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A paragraph is a short composition that deals
with a single idea or topic. It consists Of just a few
sentences. Paragraph writing is the foundation of all
prose composition.
Here are some paragraphs that will help you to
understand how they are written.
My Pet
Most of us have pets. Some of us have dogs and
cats while others have pets like fishes and birds.
I have a pet rabbit. Her name is Tipsy. Tipsy has
black fur all over her body but her paws are white.
She loves to eat carrots. I play with Tipsy when
I come home from school. TIPSY waits for me
patiently and never eats until I come and feed her.
Her long ears help her to hear my footsteps on the
stairs and she hops over to the door to greet me.
She is a very friendly rabbit. She likes to hide behind
the cupboard and surprise my mother. I love Tipsy
very much.
The Family
I live in a nuclear family. Nuclear families are small
families with around four members living together.
I live with my father, mother and little brother in
Mumbai. My father is a doctor and my mother is a
banker. Both of them are very busy, but they make
sure to spend time With me during Saturdays and
Sundays. They love me and my brother a live Bang an
elder sister, I take care of my brother He is a quiet, shy
kid and loves to play cricket I play come with my
mother on Saturdays. My father takes my brother for
his cricket practice. We visit our grandparents once a
year and sometimes they come to visit us. I love my
family a lot. I cannot imagine my life without the
support and love of my parents and my brother.
A railway station is a very busy place. Trains from
far and near come and go according to a ser time.
There are people who travel long distances with a
lot of luggage, while some prepare for a short daily
journey. The station is a lively place, bustling with
a lot of activity and noise. There are tea and food
stalls from where passengers can purchase food
items of their choice before they leave for their
journey. Announcements are made in a timely
manner to inform the passengers about the arrival
and departure of the trains and from which
platform they would be entering or leaving Most
trains have a lot of carnages. Some are air
conditioned while others are not. Some have chairs
while others have sleepers. One can find people
from all walks of life in a railway station. From the
coolies who help us with our luggage to people
attending business meetings or students going for
their excursion, the railway station is surely a
place of eclectic mix,
My favourite festival is Holi Holi is the Indian festival
of colours. It is celebrated during the onset of spring.
Legends say that Lord Krishna would play Holi with
his devotees during this festival. All of us enjoy
celebrating Holi as everyone throws colours on each
other. Everywhere you look, you will
find patches of red, blue, pink, violet, yellow
and green on the people as well as the
surroundings. Everybody is drenched with
colour. This colour is called gulal as it is mixed
with water. Some people use powdered colour
or abir. Sometimes they are made with
chemicals that can be harmful for our son.
Nowadays, we can find colours that are made
from flowers and natural ingredients as they do
not harm our hair, skin and eyes. We must take
care not to pollute the water bodies with
harmful colours. People play Holi from early
noon to late afternoons After that they clean
themselves and greet the elders by touching
their feet. This is why Holi is my favourite
festival as I get to have fun and get a chance to
show my love and respect for my elders

So you see that paragraphs have

(a) A definite beginning which
introduces the topic
(b) Then the paragraph describes
or talks about the topic in detail-
(c) And finally agood paragraphs
ends with a ftting conclusion-
Do remember these important
points when you write a

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