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Anchoring for Radio News

To prepare for a news shift that will keep

anchor on air for two or three hours ,
anchors typically write and rewrite
Anchors have to assemble two hours
material ,including live copy, recorded
reports, feature and commercials
Producer of the news must focus on
sounds. Sounds are different from
soundres which are short musical IDs or

An actuality is a brief statement made by someone

other than station personnel, such as newsmaker or
eye witness. Its recorded in the field on a battery
operated recorder or at the station by way of a
cellular phone

A reporter records an opening that leads

into an actuality, which is followed by
the reporter’s closing comments

A voicer is a report from a field

reporter, usually sent to the station
by a cell phone

It’s a report on breaking event. Its usually

broadcast live, but may also be taped for
incorporation into later broadcast
Raw sound

This is also called news noise.

Protesters chanting or funeral music
Reporters listen to the sounds with
which he will work and write
introduction and ending statement
First ,reporter will make decision
about editing the actualities, voicers
and wraps with which he will work
AS reporter listen to each tape, he will decide
about various segments he would like to use on
newscast. Some of these will have been edited by
field reporter, a news writer or an other newscaster
During off-peak hours, such as in the middle
of the night or on the weekend, presenter
most likely rely on recorded stories
prepared by others.
Most recordings used in newscasts are
edited electronically .Some telephone
recorded interviews caused noise for news
The general nature of each actuality is
listed under SUBJECT and the end cues
allow the anchor to pick up immediately
when cut ends
In preparing for a newscast , one must has
a fairly accurate idea of the no of lines or
page he will read in allotted time.
To project the amount of time it will take
to read copy ,count number of lines on a
typical page .usually newscaster read
15 seconds=4 lines
30 seconds=8 lines
45 seconds=12 lines
Time chart is useful only for developing a
sense of the relation between space and
time. Experience reporters can prepare
newscasts without conscious thought

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