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2IV60 Computer graphics

set 8: Illumination Models and

Surface-Rendering Methods
Jack van Wijk
OpenGL Illumination example
Glfloat lightPos[] = {2.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0};
Glfloat whiteColor[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
Glfloat pinkColor[] = {1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0};

glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); // Use smooth shading

glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); // Enable lighting
glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); // Enable light source #0

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightPos); // position LS 0

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, whiteColor); // set color LS 0

glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, pinkColor); // set surface

// color
glNormal3fv(n1); glVertex3fv(v1); // draw triangle, give
glNormal3fv(n2); glVertex3fv(v2); // first normal, followed
glNormal3fv(n3); glVertex3fv(v3); // by vertex

What is going on here?

Introduction 1
Illumination model:
Given a point on a surface, what is the perceived
color and intensity? Known as Lighting Model,
or Shading Model
Surface rendering:
Apply the Illumination model to color all pixels
of the surface.

H&B 17:531-532
Introduction 2
• Illumination model gives color
• Surface is displayed via
interpolation of these colors.

H&B 17:531-532
Introduction 3
• Physics:
– Material properties, light sources, relative
positions, properties medium
• Psychology:
– Perception, what do we see
– Color!
• Often approximating models
H&B 17:531-532
Light sources 1
Light source: object that radiates energy.

Sun, lamp, globe, sky…

Intensity I = (Ired , Igreen , Iblue)

If Ired = Igreen = Iblue : white light

H&B 17-1:532-536
Light sources 2
Simple model: point light source
- position P and intensity I
- Light rays along straight lines
- Good approximation for small
light sources

H&B 17-1:532-536
Light sources 3
Simpler yet: point light source at infinity
- Direction V and intensity I
- Sunlight

H&B 17-1:532-536
Light sources 4
Damping: intensity of light decreases with distance
Energy is distributed over area sphere, hence
Il = I / d 2 ,
with d distance to light source.
In practice often too ‘agressive’,
hence Il = I / (a0 +a1d+a2d2)

If light source at infinity: No damping with distance

H&B 17-1:532-536
Light sources 5
Directed light source, spotlight:
Light is primarily send in direction of Vlight .
If cos   cos l then Q is illuminated. Or :
If  Vlight  cos l then Q is illuminated.
 l
light cone
Vlight H&B 17-1:532-536
Light sources 6
More subtle: Let I decrease with increasing angle 
Often used : I l  cos n  I .
The larger n, the stronger the light decreases.

 l
light cone
Vlight H&B 17-1:532-536
Surface illumination 1
• When light hits a surface, three things can


H&B 17-2:536-537
Surface illumination 2
• Suppose, a light source radiates white light,
consisting of red, green and blue light.

If only red light is reflected,
absorption then we see a red surface.

H&B 17-2:536-537
Surface illumination 3
• Diffuse reflection: Light is uniformly reflected in
all directions
• Specular reflection: Light is stronger reflected in
one direction.
specular reflection

diffuse reflection

H&B 17-2:536-537
Surface illumination 4
• Ambient light: light from the environment. Undirected
light, models reflected light of other objects.

H&B 17-2:536-537
Basic illumination model 1
Basic illumination model:

• Ambient light;
• Point light sources;

• Ambient reflection;
• Diffuse reflection;
• Specular reflection.

I l , P of V

ka k a , k d , k s : reflection coefficients
kd k p  (k p,red , k p,green , k p,blue )
k s , ns

H&B 17-3:537-546
Basic illumination model 2
• Ambient light: environment light. Undirected light,
models reflected light of other objects.

I amb  k a I a

H&B 17-3:537-546
Basic illumination model 3
Perfect diffuse reflector: light is reflected
uniformly in all directions.

dA energy
Intensity 
projected area.

 dA / cos 
dA/cos   cos 

H&B 17-3:537-546
Basic illumination model 4
Perfect diffuse reflector: light is reflected uniformly in all directions.

dA N Lambert’s law:
Reflected energy is
proportional with cos , where
  denotes the angle between the

normal N and a vector to the light
dA/cos  source L.

