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Monday Session 1

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

Functional Skills 4748

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.

English Level 2
Introduction to FS
Reading strategies
Compare different texts

Skills for Life

Educational contract

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

• As a student I will: • As a lecturer I will:

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.

• Come to college with a positive attitude, • Show respect for each student
prepared to learn and succeed • Make efficient use of learning time
• Show respect for myself, my college and • Provide a safe and comfortable
other people
environment that is conducive to learning
• Show respect for college property at all
• Help each student realise his or her full
• Turn up on time and be prepared with pen,
• Enforce college classroom rules fairly and
paper, calculator, etc.
• Believe I can and will learn
• Demonstrate professional behaviour and
• Act appropriately for a college environment have a positive attitude

Skills for Life

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.
Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.
1. Why do you have to do Functional Skills English?

2. Why is English important in the construction industry?

3. What documents do you need to read in your job?

4. What might you have to write in your job?

5. Who might you have to talk to in your job?


Skills for Life

Learning Outcomes:

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.
Reading Strategies

• Understand the criteria for Functional Skills English.

• Identify the different situations when the main points are
sufficient and when it is important to have specific details.
• Compare information, ideas and opinions in different texts,
including how they are conveyed.

Skills for Life

Introduction to Functional Skills English

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.


Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.

Indicative pass


Pass mark as a


Skills for Life


Skills for Life


Indicative pass

Pass mark as a

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.

Skills for Life

Speaking, Listening and Communication

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.
Assessment criteria:
Identify and understand the main points, ideas
and details in texts (1-2 marks)

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

• Reading strategies

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.

Reading Strategies

• Skimming –
Gain an impression of the text subject.
What sort of text is it? What is it about?
• Scanning -
Look for particular information within the text
using key words or phrases.
• Read for detailed understanding -
Reading specific sentences or a paragraph

Skills for Life

to find answers to questions.
Task –Scanning Practice: Read the case study and
answer the questions.
TikTok teens film clip at 1. How many teenagers were there?

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

side of motorway 4

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.

Reading Strategies

2. What does the phrase ‘words of wisdom’

Four teenagers were caught attempting to film a TikTok clip
at the side of a motorway.

Officers interrupted the "dangerous" stunt and mean?

removed the group from the M1, near Barnsley,
on Monday. share knowledge and experience
National Highways said "stern words of
wisdom" were had, and the youngsters were
3. What did Russell Asquith say was illegal?
reminded that the motorway was "no place to
make TikTok videos". for pedestrians to be on the motorway
Team manager Russel Asquith said it was
illegal for pedestrians to be on any part of the
4. What word is used to describe the stunt?
motorway network.
Mr Asquith said: "The last thing we want is a
tragedy because someone has decided to walk
across or near to the motorway network."
Why is it important to use different reading

"Incidents on the motorway network involving

Skills for Life
pedestrians who have no reason to be there in techniques in exams?
the first place are not only tragic but also
Assessment criteria:
Identify the different situations when the main points are
sufficient and when it is important to have specific details.

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

1. According to the document, what is the most important step to take

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.

before beginning painting?
• Prepare walls / step 2 / walls in good state / walls should be clean, smooth and dry /
fill in any cracks
2. What does the word ‘renovate’ mean?
• Refresh / improve / change / make better / fix / repair / decorate / paint
3. Give two examples of words or phrases in the first paragraph that have
been used to make Proud Homes sound trustworthy.
• Any two from: (We’re the) experts / All the know-how / Everything you need to know
4. How many coats of wall paint would be needed for the dark colours
suggested in Step 1: Choose the colour?

• 3/three
Skills for Life
Assessment criteria: Compare information, ideas
and opinions in different texts, including how
they are conveyed (4-6 marks)

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.
• You will be asked to identify information that is common to
Reading Strategies

the two source documents.

• To explicitly compare and/or contrast information from both

source documents
• To explicitly compare and/or contrast how the author has
chosen to convey the information.

Skills for Life

Comparing & contrasting

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

Usually, the comparison will be pretty straightforward.

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.

and Contrast

You will briefly describe what the first text says about the topic. You
don’t have to include quotes; paraphrasing is fine.

Then use comparison words to explicitly link it to your description of

what the second text says about the topic.

Skills for Life

Compare and contrast words

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

Compare Contrast

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.

and Contrast

Means the same Means different

• ‘Similarly’ • ‘However’
• ‘Also’ • ‘In contrast’
• ‘Furthermore’ • ‘Whereas’
• ‘As well as’ • ‘Yet’
• ‘Agrees’ • ‘On the other hand’

Document one says… whereas document two says…


Both documents agree that… however document two also says…

Skills for Life
Compare and contrast

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

• Watch the video

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.

• Use the shopping forum document to compare different opinions.

• Model answer
Kerry thinks that people should buy things on the high street. She says
that the reason so many shops are closing down is because people are
buying too much online. On the other hand, Lisa thinks that times
change and even though it’d be nice to have local shops stay open it is
far quicker and cheaper to buy things online.

Skills for Life

Compare and contrast

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

1. Document 1 says don’t expect lasting change for at least 3 months. What are two things

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.

the author of Document 2 says that shows he disagrees with this?
• Two from:
• Try it for just one month and watch as your resolution becomes an unshakeable habit
• That’s how what starts as a resolution can become second nature in the blink of an eye
• In a matter of weeks you’ll create a lifestyle that will last forever!

2. Compare views from Document 1 and 2 on how interacting with other people can affect
success in keeping resolutions.

Skills for Life

2. Compare views from Document 1 and 2 on how interacting with
other people can affect success in keeping resolutions.

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

• Views from Document 1: • Views from Document 2:

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.

• Partnering up with someone can boost the • Some find it easier to meet targets if we do it with
likelihood of seeing things through. friends
• Joint planning helped people commit to • Some of us find more success when going it alone.
new exercise regimes. • Quiet time alone will give you the motivation you
• Starting something new with a friend need to succeed.
significantly increased motivation.
• Views from both documents:
• Doing it with friends can make you more likely to succeed.

Both documents say that it might be easier to achieve goals if you do it with someone else.
However, only Document 2 says some people find more success when going it alone.

Skills for Life

Check Point – Session 1

Accountable. Aspirational. Enjoyable.

1. How many marks are there for the Reading exam?

Inspirational. Integrity. Respectful.

End of session 1

2. List two reading strategies

Skimming, scanning, reading in detail
3. Explain when you would use one of the strategies
Skimming – what is the document about?
Scanning – look for key words or phrases to answer questions
4. What does compare and contrast mean?
Find similarities and differences in texts

Skills for Life

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