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PROJECT TITLE:- Improving data utilization and institutional for evidence

based decision making

REGION: Oromia, Health Facility: Haramaya General Hospital

prp by Harif A(M.Sc.)

May, 2023
Background of Haramaya General Hospital
Haramaya Hospital is found in East Hararghe; Oromia
National Regional state; 507Km from Finfinne and 18 km
from Harar town
 It is established in 2005 Ethiopia calendar.
 It was upgraded from health centre
Then in 2009 it was expanded to a zonal hospital by the
Regional Health Bureau.

haramaya general Hospital cluster 1st Q report prp by HA

 Now the Hospital have more than 172 beds and giving
health service for two towns and four districts for more
than 1.4 million people and also there is 27 Health centers
in the catchment and two lead health centre
 It has 340 employees; 186 health Professionals and the
rest supportive staff

haramaya general Hospital cluster 1st Q report prp by HA

 On averages Daily 320-460 patients visit OPD
 It has specialty in psychiatry, eye, ART clinic, Youth
friendly service ,ophthalmic clinic, and TBL among other
services and also four referral clinic
 To promote quality service effectively the hospital has fully
utilized all health reform core processes, namely
CaTCH-IT, HSTQ, IPD initiatives and EHAQ/EBC
haramaya general Hospital cluster 1st Q report prp by HA
Organization’s Mission, Vision, Scope of
 Mission
Haramaya General Hospital plays a basic role to reduce morbidity, mortality and disability and improve the health
status of Haramaya hospital catchment population through providing and regulating a comprehensive package of
preventive, promotive, rehabilitative and basic curative health services via a decentralized and democratized health
 Vision
To see healthy, productive, and prosperous Haramaya Hospital catchment population
Problem identification and prioritization Matrix
SN Lists of problems Prioritization criteria Rank
identified magn Feasibility Importance Total
Poor data utilization 3 3 4 10 1
Report inconsistency 3 2 2 7 3
Unregularity of PMT 2 2 4 8 2
Problem statement (prioritized for improvement)

 Us we assessed in our hospital there is poor Data Utilization for evidence based decision making 63.7%
of health professionals utilized HMIS for decision purpose
Aim Statement

 The Aim of these project is to improving our Hospital based data utilization and
institutional from 63.7% to 95% start from May 11, 2023 to March 30, 2024 for
evidence based decision making.
Cause and effect
 Data management skills,  No routine PMT meeting and feedback
 inadequate supervision and feedback,  No Staff meeting and motivation on their
 performance
Inadequate resources, and
 Incomplete data , Poor quality data, Late produced
 inadequate capacity building
data and Information not well organized
 lack of analytic and data use skills  No using HMIS data for target setting,
 No friendly format for reporting and no timely
managers provide regular feedback to their staff  routine performance of the health management
 Poor provisions of technical supports,0 information system
 shortage presence of computers,
 No the practice of conversion of data into
information, residence, data
management knowledge,

 workload, and computer skill

5-step method, we can identify the level of data
utilization for a single function
P of PDSA…
Measurement Plan /data collection plan
Process/Change idea Data source Data collection Time Responsible for
(Where) method (how) (When)
% Of data recording tools Register and Questioner and From May Chart audit team
completeness report observation 2022 to May, with Quality
2023 committee
% Of staffs trained on HMIS Register and Questioner and “ Chart audit team
report observation with Quality
% Of supportive supervisions Register and Questioner and “ Chart audit team
and feedbacks given report observation with Quality

Consistency of data between registers and Register and Questioner and “ Chart audit team
reports report observation with Quality

Register and “ Chart audit team

% of report report with Quality
timeliness committee

 Test your change ideas one at a time

 Use Run chart to monitor your QI project over time.

 Describe the measured results and how they compared to the predictions and baseline

 Here describe what modifications to the plan will be made for the next cycle from what
you learned (Adapt, Adopt, Abandon)

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