H&B 17-3:537-546
Basic illumination model 5
Perfect diffuse reflector: light is reflected
uniformly in all directions.
Psource N Graphics model diffuse reflection :
Il k d I l (N  L) if N  L  0
I l,diff  
 0 if N  L  0
Psurf with 0  k d  1 and
Psource  Psurf
| Psource  Psurf |

H&B 17-3:537-546
Basic illumination model 6
Perfect specular reflector: light is only reflected in one
direction. Angle of incidence is angle of reflection.

 

H&B 17-3:537-546
Basic illumination model 7
Imperfect specular reflector: light is distributed in the
direction of the angle of reflection, dependent on the
roughness of the surface.

   

glad ruw H&B 17-3:537-546

Basic illumination model 8
Phong model: empirical model for specular reflection

I l , spec  W ( ) I l cos ns  ,
with W ( )  k s ,
ns  smoothness (1  ruw, 100  glad),
  V  : angle between N and L,
 : angle between R and V,
R : direction reflected ray of light
V : direction viewer

H&B 17-3:537-546
Basic illumination model 9
Phong model: empirical model for specular reflection

N  ns if V  R  0
 s l I ( V  R )
L R  and N  L  0
I l , spec 
  V  0 if V  R  0

 or N  L  0

H&B 17-3:537-546
Basic illumination model 10
Phong model: calculating the vectors

L R  L  ( 2N  L) N
L N R hence
V R  ( 2N  L) N  L

Pview  Psurf
| Pview  Psurf |

H&B 17-3:537-546
Basic illumination model 11
Phong model: variant with halfway vector H.
Use  instead of 
H H
L R |LV|

V I l , spec  k s I l (N  H ) ns

If light source and viewer far away:
H  constant.
H&B 17-3:537-546
Basic illumination model 12
All together:
I  I amb  I dif  I spec
 k a I a  k d I l (max(0, N  L))  k s I l (max(0, N  H )) n s

Multiple light sources :

I  ka I a  
l 1
k d I l (max(0, N  L))  k s I l (max(0, N  H )) n s

H&B 17-3:537-546
Basic illumination model 13
Color (reprise):
Light intensity I and reflection coefficients k: (r,g,b) triplets
So for instance: I dif , R  k d , R I l , R (max(0, N  L))

Plastic: kd is colored (r,g,b), ks is grey (w,w,w)

Metal: kd and ks same color

Basic model: simple but effective.

It can be done much better though…
H&B 17-3:537-546
Transparancy 1
Transparant object:
- reflected and transmitted
- refraction
- scattering

H&B 17-4:546-549
Transparancy 2
Snell’s law of refraction: sin  r  sin  i ,  : index of refraction
 i  
N T   cos  i  cos  r N  i L
 r  r
i i  Derivation : 
 
 Use Snell's law, 
 T.T  1, 
 
 T   N  cos r , 
 T  N   L, 
 and solve for  and  

r T
H&B 17-4:546-549
Transparancy 3
Thin surface:
- double refraction
- shift of light ray

H&B 17-4:546-549
Transparancy 3
Very thin surface:
- Discard shift
Simple model :
I  (1  kt ) I refl  kt I trans
0  kt  1
kt : transparancy
1  kt: opacity

Poor result for silhouette

edges… H&B 17-4:546-549
Atmospheric effects 1
Atmospheric effects:
- dust, smoke, vapor
- colors are dimmed
- objects less well visible

H&B 10-5:549-550
Atmospheric effects 2
Attenuation by atmosphere :
f atmo (d )  e  d , with
d : distance
 : attenuation factor
d  d min
Simpler : f atmo (d ) 
d max  d min

Perceived intensity :
I  f atmo (d ) I obj  [1  f atmo (d )]I atmo

= 0.25 + [ 1  0.25 ] H&B 10-5:549-550

Rendering polygons 1
Basic illumination model:
Can be used per point, but that’s
somewhat expensive
More efficient:
Illumination model gives color for some
Surface is filled in using interpolation of
these colors.

