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Radio station Management

How to Manage a Radio Station. Managing a broadcast radio station

involves dozens of complex tasks. The general manager of a medium or
large market station has to oversee all the departments and keep track of
everything from the station budget to Federal Communication
Commission regulations(PEMRA)
Just as in any friendship, the relationship between the listener and the radio
station depends on a mutual understanding, an agreement on shared
interests and social attitudes. Everyone involved in producing material for,
or marketing, the service should understand these underlying values. How a
station is branded, marketed and how its core values are established
Station Manager
The one who is Being responsible for the day-to-day running of radio
Setting the station objectives and motivating and leading staff to ensure
they are met
Role of Station Manager
be able to generate original ideas, and to think creatively about how to
communicate them
have excellent presentation and communication skills, complemented
by diplomacy
possess strong business and finance skills
exercise sound editorial judgement
He/she must be able to lead with confidence and decisiveness
And also to coach and develop talent in others
be able to give and receive constructive feedback and manage
have knowledge of the radio market, different station and programme
styles, and audience demographics
be able to work calmly effectively under pressure, react quickly, and
meet tight deadlines
be able to manage creative teams and encourage acceptable risk-taking
have knowledge of the law, ethics and industry regulations around radio
understand when it is necessary, and how to acquire, the relevant
clearances and licenses, including copyright and music clearances
understand the requirements of the relevant health and safety
legislation and procedures
have strong IT skills, including word processing and data handling
Create a budget for the station. Develop a financial plan by meeting with
the owner, accounting department and other department heads to
determine how funds should be allocated and what to expect in terms
of revenue from the sales staff and other employees
Deal with complaints from listeners and advertisers. If any disc jockey
make a remark that riles an important advertiser or a particular
segment of program. Always be prepared for controversy, especially if
you manage a talk-oriented radio station.
Station Managers are responsible for the day-to-day running of radio
stations. They lead the management team and ensure that the key
objectives of the station are met in terms of output, audience or revenue.
They help to determine the station’s objectives and it is then their job to
provide leadership and motivation to station staff to ensure they are met.
Station Managers are responsible for recruiting and retaining employees,
managing staff welfare and morale and establishing the station's culture.
They are responsible for internal communications with staff as well as
external communications, representing the station at a local level and
building relationships within the community.
In commercial radio the job title Station Director may also be used. In
some organisations, a Regional Director may be responsible for more
than one station.
In the BBC, the job title Editor, Local Radio is used for local Station
Managers who may be supported by Assistant Editors. The BBC's UK-
wide radio networks are led by a Controller supported by a
management team.
In commercial radio, the focus of the Station Manager's role is sales: maximising
revenue for the station and managing its budget and resources. Their role is
interdependent with the Programme Controllers or Directors who have day-to-day
responsibility for programming. In BBC Local Radio, Station Managers or Editors have
editorial responsibility for all programming output, as well as managing the station's
finances, but they are supported in this by Assistant Editors.
Experience is the key requirement of this job. In most cases managers
just have Bachelors degree but they have intense experience .He must
has experience in radio sales over a number of years, working at a
number of different stations and organizations.
The responsibilities of a station manager depend on the type and size of the station.
Managers at smaller operations perform multiple roles that may even include on-air
work. Managers working in larger markets or at consolidated firms with several stations
in one building may have more confined duties. College radio station managers are
usually faculty advisors who oversee station operations in addition to teaching

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