effectively.
• Making challenging decisions.
• Adapting management style to employee needs.
• Providing useful and timely feed back.
• Keeping the pace of work.
• Asking for help.
7 Skills of a successful management
• Interpersonal skills.
• Communication and motivation.
• Organization and delegation.
• For ward planning and strategic thinking.
• Problem solving and decision Making.
• Commercial awareness.
• Mentoring
How do I develop these management skills?
The first Rule of management
• The first rule of management is that
successful management is all about
managing on self rather than managing
5 Signs of Poor Management in the Workplace

Poor management in the workplace can cause your business to

suffer. If you are unsure about what is causing productivity to
drop, here are a few signs to look out for.
1. Excessive Oversight
A supervisor who micromanages everything and nitpicks every
little mistake is a prime example of someone with poor
management skills.
Employees are not seen as worthwhile members of a team by
these managers.
That can cause those workers to feel discouraged and
uninterested in their jobs.
By enforcing positive recognition in the workplace, you will
quickly see how resourceful it can be instead of
2. Poor Communication Skills
All management must provide their workers with
clear instructions on what needs to be done.
If the manager is unable to express these tasks
clearly, it can lead to many problems.
Work may not be completed on time because too
many workers didn’t understand the instructions.
Having a leader who can explain directions clearly
and let everyone know what their expectations are
for the team will help your employees carry out
their tasks with confidence.
3. Leaders Unwilling to Listen or Adapt
It’s important to allow your employees to provide
feedback. Many times a company could use
recommendations from their workers to find out if
their current processes are sufficient.
Management who isn’t willing to listen to the feedback
from those they supervise will not have a thriving team.
It’s important that everyone works together and if
someone has a suggestion, they should at least be
When managers seem to have too much pride to listen
to their employees, the business will lack innovation
and productivity will suffer.
4. Poor Attitude or a Lack of Honesty
If a manager is cranky or generally unpleasant to be
around, no one will want to work under their
Managers who have a bad attitude or lack of honesty
will eventually create toxicity in the work environment.
That is something that no one looks forward to working
in each day.
It’s important to consider your choices for management
positions wisely.
Be sure to present the job to someone who will listen to
the team, and the team will want to listen to it in return.
5. Management Not Making Good Use of
Employee Skills
Any time management doesn’t make good use of an
employee, the entire company suffers.
Understanding what your employee’s strongest skills
are and allowing them to use those skills for the
benefit of the company is one of the best things any
manager can do.
Those who do not take the time to learn more
about their team member’s skills are missing out.
They fail to see the talent and improvements these
individuals could bring to the business
9. Strategies to Effectively Manage Your Staff

• Be a leader before being a manager . leadership

is the ability to influence people and drive them to
achieve a common goal
• Set up a Reward program-----
• Communicate with your staff-----
• Encourage learing------
• Provide constructive criticism
• Build trust-------

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