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Effect of Nuclear Pollution

Made by: Vijay Singh Mankotia

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What Is Nuclear Pollution
Nuclear pollution is the pollution that contains
radioactive elements. Nuclear Pollution may
be in the air, water or on land. Nuclear
Pollution can come from a variety of sources .
E.g.- Nuclear fission ,Radioactive mining, Nuclear
Fuel reactor materials, Nuclear power plants
Nuclear Power Plant
• It is used to generate electricity.
• It used nuclear elements as heat source in
plants which works on the nuclear fission.
• The energy we get from 1gm of pure Uranium
Is equal to energy received from the burning
Of 3500 tonnes of coal.
Effects of Nuclear pollution
Nuclear Radiation seriously effects
the life on Earth
 Explosion from the Nuclear
bombs does two type of
I. Directly from blast
II. Dispersal of Radioactive
Radiation Doses and Health
Determining the point at which the exposure
or dose becomes a hazard to health.
– 5,000 mSv is considered lethal in 50% of
– 1,000-2,000 mSv sufficient to cause health
– 50 msv maximum allowed dose for
workers in the industry (30 times aver.
natural background)
Nuclear Power Plant Accidents
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
– Sets performance goal for a single
reactor at 0.01%
– If there were 1,500 plants a melt down
could be expected every seven years
– Unacceptable risk
Three Mile Island
Occurred March 28, 1979 near
Harrisburg, PA
– Malfunction of a valve resulted in
partial core meltdown
– Intense radiation released to interior of
containment structure
– Small amount of radiation released
into environment
Occurred April 26, 1986
• Worst accident in history of nuclear power
• Failure in cooling waters
– Reactor overheated melting the uranium fuel
– Explosions removed top of building
– Fires produced a cloud of radioactive particles
 30 km zone surrounding Chernobyl evacuated
– City of Prypyat, pop. 48,000 at time of accident,
now a ghost city.
– Thyroid cancer increased in Belarus, Ukraine and
the Russian Federation
– Trees and vegetation damaged
– Ultimately be responsible for 16,000 deaths

Occurred March 11,2011

•One of the three main worst Nuclear
power plant accidents.
•Failure of the Reactant coolant due to
•20 km zone around Fukushima
Affects the human as well as Aquatic
Hiroshima And Nagasaki

Around 80,000 people were affected

• The effect is still there

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