c++ Session 9

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Data Structures

(or Structures)
Java has no structure
Data Structures
• A data structure is a group of data elements
put together under one name.
• These data elements, known as members, can
have different types and different lengths.
• Data structures can be declared in C++ using
the following syntax:
Declaring Structures
• struct type_name {
member_type1 member_name1;
member_type2 member_name2;
member_type3 member_name3;
} object_names ; //can be ignored
• There should be a semi column at the end
• Where type_name is a name for the structure
• object_name can be a set of valid identifiers
for objects that have the type of this structure.
• Within braces {}, there is a list with the data
• Each one is specified with a type and a valid
identifier as its name
struct product {
int weight;
double price;
} apple, banana, melon; //are object variable
//The object variables can be ignored
struct product {
int weight;
double price;
} ; //no object variable declared
This declares a structure
struct product {
type called product.
int weight;
It defines product as having
double price; two members: weight and
} apple, banana, melon; price each of different data
The declaration creates a
new type (product) which is
used to declare three object
(variables) of type apple,
banana, and melon.
Another way of declaring the objects if
ignored in the structure definition
struct product { This declares a structure
int weight; type called product.
double price; It defines product as having
}; two members: weight and
price each of different data
product apple; type.
product banana, melon; The declaration creates a
//they can all be on a new type (product) which is
straight ling used to declare three object
(variables) of type apple,
banana, and melon.
struct Automobile struct Automobile
{ {
int year; int year, doors; //list
int doors;
double horsePower;
double horsePower;
char model;
char model;
}; };
// you can combine
member names of the
same type into a single
list separated by comers
Variables of a structure type can be declared the
same way as variables of other data types
struct Automobile
int year, doors; //list
double horsePower;
char model;
Automobile my_car, your_car;
//variables of type Automobile
Accessing members
• Once the three objects of a structure type are
declared (e.g. apple, banana, and melon) its
members can be accessed directly
• The syntax for that is simply to insert a dot (.)
between the object name and the member
struct product { apple.weight
int weight; apple.price
double price; banana.weight
}; banana.price
product apple; melon.weight
product banana, melon; melon.price
//they can all be on a
straight ling
Initializing an object (order is important)
#include <iostream>
int main()
#include <string> {
using namespace std; person pers ={"Jeff Kent", 25};
//person pers ={25, “Amanda Boro”}
struct person //won’t work
{ cout<<"Outputting person data "<<endl;
string name;
int height; cout<<"Your name is "<<pers.name<<"
and height is "
}; <<pers.height<<endl<<endl;
Outputting person data
} Your name is Jeff Kent and height is 25
Given the structure and structure variable

struct CDAccount What is the type of each of the

{ following?
double balance; account.balance
double interest_rate; account.interest_rate
int term; account.term
char initial1; account.initial2
char initial2; CDAccount.term
}; Saving.initial1
CDAccount account; account
Given the structure and structure variable

struct CDAccount What is the type of each of the

{ following?
double balance; account.balance//double
double interest_rate; account.interest_rate//double
int term; account.term // int
char initial1; account.initial2 //char
char initial2; CDAccount.term//illigal
}; Saving.initial1//undeclared
CDAccount account; account//CDAccount
Find the output produced by the following code.
struct shoeType {
char style;
double price; A ¢ 99
}; A ¢ 11
Int main(){
shoeType shoe1, shoe2;
shoe1.style = ‘A’;
shoe1.price = 99;
cout<<shoe1.style<<“ ¢”<<shoe1.price<<endl;
shoe2.style = shoe1.style;
Shoe2.price= shoe1.price/9;
#include <iostream> person pers;//object
#include <string> cout<<"Enter person's name: ";
using namespace std;
cout<<"Enter height: ";
struct person
{ cout<<"Outputting person data
string name; "<<endl;
int height;
}; cout<<"Your name is "<<pers.name<<"
and height is "
int main() <<pers.height<<endl<<endl;
#include <iostream>
#include <string> Example
using namespace std;
cout<<"Outputting person data "<<endl;
const int MAX = 3; cout<<"==================="<<endl;
struct person
for(int x=0;x<MAX;x++)
string name;
cout<<"Person no. "<<x+1<<"s name is "
int height;
<<pers[x].name<<" and height is "
int main() }
person pers[MAX];//object is array
for(int x=0;x<MAX; ++x)
cout<<"Enter person's name: ";
cout<<"Enter height: ";
// example about structures
#include <iostream> cout << "Enter title: ";
#include <string> getline (cin,yours.title);
cout << "Enter year: ";
using namespace std;
struct movies{ mystr = yours.title;
string title; yr = yours.year;
int year; cout<<endl<<endl;
} mine, yours;
cout << "My favorite movie is:\n ";
int main ()
Cout<<“ year is ”<<mine.year;
string mystr;
int yr;
cout << "And yours is:\n ";
mine.title = "2001 A Space Odyssey"; cout<<yours.title;<<“ and
mine.year = 1968; ”<<yours.year;
return 0;
struct movies{ struct movies{
string title; string title;
int year; int year;
} movies mine, } mine, yours;
your; //not allowed // allowed

struct movies{ struct movies{

string title; string title;
int year;
int year;
}; movies mine;
movies mine, yours; movies yours;
// allowed // allowed
• This is a function that is automatically called
when you attempt to create an instance of an
• Default constructor
• You need not write a constructor. If you don’t,
the default constructor is called
#include <string>
using namespace std; The person's name is Adams Smith his
const int man = 3; height is 45

struct Person
string name;
int height;
name = "Adams Smith";
height = 45;
int main()
Person p;
cout<<"The person's name is "
<<p.name<<" his height is "<<p.height;
#include <string> Example
using namespace std;
const int man = 3;
The person’s name is
height is 2003767650
struct Person Default is called because p
string name;
was not initialized
int height;
int main()
Person p;//default constructor is
cout<<"The person's name is "
<<p.name<<" his height is
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int man = 3; The person’s name is Ait student his height is 24

struct Person
string name;
int height;
int main()
Person p;
p.height = 24;
p.name = "Ait Student";
cout<<"The person's name is "
<<p.name<<" his height is "<<p.height;
#include <string>
using namespace std;
const int man = 3;
The person’s name is February
height is 25
struct Person
string name;
int height;
int main()
Person p= {"February",

cout<<"The person's name is "

• The code int val[]={13,27,39,110};
• cout << val[4] << endl; was embeded in a correct c++
program, explain why it would not run.

• Write a code using val[x] to display the value 110 in “a”
above. Please note that x is an integer
• Explain the term “flow control” in c++. List the types of flow
controls available
• The code “ if (Chelsea = 17) ; ” was embedded in a correct c+
+ programme. Explain why it would not run and correct it to
run. NB: do not write a programme, just correct the code.

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