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Chatting in tech

Let's get it started

Look at the logos of 4 communication apps.
Can you identify all of them?
What can you say about each one? Which messaging apps do you use?
How is chat messaging different from emailing?
What does this quote mean to you?
Do you agree with the statement?

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can

listen twice as much as we speak.”

Epictetus, Greek Stoic philosopher

Let’s read some tips for
effective communication
Let’s read some tips for
effective communication
Fill in the sentences with the correct word

Open a link
What are your thoughts on these questions?
● When we communicate, what is more
important listening or talking?
● What is your biggest pet peeve when it
comes to work communication?
● Have you ever had to deal with issues
that occurred due to miscommunication?
What were they?
Some other tips, read them in a breakout room and discuss
Some other tips
Let’s work in groups on some more vocabulary

Open a link and match words to their meanings

Useful phrases

1. You want someone to clarify 2. You didn’t hear something

what they’ve said

● I don’t quite follow…. ● I didn’t catch that.

● I don’t fully understand… ● Could you repeat?
● I don’t get it… ● Can you say that again?
● Can you elaborate on that? ● Would you mind speaking more slowly?
● Could you be more specific?

3. You want to explain/clarify 4. You want to check if you understand

something you’ve already said what someone has just said

● Just to be clear, you’re suggesting that…

● In other words, …
● So, you’re saying that…
● To put it another way…
● If I understand you correctly…
● To be more specific….
● Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re saying
● Let me clarify that…
Let’s practise
What would you say in these situations?
Use the expressions from the table on the previous slide to complete these

1. A. First, you need to know the nuts and bolts of running a business.
B. ___________________
A: It means that you need to know at least basic details about running a business.

2. A:I’m going to finish this task soon.

B: _______.Everyone’s waiting for you.
A: Yeah, I’ll finish by Friday.
Let’s practise
What would you say in these situations?
Use the expressions from the table on the slide 8 to complete these dialogues.

5. A: Your name, please.

B: Jane Kowalski, K-O-W-A-L-S-K-I.
A: Sorry, __________. Would you mind speaking more slowly?

6. A: You should present the product, talk about all its advantages, give them the price and
make sure they buy it.
B: If I understand you correctly, I just need to sell it.
A: Yeah, ______, just sell it.
Let’s practise
What would you say in these situations?
Use the expressions from the table on the slide 8 to complete these dialogues.

5. A: Your name, please.

B: Jane Kowalski, K-O-W-A-L-S-K-I.
A: Sorry, __________. Would you mind speaking more slowly?

6. A: You should present the product, talk about all its advantages, give them the price and
make sure they buy it.
B: If I understand you correctly, I just need to sell it.
A: Yeah, ______, just sell it.
Extra vocabulary

Open a link and choose the correct alternative to

complete the phrases.
High time for video! :)
Now let's discuss it!

1) What is transactional model?

2) What are the reasons of
miscommunication? What
impacts on interpreting things
to each other?
3) Describe 5 practices for better

(listening vs hearing; eyes, ears, gut; 2-way

street; assume different perceptions)
Video task

Learn phrases and Watch a video, write down

unfamiliar words and answer the
words using Quizlet questions about it here.

Emails correspondence
- presentation
Bye, guys!

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