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Architecture of Salesforce Project :


Object 1 User1
Profile 1
Tab 1

Object 2 Profile 2 User 2

Tab 2 Application

Tab 3
Object 3 Profile 3 User 3
Apps in Salesforce
• Apps in Salesforce is little more than a container for all of the objects, tabs and other functionality.
• It is a group of tabs that works as a unit to provide application’s functionality.
• It consists simply of a name, a logo and an ordered set of tabs.
• The simplest app contains only one tab i.e the Home Tab and a default logo.

There are basically 2 types of Apps in Salesforce:

Standard Apps:
• The apps which comes with every instance of Salesforce by default.
• It includes App Launcher, Call Center, Community, Content, Marketing, Sales, Salesforce Chatter and
• These apps can be customized according to the needs and requirements of an organization.
• The label, description and logo of a standard app can’t be changed.

Custom Apps:
• The apps which are built to meet the specific business needs & requirements of an organization.
• Custom apps can be made by grouping standard as well as custom tabs.
• Logo in custom apps can be added and they can be changed after that also.
Scenario :
Create the Job Recruitment Application.

Path :

Setup------Quick find box------App------App Manager----------New Lightning App

Objects in Salesforce
Employee Table/Employee Object


Employee ID Name Salary Date of Joining

Record 1 2345 Rajiv 25000 25-03-2021
3387 Sanjiv 22000 01-02-2022
Record 2


Table----------------🡪 Object
Column--------------> Fields
Row-------------------> Records
Types of Objects
1. Standard Object
• Salesforce provided objects.
• We can not create the salesforce standard objects.
• It contains standard fields but as per business requirement we can create custom fields as well.
• The API name is same as the name of object
• Example: Account Contacts, Lead etc
• We Can't delete the salesforce standard objects.

2. Custom Object
• The object which you created as per business requirement.
• We can create custom object using two way:
• 1. Manual object creation
• 2. Using Spreadsheet
■ 3. Schema builder
• It contains standard fields (Last modified By, Owner etc) and we can create custom fields as per
business requirement.
• The API name of object end with __c.
• Example: Position__c, Review__c etc.
• We Can delete the salesforce custom objects.
Scenario :
Create the Job Recruitment Application and Create the following Objects in Salesforce org.
• Position
• Job Application
• Candidate
• Review
• Job Posting
• Employment Web Site
Types of Fields
1. Standard Fields
• Salesforce provided Fields.
• We can not Edit the salesforce standard Fields.
• The API name is same as the name of Fields
• Example: Last modified By, Owner, NAme etc
• We Can't delete the salesforce standard Fields.

2. Custom Fields
• The Fields which you created as per business requirement.
• We can create custom object using two way:
1. Manual Fields creation
2. Using Schema Builder
• The API name of Fields end with __c.
• Example: Position_Name__c, Review__c etc.
• We Can Edit and delete the salesforce custom Fields.
Read only and Auto gerated fields

Relational Fields

Other Regular used fields

Field Properties :
External ID :
For each object that can have custom fields, you can set up to 25 custom auto-number, email, number, or text fields
as external IDs. An external ID field contains record identifiers from a system outside of Salesforce.
You can use an external ID field to update or upsert records using the API. When using the API or the Data Import
Wizard for custom objects and solutions, you can use this field to prevent duplicates by also marking the field
as Unique

Unique :

If checked, prevents duplicate field values.

For text fields, you can control whether values that are identical except for their case are considered unique. Select Treat
"ABC" and "abc" as duplicate values to enforce case-insensitive uniqueness, or select Treat "ABC" and "abc" as different
values to enforce case-sensitive uniqueness.
Required Fields :
Makes the field required everywhere in Salesforce. Not available for external objects.
You must specify a default value for required campaign member custom fields.
Don’t assign default values to fields that are both required and unique, because uniqueness errors can result.
See Require Field Input to Ensure Data Quality. Except the Checkbox

Allow in Report Type :

Custom objects and fields Limit
It depends on the salesforce edition :

Salesforce Personal Group Professional Enterprise Unlimited Developer

Edition Edition Edition Edition Edition Edition Edition

Custom Objects NA 50 50 200 2000 400

Custom fields 100 100 100 500 500 500

per object
Record Types
• Record types in Salesforce helps you to configure different business processes, assign page layouts, and
picklist values.
• Salesforce Record types can be linked to user profiles. There can be different page layouts and picklist values
based on record types.

Here is list of some important use case of using record types in salesforce:

1. Displaying different page layouts for one object based on business requirements.
2. Showing different picklist values based on the requirements.
3. Restrict field access on layouts based on record types and page layouts.
Mini Page Layout
1. It appear in the mini view of the Agent console, hover details, and event overlays.
2. A mini page layout contains a subset of the items in an existing page layout.
3. Mini page layouts inherit record type and profile associations, related lists, fields, and field access settings from their
associated page layout.
4. The visible fields and related lists of the mini page layout can be further customized, but the other items inherited
from the associated page layout can’t be changed on the mini page layout itself.

Compact Layout
A compact layout displays a record's key fields at a glance in the Salesforce mobile app, Lightning Experience, and
in the Outlook and Gmail integrations.

Comfy View:
“Comfy” -> Lower Density View
Comfy: a spacious view with labels on the top of fields and more space between page elements.

Compact View
Compact" -> Higher Density View
Compact: a denser view with labels to the left of fields and less space between page elements.

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