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Write R for reality and F

for fantasy. Good for
numbers 1 and 2 only.
1. Rapunzel once lived and
married to a handsome man
and become the king of Ranjin
2. The sun sets in the
3. If people continue to burn and throw
their garbage. The effect will
A. Polluted surroundings
B. Clean and fresh air .
C. Healthy people in the
4. We must always be true and faithful
citizens. We must be loyal to our
country and to our flag. Which of the
following has the same meaning as
faithful in the second sentence?
a.must c. flag
b. loyal d. country
5. Tabat family _____ to
Boracay last year.

a.go c.
b. went d. going
6. People cut down trees so denuded forest
flooded during heavy rainfall. This sentences
is ________________.
7. Martha got low scores in Math so she study
her lessons in math and do advance reading
to cope with her low scores. This sentences is
8. Identify the following
stereotype below.
All girls are behave.
a.Gender b. age
c. Cultural c.groups
9. Mother goes to supermarket
every week.
The underlined word is an adverb
of ______.
a. manner b. place
c. time d.
10. Father goes to his office every
The underlined word is an adverb
of ______.
a. manner b. place
c. time d.

Read the following sentences

carefully and choose the letter
with the best answer.
1. We live in a beautiful planet called

This statement is a _________.

a. falsity b.
c. undefined d. reality
2. Our Teachers _______ us how to
solve Mathematical equations

a. taught c. teaches
b. teach d. will teach
3. Our school _________ the Unit Meet
last 2019 .
a. host c. hosts
b. hosted d. will host
4. We _________ to Boracay next month .

a. go c. goes
b. went d. will go
5. A printed publication that is usually issued
daily or weekly consisting of folded unstapled
sheets which contain news, feature articles,
advertisements and correspondence.

a. magazine c. newspaper
b. journal d. textbook
5.A propaganda technique that uses
ordinary people or family using the
product to relate to the masses.

A. Glitering generalities
B. Name Calling
C. Bandwagon
D. Plain Folks
6.A propaganda technique that uses
survey to show most people is using the
A. Glitering generalities
B. Name Calling
C. Bandwagon
D. Plain Folks
7. Trisha loves to watch the television show
“Entertainment Live.” As her hobby, she also
collects limited editions of “People Magazine.”
What do you think is common between these
television shows and the magazine?
A. Both are viewed on television.
B. Both are interactive to their consumers.
C. Both use still pictures and images.
D. Both feature well-known personalities.
8. Because he fails her test he make sure to pass
his output on time to cope with his failing scores.
The text structure of statements is ___________.
A. cause and effect
B. compare and contrast
C. problem and solution
D. discussion/argument
8. Mario never fails to end the school year with
flying colors because of his diligence and
dedication towards his studies. The text structure
of statements is ___________.
A. cause and effect
B. compare and contrast
C. problem and solution
D. discussion/argument
8. Mario never fails to end the school year with
flying colors because of his diligence and
dedication towards his studies. The text structure
of statements is ___________.
A. cause and effect
B. compare and contrast
C. problem and solution
D. discussion/argument
9. I am always doing my assignment and
participating in the discussion _______ I
will always learn my lesson and have
good grades.

a. but c. so

b. because d. and
10. Complete the sentence using a
conjunction. My parents work hard for
us ________ they are preparing for our

a. but c. so

b. because d. and

Read the following selection

and answer the questions that
My sisters and I have fun at home
during rainy days. When it rained
yesterday, we staged a singing contest at
home. Father was the judge. Mona,
Lisa and I were the contestants.
Everything went well until Lisa forgot
the next line of her song.
She tried hard to recall the lines but
not a word came to her mind. After a
few minutes, Father struck the gong and
Mona went up. Lisa ran out of the
room and cried.
1. Who struck the gong?

A. I C.
B. Mona D. Lisa
2. Who was the first performer

A. I
B. Mona D.
3.What happen to Lisa?
A. She sings the song beautifully. B.
She forgot the next line of her song.
C. She was not able to sing. D.
She finished singing the song well.
4. Why did Lisa cry?
a. The gong was struck.
b. She forgot her lines.
c. She’s afraid to sing.
d. She won the contest
4.Which of the following used the
correct plural form of the noun baby?
A. The lady’s are cleaning.
B. The ladies’ are cleaning.
C. The ladie’s are cleaning
4.Which of the following used the
correct plural form of the noun lady?
A. The lady’s are cleaning.
B. The ladies’ are cleaning.
C. The ladie’s are cleaning
5. If you are not familiar of the word you are
writing, you will likely to misspell. What is
the meaning of the word misspell?
a.wrongly spelled
b.correctly spelled
c. did not spell
d. Spelled again
6. Because of the favorable weather,
mothers_______ their laundry in the
A. wash B.
C. washed D. will wash
7. My tito and tita love to cook delicious
food for us. ____ like cooking “adobong
manok” very much.
A. They C. We
B. She D. Them
7. Mother takes care of us, ____
always make sure we are safe.

A. he C. we
B. she D. they
8. Albert feels very tired helping mother
and father clean the garden. What is the
adverb of place in the sentence?

A. Feels C. garden
B. clean D. tired
9. Sequence the following
procedure on how to cook
I. Then, lower the fire enough to cook the
II. Last, cooked rice is ready to be
III.Next, wash the rice and pour as
IV.First, put the desired amount of
rice to cook.
10. Sequence the following
procedure on how to cook
scrambled egg:
I. Place the beaten eggs into the
pan and wait until medium
II. Take the cooked scrambled egg
out the pan and serve.
III. Place enough seasonings and
beat the eggs thoroughly.

IV. Crack the eggs and pour the

egg yolks and egg whites into the

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