H&B 17-10:559-564
Rendering polygons 2
Constant-intensity rendering aka flat surface rendering:
• Determine color for center of polygon;
• Fill the polygon with a constant color.

Ok if:
• Object consists of planar faces, and
• Light sources are far away, and
• Eye point is far away,
• Polygons are about a pixel in size.

H&B 17-10:559-564
Rendering polygons 2
Constant-intensity rendering aka flat surface rendering:
• Determine color for center of polygon;
• Fill the polygon with a constant color.

Highlights not visible,

Facetted appearance, increased by Mach banding effect.
H&B 17-10:559-564
Mach banding
• Human perception: edges are given
emphasis, contrast is increased near edges.

Angel (2000)

H&B 17-10:559-564
Rendering polygons 2
Gouraud surface rendering:
• Determine average normal on vertices;
• Determine color for vertices;
• Interpolate the colors per polygon (incrementally).


N3 Nk
N1 NV  k 1

N4 k 1

H&B 17-10:559-564
Rendering polygons 3
Gouraud surface rendering:
• Much better result for curved surfaces
• Errors near highlights
• Linear interpolation still gives Mach banding
• Silhouettes are still not smooth

Gouraud Flat
Rendering polygons 4
Phong surface rendering:
• Determine average normal per vertex;
• Interpolate normals per polygon (incrementally);
• Calculate color per pixel.

Fast Phong surface rendering:

Like Phong surface rendering, but use
2nd order approximation of color over
I ( x, y )  ax 2  bxy  cy 2  dx  ey  f

H&B 17-10:559-564
Rendering polygons 5
Phong surface rendering:
• Even better result for curved surfaces
• No errors at high lights
• No Mach banding
• Silhouettes remain coarse
• More expensive than flat or Gouraud shading

H&B 17-10:559-564
Rendering polygons 5



H&B 17-10:559-564
OpenGL Illumination
Glfloat lightPos[] = {2.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0};
Glfloat whiteColor[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
Glfloat pinkColor[] = {1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0};

glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH); // Use smooth shading

glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); // Enable lighting
glEnable(GL_LIGHT0); // Enable light source #0

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, lightPos); // position LS 0

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_DIFFUSE, whiteColor); // set color LS 0

glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, pinkColor); // set surface

// color
glNormal3fv(n1); glVertex3fv(v1); // draw triangle, give
glNormal3fv(n2); glVertex3fv(v2); // first normal, followed
glNormal3fv(n3); glVertex3fv(v3); // by vertex

H&B 17-11:564-574
OpenGL Light-sources 1
First, enable lighting in general:

OpenGL provides (at least) eight light-sources:

lightName = GL_LIGHT0, GL_LIGHT1, … , GL_LIGHT7

Enable the one(s) you need with:


Set properties with

glLight*(lightName, lightProperty, propertyValue);
* = i, f, iv, or fv (i: integer, f: float, v vector)
H&B 17-11:564-574
OpenGL Light-sources 2
Position light-source:
Glfloat sunlightPos[] = {2.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0};
Glfloat lamplightPos[] = {2.0, 0.0, 3.0, 1.0};

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, sunlightPos);

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT2, GL_POSITION, lamplightPos);

• Fourth coordinate = 0: source at infinity

• Fourth coordinate = 1: local source
• Specified in world-coordinates, according to the current
ModelView specification – just like geometry. Hence, take
care when you specify the position.
• Light from above looks more natural
H&B 17-11:564-574
OpenGL Light-sources 3
Color light-source:
Glfloat greyColor[] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0};
Glfloat pinkColor[] = {1.0, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0};
Glfloat whiteColor[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, greyColor);

glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_DIFFUSE, pinkColor);
glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_SPECULAR, whiteColor);

