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Corporate Fraud

Corporate fraud is any illegal act or deception committed by an organisation or

an individual on behalf of an organisation, for personal gain or to benefit the

Types of Corporate Fraud
1 Accounting Fraud 2 Insider Trading
This involves manipulating This involves using
financial records to confidential information
misrepresent the financial about a company to profit
performance or position of a from buying or selling its
company. shares.

3 Corruption 4 Tax Evasion

This involves using power or This involves deliberately
influence for personal gain or avoiding paying taxes owed
to benefit a company, often by a company or individual.
through bribery or extortion.
Accounting Fraud
Types of Accounting Fraud Consequences Examples

1. Earnings Management Severe financial penalties, imprisonment, Enron, WorldCom, and Satyam
2. Asset Misrepresentation reputational damage, and loss of investor Computer Services.
3. Liability Misrepresentation
Insider Trading
Insider Information
An individual gains access to non-public information about a
company's performance.

Illegal Trading
They use this information to buy or sell shares of the company
before the information is made public.

Profit or Loss Avoidance

They profit from the price change or avoid potential losses.
Bribery Embezzlement
Offering or accepting something Misappropriation of company
of value to influence a decision. funds for personal use.

Using threats to force someone to give up something of value.
Tax Evasion
Hiding Income Failing to report all taxable

Inflating Expenses Exaggerating business expenses

to reduce taxable income.

Using Tax Havens Shifting profits to countries with

low tax rates.
Consequences of Corporate Fraud
1 Financial Losses
Companies and investors lose significant sums of money due to fraudulent activities.

2 Reputational Damage
Fraudulent actions can severely damage a company's reputation, making it difficult to attract
investors and customers.

3 Legal Penalties
Companies and individuals involved in fraud face severe legal penalties, including fines and

4 Erosion of Trust
Corporate fraud erodes trust in the financial markets and the business community.

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