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x86 Registers

Data movement instructions

label definitoin
mov eax, [ebx] Move the 4 bytes in memory at the address contained in EBX
into EAX
mov [var], ebx Move the contents of EBX into the 4 bytes at memory
address var.
mov eax, [esi-4] Move 4 bytes at memory address ESI + (-4) into EAX
mov [esi+eax], cl Move the contents of CL into the byte at address ESI+EAX
Data movement instructions
label definitoin
push eax push eax on the stack
push [var] push the 4 bytes at address var onto the stack
pop edi pop the top element of the stack into EDI.
pop [ebx] pop the top element of the stack into memory at the four bytes
starting at location EBX.
Data movement instructions
lea — Load effective address
label definitoin
lea edi, [ebx+4*esi] the quantity EBX+4*ESI is placed in EDI
lea eax, [var] the value in var is placed in EAX.
lea eax, [val] the value val is placed in EAX
Data movement instructions
label definitoin
inc <reg> 1. Increment
inc <mem> 2. decrement
dec <reg>
dec <mem>
INC COUNT 1. Increment the memory variable COUNT
dec eax 2. subtract one from the contents of EAX.

add <reg>,<reg> 1. Add the content of the

add <reg>,<mem>
add <mem>,<reg>
add <reg>,<con>
add <mem>,<con>
add eax, 10 1. Perform ADD operation on the
2. EAX ← EAX + 10
add BYTE PTR [var], 10 1. add 10 to the single byte stored at memory address var
Data movement instructions
label definitoin
imul Integer Multiplication
imul eax, [var] 1. multiply the contents of EAX by the 32-bit contents of
imul esi, edi, 25 the memory location var. Store the result in EAX.
idiv Integer Division
and, xor, not 1. Bitwise logical and, or and exclusive or
2. Bitwise Logical Not
shl, shr Shift Left, Shift Right (2n)
Control flow
label definitoin
jmp Jump flow
jcondition Condition Jump
je<label> 1. jump when equal
jne<label> 2. jump when not equal
jz<label> 3. jump when last result was zero
jg, jge,jl,jle 4. jump greater than/greater equal to/less than less than
equal to
cmp Compare
cmp <reg>,<reg> 1. Bitwise Logical Not
cmp <reg>,<mem>
cmp <mem>,<reg>
cmp <reg>,<con>
call, ret Subroutine call and return
# y in %rdi, z in %rsi, x in $rax
int f (){
addq %rdi, %rsi
int x = y + z; movq %rax, %rdi
return x; ret

int main() { main:

int n=5, movl $5, %eax
long fact = 1; movl $1, %ebx
L1: cmpl $0, %eax
int i = 0;
je L2
imull %eax, %ebx
for (int i = n; i > 0; i--){ decl %eax
fact *= i; jmp L1
} L2: ret
return 0;
int foo(){ main:
return x+5; movl $10, %eax
} call foo
int main() {
foo(); addl $5, %eax
return 0; ret
• storage class in c
• visibility and location of variable
• variable from program in registry

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