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Interface Push button/Digital sensors

(IR/LDR) with Raspberry Pi, write a
program to turn ON LED when push
button is pressed or at sensor detection.
Components required
• Raspberry Pi 3 setup with monitor and USB
Mouse & Keyboard
– Checkout this guide if you need help
• One LED
• One 330 Ohm resistor
• Jumper wires
• Breadboard
• Push Button

Jumper wire



Push Button
Circuit Diagram
Steps for Circuit
• For hardware configuration of the above circuit diagram, we will
first connect the Raspberry Pi 4 and a LED on the breadboard:
• After this, we will connect the push-button(either of two legs or
four legs) on the breadboard:
• Then we will connect a cathode terminal of LED and any leg
terminal of push-button to the series short terminal of the
breadboard, and connect this short terminal of the breadboard
with the ground pin of Raspberry Pi 4:
• Connect the anode terminal of the LED with the GPIO pin 4 of
Raspberry Pi 4:
• In the last, connect the remaining second terminal of the push-
button with the GPIO 17 pin of the Raspberry Pi 4:
Python code
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #import RPi.GPIO module
import time
LED = 40 #pin no. as per BOARD, GPIO18 as per BCM
button = 37
GPIO.setwarnings(False) #disable warnings
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) #set pin numbering format
GPIO.setup(button, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
GPIO.setup(LED, GPIO.OUT)#set GPIO as output

while True:
button_state = GPIO.input(button)
if button_state == False:
• from gpiozero import LED
#imports LED functions from gpiozero library
from gpiozero import Button
#imports Button functions from gpiozero library

led = LED(4)
#declare the GPIO pin 4 for LED output and store it in led variable
button = Button(17)
#declare the GPIO pin 17 for Button output and store it in button variable

while True:
#initiated an infinite while loop
#use the built-in function of the button to wait till press
#turn on the led
#use the built-in function of button to wait till release
#turn off the led
Import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
From time import sleep
GPIO.setup(13, GPIO.OUT) #Button
GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.OUT) #LED
State = 0
While True:
Input = GPIO.input(13)
If (input == False): #have to press button to work
If (state == 1): #this is on so led will start in off
GPIO.output(22, True)
State = 0
elif (state == 0): #led will start at this position which is off
GPIO.output(22, False)

State = 1
• Step 1 Insert LED into the Breadboard. ...
• Step 2 Insert a 220 ohm resistor. ...
• Step 3 Insert the button. ...
• Step 4 Connect pin 13 to the LED. ...
• Step 5 Connect the resistor to ground. ...
• Step 6 Connect the push button to pin 7. ...

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