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Economic System

Natural Monopoly

01 02 03 04

Capitalistic Socialistic Mixed Economy Natural

Economy Economy Monopoly
The Capitalistic
The capitalistic economic systems are based on the concept of free markets. In other
words, there is very little government interference. The government exercises little
control over resources, and it does not interfere with important segments of the economy.
Features of Capitalism Merits of Capitalism Demerits of Capitalistic
Economy Economy Economy

1. Spirit of enterprise. 1. Inequalities of income

 Private Property.
2. Incentive for technologic
 Right Of Inheritance. and wealth.
 Freedom Of Enterprise and 3. Efficient use of 2. Class Struggle.
Occupation resources. 3. Economic instability.
 Freedom Of Choice for 4. Incentive for capital 4. Misallocation of
consumers. formation. resources.
 Price Mechanism. 5. New consumer goods. 5. Wastes of capitalist
6. Flexibility and production.
 Competition.
adaptability. 6. Emergence of monopoly
 Profit Motive. 7. Automatic Working.
 Self- Interest. power.
8. Economic Freedom
 Minimum government 9. Increase in production 7. Neglect of social welfare.
interference. and standard of living. 8. Domination of economic
10. Expansion of values.
The Socialistic Economy

The socialist economy is defined as an economic system in which the production

are owned by the entire society and operated by public authority according to a
general economic plan for the benefit of Is defined as in which the means of
production are owned by the entire society and operated by the entire country.
Features of Socialism Merits of Socialism Demerits of Socialism

1. Better allocation of 1. Difficulties involved in

1. Socialistic ownership resources
of productive the rational allocation of
2. Fuller utilization of
resources. resources resources.
3. Elimination of economic 2. Loss of efficiency .
2. Economic Planning.
instability. 3. Loss of incentives.
3. Social welfare as 4. Equitable distribution of 4. Lots of consumers
motivating force. income sovereignty.
4. Economic activity. 5. Elimination of class struggle 5. Concentration of
6. Provision of Social Security
5. Classless Society. .
economic and political
6. Elimination of 7. Increase in productive power.
competition. efficiency . 6. Loopholes in the
8. Rapid economic growth. planning process.
9. More production of
necessity than social goods .
Capitalistic Economy Socialistic Economy
1. Economic resources are 1. All economic resources are
owned by private owned by the State.
individuals. 2. There is loss of economic
2. Producers, resource freedom about consumers'
choices and allocation of
owners and consumers are
resources by individuals.
free to take economic 3. All important economic
decisions. decisions are taken by the
3. Price or market central planning authority.
mechanism is the basic 4. Competition of all types is
coordinating mechanism eliminated in a socialistic
4. Competition is an essential economy.
5. It is a state-regulated
part of a capitalistic
The Mixed
Economic system
A mixed economy is an economy which combines the elements of both
the capitalistic and socialistic economy . Is an attempt to include the best
features of both the free enterprise economy and control socialistic
economy with a while excluding the demerits of both. Under a Mixed
Economy, the private and public sectors coexist.
Features of Mixed Merits of Mixed Demerits of Mixed
Economy Economy Economy

1. Coexistence of public 1. Proper allocation of 1. Conflict between

and private sectors . resources public and
2. Coexistence of 2. Economic Stability. private sector.
capitalistic and 3. Advantages of market
2. Short lived
socialistic features. economy.
3. Economic planning . 4. Rapid economic nature.
4. Regulation and control development. 3. Inefficient
of the private sector. 5. Check on concentration operation.
5. Promotion of social of economic power.
4. Poor
welfare. 6. Economic and political
6. Role of price freedom. performance of
mechanism. the public sector.
7. Profit motive. 5. Excessive
8. Preservation of Regulations.
What Is Natural Monopoly? How Does A Monopoly
• Monopolies occur when one business
A natural monopoly is the type of retains the majority of a market's Government And Natural Monopoly
monopoly that occurs when an customers.
industry’s high infrastructural • In a monopoly, the seller has no The government allows natural
costs and other barriers make it competition because they're the only
monopolies to exist but regulates
difficult for new firms to enter. ones who provide what they're
offering. them to ensure fair pricing and
• This also occurs when there's no adequate services
available substitute for the product or A common carrier provides public
service. access to its services without
Sources Of Natural discriminating among customers..
Examples Of Natural Monopoly
The sources of monopoly power • Telephone phone lines are natural
include economies of scale, monopolies because the cost of
locational advantages, high sunk setting up and maintaining
costs associated with entry, restricted transmission lines is quite high.
ownership of key inputs, and • Railways: Not only are their huge
government restrictions, such as capital costs in railways but there
exclusive franchises, licensing and are also limited resources in the
certification requirements, and industry, making it a natural
patents. monopoly.
Presented By Aayat Farid
Department :Economics

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