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Grace of Shekinah School

Welcome to

Let's bow our heads and feel the
presence of our Lord.

Security and
According to the Philippines’
Republic act No. 10175
or the cybercrime prevention act of 2012
● Cybersecurity is the collection of
tools, policies, actions,
practices, and technologies that
can be used to protect the cyber
According to the Philippines’
Republic act No. 10175
or the cybercrime prevention act of 2012,

●It also defines cyber as any

computer or computer network, the
medium in which online
communication occurs.
Computer system
Is any device or group of
interconnected or related
devices that performs
automated processing of
Information Security
or data Security, is the
preservation of information or
computer data’s
confidentiality, integrity, and
with these Definition, smartphones and other
types of mobile phones are also considered as
computers and computer system that are also
part of the cyber environment. on the other
hand, calculators, while they are considered
as computers in the other uses, may not fit
in this definition because they do not carry
a storage facility or communications

What is Malware?
Malware, short for Malicious software, is
a program that do unwanted actions or
damage an operating system in a seamless
manner, with the intent of harming the
computer or user. it is a product of
cybercrimes, particularly by data
interference and system interference.
The Following are the different types
of Malware

• Virus
•Trojan horse or Trojan
Virus is a program written to
enter to your computer and
damage/alter your files/data. A
virus might corrupt or delete
data on your computer. Viruses
can also replicate themselves.
Worms can be transmitted via software
vulnerabilities. Or computer worms could
arrive as attachments in spam emails or
instant messages (IMs). Once opened, these
files could provide a link to a malicious
website or automatically download the
computer worm. Once it’s installed, the worm
silently goes to work and infects the machine
without the user’s knowledge.
Sometimes a computer worm’s purpose is only
to make copies of itself over and over —
depleting system resources, such as hard
drive space or bandwidth, by overloading a
shared network. In addition to wreaking havoc
on a computer’s resources, worms can also
steal data, install a backdoor, and allow a
hacker to gain control over a computer and
its system settings.
Trojan Horse or Trojan
A Trojan acts like a legit
application or file to trick you.
It seeks to deceive you into
loading and executing the malware
on your device. Once installed, a
Trojan can perform the action it
was designed for.
Trojan Horse or Trojan
A Trojan is sometimes called a
Trojan virus or a Trojan horse
virus, but that’s a misnomer.
Viruses can execute and replicate
themselves. A Trojan cannot. A
user has to execute Trojans.
Spyware is loosely defined as malicious
software designed to enter your computer
device, gather data about you, and forward it
to a third-party without your consent.
Spyware can also refer to legitimate software
that monitors your data for commercial
purposes like advertising. However, malicious
spyware is explicitly used to profit from
stolen data.
Whether legitimate or based in
fraud, spyware’s surveillance
activity leaves you open to data
breaches and misuse of your private
data. Spyware also affects network
and device performance, slowing down
daily user activities.
Adware is software that
displays unwanted (and
sometimes irritating) pop-up
adverts which can appear on
your computer or mobile
Adware typically ends up on a user’s device through
one of two ways:
● You might install a free computer program or app
without necessarily realizing that it contains
additional software that contains adware.

● Alternatively, there may be a vulnerability in

your software or operating system which hackers
exploit to insert malware, including some types of
adware, into your system.

Best Practices
against Cybercrime
and Malware
Best Practices against Cybercrime and malware

1.Report issue to the web admin.

2.Always log out.
3.Use anti-malware defenses
4.Regularly scan for viruses.
5.Avoid visiting suspicious sites
6.Always scan external storage devices
7.Clear history
8.Backup your files
9.Strengthen your password.
10.Never download content from unverified sources
11.Use two-step verification
Best Practices against Cybercrime and malware

1.Report issue to the web admin.

if you find yourself a victim of cybercrime,
immediately report the issue to the web admin,
particularly the site where the cybercrime
occurred. if you see anyone committing
identity theft online, specially on social
media, report this to the web administrator
Best Practices against Cybercrime and malware

2. Always log out

Never leave your account logged in
specially when you are going away.
this will prevent security
breaches such as illegal access
Best Practices against Cybercrime and malware

3. Use anti-malware defenses.

Install antivirus software and
setup a firewall.
Best Practices against Cybercrime and malware

4.Regularly scan for viruses

A weekly or even daily check up of
your files and programs will help
clean up or delete infected files
from your computer.
Best Practices against Cybercrime and malware

5. Avoid visiting suspicious sites

Viruses often come from these
websites consider blocking access
to these websites.
Best Practices against Cybercrime and malware

6. Always scan external storage

before opening the contents of a
storage devices in your computer,
scan first for malware. never use a
storage device that you just picked
up from somewhere
Best Practices against Cybercrime and malware

7. Clear your History

clear your browsing history, your
cookies, cache, and data after using
a computer. do this when you use a
public computer. this way, you
protect your privacy and personal
information from being stolen
Best Practices against Cybercrime and malware

8. Backup your files.

have a hard drive where you can
regularly backup your files. this is
a precaution so that if your computer
needs to be rebooted for any reason,
your files are secure from loos of
Best Practices against Cybercrime and malware

9. Strengthen your passwords.

When creating passwords, never use a
recognizable word. always use a combination of
letters and numbers. your password must vary
for different accounts. never use your
birthday or any other personal information as
your password. most importantly, never reveal
your password to anyone
Best Practices against Cybercrime and malware

10. Never download content from unverified


make sure to download from official

distributors, manufacturers, or
creators. if you use a smartphone,
avoid downloading from third-party
Best Practices against Cybercrime and malware

11. use two-step verification

this security feature adds another

layer of protection in your accounts
by asking a verification code what
will be sent to your second devices
or phone after you attempt to log in.
Other Guidelines
While the aforementioned guidelines help protect
you from cyber attacks, the following guidelines
will help keep you from violating the cybercrime
prevention Act.

1.Never Read chat messages that are not yours

2.Always verify the source of information
3.Never spread false information
4.Never malign the dignity or reputation of
“Never allow anyone
else hold the pen as
you write a story of
your life” -Aileen H. Abelgos

Thankyou Class!

Goodluck, Be safe and God Bless.

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