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Collection Call Model & Script

Microsoft Word
Opening MCA Calling Script Document

•Verifying customer
Identifying •Disclosing purpose of the call
Microsoft Word
SOE Calling Script Document

• Probing
Understanding • Attempt to establish Why & When for payment

ZIP Calling Script Microsoft Word

• Commitment for payment / part payment
Find sources of • Charges / Waiver information & offer pitched
money /

• IFYES – System is updated with suitable disposition Microsoft Word

If customer • IF No – Negotiation stage continues Code Of Conduct Document
promises to

Call is closed. Microsoft Word

Do's & Don't Document
MCAResolution Based on POS May-2024
Segments Total POS Resolved POS May'24 Monthend No
Bkt-1 37,85,29,344 33,53,84,349 88.60%
Bkt-2 4,10,69,194 18,31,860 4.46%
Bkt-3 2,53,32,519 3,30,929 1.31%
NPA 2,31,59,164 3,71,964 1.61%
Total 46,80,90,221 33,79,19,102 72.19%

MCAResolution Based on POS June 2024

Segments Total POS Resolved POS 3rd May Res%
Bkt-1 19,50,35,599 7,29,12,700 37.38%
Bkt-2 4,13,88,349 41,998 0.10%
Bkt-3 3,41,21,288 7,285 0.02%
NPA 4,57,99,230 57,896 0.13%
Total 31,63,44,466 7,30,19,879 23.08%
NPA Performance Till 6th May
NPA Total A/C Sum of POS Amount Collection % age
NPA(Cycl e-1) 15,489 9,40,98,545 5,54,253 0.59%
NPA(Cycl e-2) 12,232 8,57,08,861 17,53,803 2.05%
Total 27,721 17,98,07,406 23,08,056 1.28%

NPA Performance Till 3rd June

Cycle Count POS Amount Collection % age Target %age Target Remaining
Cycle 2 64,263 18,41,46,569 13,91,036 0.76% 3.00% 56,42,430 42,51,394
Cycle 1 14,922 9,27,63,313 1,88,830 0.20% 3.00% 27,82,899 25,94,070
Total 79,185 27,69,09,882 15,79,866 0.57% 3.00% 84,25,329 68,45,464
SOE BKT Performance
SOE BKT 1 Trend

Month Count POS (in Cr) POS Resolution Amt (Cr) POS Resolution %age Collection (in Cr)
Sep 10,862 35.04 22.61 64.53% 3.82
Oct 16,243 56.13 39.69 70.72% 3.76
Nov 7,847 32.89 24.30 73.87% 3.41
Dec 24,567 87.22 69.56 79.75% 11.25
Jan 26,176 96.67 77.93 80.62% 12.84
Feb 25,719 103.63 86.41 83.39% 14.19
Mar 15,193 51.55 45.59 88.45% 8.54
Apr 13,211 68.53 56.48 82.42% 7.61
SOE NPA Performance
ZIP BKT Same day previous month trend
ZIP BKT 1 Trend

Call Center Overview ZIP BKT1

Campaign March April May May- FTD
HC 61 61 61 40
Count of Cases 33,360 81,617 81,968 -
Principal Outstanding 27,03,27,880 46,89,78,271 51,15,32,902 -
Resolution% 41.99% 30.70% 38.51% -
ACR 547 1,338 1,344 -
Attempted Calls 7,93,752 13,43,009 79,327
Connected Calls 5,85,489 9,97,686 62,402
Answered Calls 93,852 1,70,446 9,186
Avg. Call Handle time 3:03:53 3:02:26 3:03:11 3:31:24
Avg. Talk Time 1:27:22 1:22:08 1:56:34 2:53:10
Avg. Idle Time 4:37:42 5:06:08 4:56:23 4:16:14
Campaign Connect % 73.76% 74.29% 78.66%
Campaign Answer % 11.82% 12.69% 11.58%
Call Center Overview SOE BKT1
Campaign March April May May- FTD
HC 24 24 23 17
Count of Cases 15,193 13,212 13,957 -
Principal Outstanding 51,54,70,103 68,52,70,607 59,58,82,730 -
SOE NPA Resolution% 88.45% 82.42% 78.83% -
Trend ACR 633 551 607 -
Attempted Calls 7,38,740 3,14,838 16,732
Connected Calls 4,85,089 2,19,731 12,672
Answered Calls 44,372 30,317 892
Avg. Call Handle time 3:09:56 3:08:25 3:02:26 1:06:43
Avg. Talk Time 1:32:20 1:32:16 2:22:08 0:49:01
Avg. Idle Time 4:49:11 5:00:38 5:50:08 6:08:47
Campaign Connect % 65.66% 69.79% 75.74%
Campaign Answer % 6.01% 9.63% 5.33%
Call Center Overview ZIP NPA
Campaign March April May May- FTD
HC 12 12 12 9
Count of Cases 32,533 27,721 79,453 -
Principal Outstanding 18,73,48,757 17,98,07,407 27,69,91,408 -
ZIP NPA Resolution% 1.00% 1.33% 0.67% -
Trend ACR
Attempted Calls
2,711 2,310
6,621 -
3,61,863 20,087
Connected Calls 2,40,400 1,76,888 12,415
Answered Calls 34,443 36,584 2,063
Avg. Call Handle time 3:30:59 3:33:49 4:14:38 4:17:26
Avg. Talk Time 1:51:41 1:51:21 2:55:19 2:58:20
Avg. Idle Time 4:33:26 4:50:02 4:04:51 3:57:42
Campaign Connect % 57.08% 48.88% 61.81%
Campaign Answer % 8.18% 10.11% 10.27%
MCA Trend

