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4 Points Road Infographic

Option One
The team should conduct a proof
Option Three
of concept.
The team should create a visual

Option Two
The team should start by Option Four
outlining the milestones. The team should monitor the
process efficiency.

Arrow Step Infographic

Setting Business Goals
A business model is nothing more than a blueprint that explains how a company aims to
make money. It explains who your customer base is, how you provide value to them, and the financial
numbers that go along with it. The business model canvas allows you to define all of these elements
on a single page.A business model is nothing more



A business model is nothing more A business model is nothing more A business model is nothing more A business model is nothing more
than a blueprint that explains how a than a blueprint that explains how a than a blueprint that explains how a than a blueprint that explains how a
company aims company aims company aims company aims
make money. It explains who your make money. It explains who your make money. It explains who your make money. It explains who your
customer base is, how you provide customer base is, how you provide customer base is, how you provide customer base is, how you provide
value to them, and the financial value to them, and the financial value to them, and the financial value to them, and the financial
numbers that go along with it. The numbers that go along with it. The numbers that go along with it. The numbers that go along with it. The
business model canvas business model canvas business model canvas business model canvas

W W W. R E A LY G R E AT S I T E . C O M

Create a business case Obtain project

PROJECT Define project objectives,
Identify project
Conduct a feasibility study
outlining project benefits, authorization and establish
scope, and success criteria and assess project viability
INITIATION stakeholders costs, and risks project governance

Estimate resource
Develop a project charter, Identify and assess project
PROJECT including goals, Break down the project
Define project activities, requirements, including
risks and develop a risk
dependencies, and human resources,
PLANNING deliverables, and into manageable tasks
sequencing equipment, and materials
management plan

Manage project
Manage resources
PROJECT Assign tasks and
effectively and ensure
Monitor project risks and Maintain communication documentation, including
responsibilities to team take appropriate actions to with stakeholders and version control and record
timely completion of tasks
mitigate them provide project updates keeping

Conduct regular project

PROJECT Monitor project progress Track actual project costs Review and analyze Identify deviations from
status meetings and report
against the project and compare them to the project performance the plan and take
MONITORING schedule budget indicators and metrics corrective actions
progress to stakeholders

Celebrate project
Complete project Conduct a project review Transition project outputs
PROJECT deliverables and obtain or evaluation to assess to the operational team, if
Define project objectives, completion and recognize
scope, and success criteria the contributions of team
CLOSURE formal acceptance from project success and lessons applicable
stakeholders learned
Week 3
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Week 4
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