• OpenGL light-source has three color properties, dependent on

reflection surface. Not realistic, can be used for special effects.
• If you don’t have ambient light, things often appear black.
• Colors are always 4-vectors here: Fourth coordinate is alpha.
Most cases: set it to 1.0.
• More settings: See book H&B 17-11:564-574
OpenGL Global Lighting
Global parameters:
glLightModel*(paramName, paramValue);
* = i, f, iv, or fv (i: integer, f: float, v vector)

Global ambient light:

Glfloat globalAmbient[] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0};
glLightModelfv(GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT, globalAmbient);

More precise specular reflection, take view position into account:


Two-sided lighting:

H&B 17-11:564-574
OpenGL Surface properties 1
Surface reflection parameters:

glMaterial*(surfFace, surfProperty, propertyValue);

* = i, f, iv, or fv (i: integer, f: float, v vector)

Glfloat emissionColor[] = {0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 1.0};

Glfloat diffuseColor[] = {0.6, 0.3, 0.1, 1.0};
Glfloat specularColor[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0};

glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_EMISSION, emissionColor);

glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuseColor);
glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT, GL_SPECULAR, specularColor);
glMaterialf(GL_FRONT, GL_SHININESS, 25.0f);

H&B 17-11:564-574
OpenGL Surface properties 2
If colors are changed often (for instance, per vertex):


for i = ...
for j = ...
glColor3f(red(i,j), green(i,j), blue(i,j));
glVertex3f(x(i,j), y(i,j), z(i,j));

H&B 17-11:564-574
OpenGL Surface properties 3
Transparent surfaces:
• First, draw all opaque surfaces;
• Next, draw transparent surfaces, back to front*, using
something like:

glColor4f(R, G, B, A); // A: alpha, for instance 0.40


... Draw transparent surfaces.

* OpenGL cannot automatically handle transparency, because of the
z-buffer algorithm used for hidden surface removal. More on this
later. H&B 17-11:564-574
OpenGL Surface properties 4
Color Blending (see also H&B: 135-136):
Source: the new graphics object to be drawn;
Destination: the current image built up.

(RS, GS, BS, AS): Source color + alpha

(RD, GD, BD, AD): Destination color + alpha
(SR, SG, SB, SA): Source blending factors
(DR, DG, DB, DA): Destination blending factors

Components of Source and Destination are weighted and added:

is stored in the current image. H&B 17-11:564-574
OpenGL Surface properties 5
(RS, GS, BS, AS): Source color + alpha
(RD, GD, BD, AD): Destination color + alpha
(SR, SG, SB, SA): Source blending factors
(DR, DG, DB, DA): Destination blending factors

glBlendFunc(sFactor, dFactor): specify the blending factors.

// Use alpha of source as transparency

// Use alpha of source as opacity

H&B 17-11:564-574
More options available for special effects.
OpenGL Surface-Rendering 1
glShadeModel(m): specify the rendering method
m = GL_FLAT or m = GL_SMOOTH (Gouraud,
glNormal*(Nx, Ny, Nz) : specify the normal vector
Smooth version:
Flat version:
glNormal3fv(nV); glNormal3fv(nV1);
glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES); glVertex3fv(V1);
glVertex3fv(V1); glNormal3fv(nV2);
glVertex3fv(V2); glVertex3fv(V2);
glVertex3fv(V3); glNormal3fv(nV3);
glEnd(); glVertex3fv(V3);
glEnd(); H&B 17-11:564-574
OpenGL Surface-Rendering 2
glShadeModel(m): specify the rendering method
m = GL_FLAT or m = GL_SMOOTH (Gouraud,
glNormal*(Nx, Ny, Nz) : specify the normal vector

glEnable(GL_NORMALIZE): Let OpenGL normalize the normals for

you. And, also take care of effects of
scaling, shearing, etc.

H&B 17-11:564-574

• Now that we know how to render curved

surfaces, let’s study how to define these…

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