Call Center Overview MCA

Campaign March April May June June- FTD
HC 2 8 7 7 7
Count of Cases - 9,963 10,475 8,963 -
Principal Outstanding - 41,52,68,021 46,80,90,221 31,63,44,466 -
Resolution% - 69.15% 72.19% 23.08% -
ACR - 1,245 1,496 1,280 -
Attempted Calls 85,227 1,00,836 9,208 5,368
Connected Calls 62,127 72,804 8,001 4,678
Answered Calls 14,778 23,125 1,937 1,183
Avg. Call Handle time 3:08:13 3:16:21 2:55:48 2:53:24 3:01:53
Avg. Talk Time 2:14:06 2:21:47 2:17:59 2:27:39 2:36:17
Avg. Idle Time 4:00:22 4:28:04 5:10:44 4:23:31 4:13:14
Campaign Connect % 72.90% 72.20% 86.89% 87.15%
Campaign Answer % 17.34% 22.93% 21.04% 22.04%
COC Do’s


MOBIKWIK Code of conduct

The Code of Conduct provides strict guidelines on collection activities and behaviour to be followed
by all collection agencies & agent’s. The details of the Code of Conduct are provided as follows:-

DO’s of Collector:

Collectors / Agencies / Employees shall always:-

a. Be professional, honest and act within laws, regulations and MOBIKWIK policies;
b. Treat borrowers fairly and not mislead them.
c. Keep confidential borrower and MOBIKWIK information and material belonging to
suppliers. of MOBIKWIK to which they have access, from leaving the agency office.
d. Communicate with borrowers in a non-threatening and non-derogatory manner.
e. Respectfully decline any offer of gifts from borrowers, or agencies and report such instances to
his supervisor immediately.
f. Exercise only discretionary authorities that have been specifically delegated to them.
g. Act promptly, diligently, and in a manner which is legal, ethical and reasonable, and which is in
accordance with accepted business practice.
h. Inform MOBIKWIK or Agency upon detection or knowledge of any dishonest practices
within the Collection Agent’s workplace.
i. Ensure that all complaints received are made known to MOBIKWIK, and handled
promptly and Satisfactorily.
COC Don’t


MOBIKWIK Code of conduct

The Code of Conduct provides strict guidelines on collection activities and behaviour to be followed
by all collection agencies & agent’s. The details of the Code of Conduct are provided as follows:-

Don’ts of Collector

Collectors / Agencies / Employees shall not :-

a. Communicate with borrowers in a threatening or abusive manner.
b. Copy or duplicate borrower’s personal data or information, for personal reference or use.
c. Disclose any confidential data of the applicants or MOBIKWIK, to a third party.
d. Give any false report to MOBIKWIK.
e. Authorized to promise, fee discount or waiver of financial charges.
f. Manipulate any records performance records.
g. Communicate directly or indirectly with the media, regulators or any external party on matters
pertaining to MOBIKWIK.
h. Permit anyone to use his or her system passwords.
i. Misappropriate borrower’s money for personal use or use to fund another borrower loan.
j. Request borrower to send the payment on personal a/c or digital wallet.
Priority Calling Strategy ( ZIP & SOE)

Filter Level1 Level2 Level3 Level4 Level5 Level6 Filter Level1 Level2 Level3 Level4 Level5 Level6
Sl.No POS Slab Segment Decile Disposition Priority Dialer Disposition Dialer Disposition
Sl.No POS Slab Segment Decile Disposition Priority Dialer Disposition Dialer Disposition
1 POS Slab 100K-200K
1 POS Slab 25K & Above 1.1 1st Bounce
1.1 Seg3 1.2 1st EMI Bounce
1.2 Seg4 1.3 Risk Category Habitual Bounce, dpd <=15
Risk Category
1.3 Seg5 1.4 Habitual Bounce, dpd 15-30
1.4 Seg6 1.5 Infrequent Bounce
2 POS Slab 50K-100K
2 POS Slab 10K-25K
2.1 1st Bounce
2.1 Seg3 2.2 1st EMI Bounce
2.2 Seg4 2.3 Risk Category Habitual Bounce, dpd <=15
Risk Category "Agent "Agent
2.3 Seg5 "Agent Missed" 2.4 Habitual Bounce, dpd 15-30 "Agent Missed"
Abandon" - To be redialed
2.4 Seg6 - To be redialed 2.5 Infrequent Bounce
Decile Disposition Priority - To be redialed
Decile Disposition Priority - To be redialed 3 POS Slab 25K-50K before moving
3 POS Slab 2.5K-10K before moving before moving
before moving 3.1 1st Bounce to next POS Slab
3.1 Seg3 to next POS Slab to next POS Slab
to next POS Slab 3.2 1st EMI Bounce
3.2 Seg4 3.3 Risk Category Habitual Bounce, dpd <=15
Risk Category
3.3 Seg5 3.4 Habitual Bounce, dpd 15-30
3.4 Seg6 3.5 Infrequent Bounce
4 POS Slab 0-2.5K 4 POS Slab 0-25K
4.1 1st Bounce
4.1 Seg3
4.2 1st EMI Bounce
4.2 Seg4 Risk Category
Risk Category 4.3 Habitual Bounce, dpd <=15
4.3 Seg5 4.4 Habitual Bounce, dpd 15-30
4.4 Seg6 4.5 Infrequent Bounce

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