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Prepared by : Dr. Irynne D. Cabanban

Mrs. Mary Grace O. Gutierrez
Faculty, School of Nursing
Expected Date
of Confinement (EDC)

Also known as EDD – Expected Date of

EDC is a calculation of the expected/
estimated date of confinement or
delivery of an expected mother by using
any of the ff.methods:
a) Naegele’s Rule ( based on LMP, for
women with regular menstrual period )
b) McDonald’s Rule ( based on fundic
height, for women with irregular
menstrual period)
Naegele’s Rule

is a standard way of calculating the due date for a

pregnancy. It is named after Franz Karl Naegele (1778-
1851), the German obstetrician who devised the rule.

 the calculation begins at the first day of the last

menstrual period
 from the date go back 3 months
 add 7 days to the last date
 add 1 to the year
 This formula ( + 1 to year , - 3 to months and +7 to
days )
is use if LMP falls from March 25 to Dec. 31)

Naegele’s Rule

Example : Woman’s LMP is May 8, 2009

Year Month Day
2009 5 8
+ 1 -3 +7
2010 2 15 ( Feb. 15, 2010 is the EDC)

 If the LMP falls within January 1 to March 24, the formula use is
+ 9 to months and + 7 to days

Example : LMP is March 12, 2010

Year Month Day

2010 3 12
+ 9 + _7 EDC is Dec.
19, 2010
2010 12 19
1) Mrs. M visited Paltoc health center , according to her the last
day of menstruation was
January 28, 2018. The student nurse was asked to compute
Mrs. M’s Expected date of
A) Show your solution and encircle final answer
2) Mrs . X ‘s last menstruation period was Dec . 14, 2017. The
expected date of confinement will be ?
A) Show your solution and encircle final answer

3 ) First day of the last menstrual period of Mrs Yu was June 27,
2018. Compute for her EDC
A) Show your solution and encircle final answer
McDonald’s Rule
The Mc Donald’s rule estimates EDC based on fundic
height . It is used if the woman has a history of irregular
menstrual periods and does not know the first day of her
last menstrual period. It is not as accurate as using
Naegele’s rule, but does give some idea of how far along
she is now and then can determine the due date from

Steps in Measuring Fundic Height :

1. Encourage the woman to empty her bladder if she has
not done so in the last 30 minutes.
2. Position the woman in a dorsal recumbent position
with her legs extended.
3. Consider placing a small pillow under the right
buttock if the gravid uterus is of a size likely to 8
Measurement of Fundic height
4.Ensure that examiner’s hands are
clean and warm,
5. Place the zero mark of the tape
measure at the uppermost border of
the symphysis pubis. Run the tape
measure along the midline of the
woman’s abdomen to uppermost
border of the uterine fundus.
6. To locate the fundus the hand is
moved down the abdomen below the
xiphisternum until the curved upper
border of the fundus is felt.
7. Measure the fundic height in
and document.
McDonald’s Rule

Take the fundi height measurement and

a) AOG in Months = ____cm. X 2/7 = ____ months
how far along at present is the pregnancy and then determine

Example : Client visited the health center on June 6, 2018. Marie

measured the fundic height to determine AOG in months
Fundic Height Measurement = 21 cm. Compute for AOG in
months and then estimate the EDC
Solution :
21 cm X 2 = 42 = 6 months AOG at present
The woman’s due date in 3 months time ( EDC) 10
McDonald’s Rule
b. Computation of AOG in weeks
Formula : Fundic height in cm x 8/ 7 = AOG in weeks

Mrs . B fundic height was taken on May 12 , 2017, How far

along at present is the pregnancy and then determine EDC

AOG in Weeks = 21 cm. X 8 = 168 = 24 weeks AOG

The woman’s Due date in 14 weeks time (EDC)
McDonald’s Rule

Test Yourself . Compute for AOG in weeks and in

months . The 3 clients consulted the Mauway Health
Center on July 24, 2019

Client A : fundic height of 7 cm

Client B: fundic height of 12cm
Client C : Fundic height of 25 cm

Age of Gestation
Gestational Age is calculated from the first day of the mother’s last menstrual period and
not from the date of conception.

Note : Birth normally occurs at a gestational age of 37 to 42 weeks. Childbirth occurring before 37 weeks of
gestation is considered preterm, fetus could survive at 24 weeks is usually considered "viable" or fetus weighing
more than 400 grams.

Example : The client visited the health center on January 25, 2019. According to her , the LMP was
Sept 14, 2018. Compute for the AOG in weeks based on the LMP.

Age of gestation in weeks : # of Days / month

Sept : 16 ( since we have 30 days in Sept. remaining days until Sept 30
from LMP is 16 days (30-14 (LMP) )
Oct : 31
Nov . 30
Dec . 31
Jan . 25 ( date of visit in health center)
total: 133 days divided by 7 (constant ) = 19 weeks AOG
If you want to know the AOG in months just divide AOG in weeks by 4
Therefore : 19 divided by 4 = 4.75 that is 4 months and 3 weeks AOG in months

Example 2. Mrs. C visited Malawak Health Center on March 28, 2018

Her LMP was reported as November 18, 2017
Compute for her AOG a) in weeks b. ) in months
Solution: a) AOG in weeks : November : 12 b. ) AOG in months: 18.6 wks
divided by 4
December : 31 = 4 months, 2weeks and 6
Jan. : 31
Feb : 28
March : 28
Total: 130 days / 7 = 18.57 = 18 weeks and 6 days
( rounded off to nearest decimal
1) Based on the LMP compute for the AOG in weeks
Mrs . Z visited the East Rembo Health Center on Nov. 24,2019.
Based on history,
her last menstruation was last June 11, 2019.

2) Based on the LMP ,compute for the AOG in months

Mrs. J visited the Pinagbuhatan Health Center on July 14, 2018 for
her prenatal
check –up. According to her last menstruation was from Jan. 5 -11,

Thank you !!!

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