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Abdallah Samer Mamdoh Alakhras

What I will say….
• ) definition
• ) type
• )classes & cause (men , women)
Primary Infertility

Secondary Infertility

Unexplained Infertility
Causes of
• Age
• Environment
• Eating
• Smoking
• CD
Infertility causes for men
• We can divide it into four groups :
• Pre-testicular factorDue to hormonal imbalances, the
testes are not fully developed or are unable to carry out
their function.
• Testicular factorTesticular disorders, whether congenital
(from birth) or acquired.
• Post-testicular factorIncluding abnormalities of the
seminal ducts, sexual impotence, or any kind of urinary
tract infection.
• Sperm disordersAll types of alterations in sperm
Pre-testicular factor

A blood test for hormone levels is the only

test that can detect pre-testicular causes of
male infertility.
Testicular causes
Post-testicular causes
Sperm factor
Female infertility
• Ovary problemsDue to either problems with
ovulating, or poor egg quality.
• Tubal factorDue to Fallopian tube problems,
which can prevent or hinder the passage of
the oocyte and the sperm
• .Cervical factorProblems with the cervix,
which can hinder or even block the pathway
of sperm toward the egg
• .Uterine factorUterine fibroids, uterine
adhesions, uterine abnormalities, poor
endometrial development...

•ultrasounds and hormonal blood tests to look for

potential pathologies that may be causing infertility in the
Tubal factor
Cervical causes
Uterine causes

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