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Stress, Illness & Coping

What is Stress?
• The term ‘stress’ means many things to many
different people.
• A layperson may define stress in terms of pressure,
tension, unpleasant external forces or an emotional
• Contemporary definitions of stress regard the external
environmental stress as a stressor (e.g. problems at
work), the response to the stressor as stress or distress
(e.g. the feeling of tension), and the concept of stress
as something that involves biochemical, physiological,
behavioral and psychological changes.
• Researchers have also differentiated between
stress that is harmful and damaging (distress)
and stress that is positive and beneficial
• In addition, researchers differentiate between
acute stress such as an exam or having to give
a public talk and chronic stress such as job
stress and poverty.
Sources of Stress
• The events that relate an impact
towards a person life can safely
be said as life events.

• There are two categories of life


I. Normal life events.

II. Cataclysmic events.
Major Life Events such as;

• The death of a loved one

• Divorce
• Loss of a job
• Moving to a different country
• Increase in financial obligations
• Getting married
• Moving to a new home
• Chronic illness or injury
Natural disasters like;
• earthquakes
• volcanic eruptions
• Flood
• Tornados
• landslide

Cataclysmic isn't just for describing natural disasters — personal

disasters can be called cataclysmic as well if you want to
emphasize just how badly something turned out
Models of Stress
• Cannon’s fight or flight model
• Selye’s general adaptation syndrome
• The Diathesis–Stress Model
Cannon’s fight or flight model
• One of the earliest models of stress was developed by Cannon
(1932). This was called the fight or flight model of stress, which
suggested that external threats elicited the fight or flight response
involving an increased activity rate and increased arousal.
• He suggested that these physiological changes enabled the
individual to either escape from the source of stress or fight.
• Within Cannon’s model, stress was defined as a response to external
stressors, which was predominantly seen as physiological.
• Cannon considered stress to be an adaptive response as it enabled
the individual to manage a stressful event. However, he also
recognized that prolonged stress could result in medical problems.
Selye’s general adaptation syndrome
• Selye’s general adaptation syndrome (GAS) was developed
in 1956 and described three stages in the stress process
(Selye 1956).
• The initial stage was called the ‘alarm’ stage, which
described an increase in activity, and occurred immediately
the individual was exposed to a stressful situation.
• The second stage was called ‘resistance’, which involved
coping and attempts to reverse the effects of the alarm
• The third stage was called ‘exhaustion’, which was reached
when the individual had been repeatedly exposed to the
stressful situation and was incapable of showing further
The Diathesis–Stress Model
• The diathesis–stress model suggests that some
individuals are vulnerable to stress-related
diseases because either genetic weakness or
biochemical imbalance inherently predisposes
them to those diseases.
Diagnosing Stress
Stress Test
• https://sleepcouncil.org.uk/take-our-stress-test/
Stress Management
Washington Survey
Emotional Diffusing
Stress Diary
• regularly record
information about the
• causes of stress in
more detail
• the levels of pressure at which you operate most
• how you can improve the way you manage stress
The Art of Dialectical Behavior Therapy:
Distress Tolerance
Relaxation Techniques
• Progressive Muscle Relaxation

• Deep Breathing Exercises

• Massage Therapy

• Yoga

• Music Therapy
Yanni – If I Could Tell You..\467.mp3

Weightless (Marconi Union)

The sounds on this video are carefully
arranged harmonies, rhythms & bass lines that
help slow a listener's heart rate, reduce blood
pressure & lower levels of the cortisol stress

According to Neuroscientists this song reduces

stress & anxiety by 65%
Time Management
• Get structured & organized
• Set short term goals
• Set long term goals
• Use a planner:
▫ daily schedule & “To Do” list
Cognitive (Thoughts) / Cognitive
One negative thought
leads to another………..
then another………..
then another …..
Pretty soon you have ruined your entire life

• Identify negative thinking & irrational beliefs

• Teach thought-stopping techniques

• Prayers
• Help others
• Spend quiet time every day
• Be thankful
• Think positively
• Put your faith to work!
Diet & Nutrition
• Cut down on sugar, caffeine, processed foods
• Eat nutritiously: all food groups, especially
fresh fruits & veggies
• Eat a little every couple of hours or so
• Eat slowly
Mandala Painting
Art Therapy
• Blow Paint with Straw
• Cotton ball painting

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