5 APM S Fall 21 Advertising Campaign Mgt

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Advertising Campaign

Chapter Five

Advertising Management
Chapter Overview
• Choosing an advertising agency
• Roles of advertising personnel
• Advertising campaign management
• Advertising research
• Advertising goals
• Advertising Budget
• The Creative Brief

Advantages of In-House versus Outside Agency

Advantages of In-House Advantages of Outside Agency

• Lower costs • Greater expertise

• Better understanding of products • Outsider’s perspective
• Faster ad production • Access to top talent
• Works closer with CEO

Budget Allocation Considerations

• 75% Media buys

• 15% Creative work (agency)
• 10% Ad production

External Communication Agencies

• External Communication Agencies are:

1. Advertising agencies
2. Direct marketing agencies
3. Consumer and trade promotion specialists
4. Online and digital social media agencies
5. PR ( Public Relations) Agencies

Selecting an Advertising Agency

Selecting an Advertising Agency Steps:

1. Setting goals
2. Selection Criteria
3. Screening initial list of applicants ( keep the most interesting)

Choosing an Agency
1. Goal Setting
Goals must be set before contacting agencies in order to
provide direction and reduce biases.
Examples of goals:

Improve customer relationship

Enhance global brand awareness
Increase online exposure

Choosing an
2. Selection Criteria

The following are the selection criteria for choosing an advertising

1. Size of the agency
2. Relevant experience of the agency
3. Creative reputation
4. Production capabilities
5. Personal chemistry
Choosing an

3. Screening Initial List of Applicants

Only two or three agencies must be chosen in order to provide

a convincing presentation that will allow one of them to take
the advertising project.

Advertising Campaign Management

Advertising Campaign Management Steps:

1. Advertising research
2. Advertising objectives
3. Review advertising budget
4. Select media
5. Prepare creative brief

Advertising Campaign Management

1. Advertising Research
Advertising companies generally offer two types of research- customized
and syndicated.
1. Customized research refers to conducting a research that is directly
related to the company’s own specific brand, products …etc. It is
usually conducted by marketing research companies and the results
are provided only to their the client involved. (Checking the brand
awareness of NIVEA in south India.)
2. Syndicated research is a research study which is conducted and
funded by a marketing research company. This type of research is not for
any specific client. Anyone could buy it as a secondary data from
marketing research companies. (Testing trends, habits of specific
segment …etc.) 11
Advertising Campaign Management

2. Advertising Goals

Advertising Goals are the tasks which advertising is supposed to

accomplish within a restricted time frame.

a. Build Brand Awareness

b. Provide Information
c. Persuasion
d. Support Marketing Efforts
e. Encouraging Action
a) Build Brand Awareness
Advertising Goals

• Brand awareness helps consumers recognize a particular

• Successful branding leads to brand equity that helps the
brand stays on the top of the consumers minds and be their
top choice.

b) Provide Information
Advertising Goals

Providing information to specific target markets is one of the main

goals of advertising.

c) Persuasion
Advertising Goals

Persuasive advertising attempts to influence first

time consumers to purchase goods or services.
It is also used to remind existing customers consider
more to purchases.

d) Support Marketing Efforts
Advertising Goals

Advertising aims also at supporting marketing efforts by

communicating the company's special offers, new product designs
and attributes …etc.

e) Encouraging Action
Advertising Goals

Advertising can also encourage customers to take actions such

as: visiting retailer's website / outlet or contacting the company
by email or phone.

Advertising Campaign Management

3. Review advertising budget “Media Strategies”

The main Advertising Media Strategies are:
1. Continuous Media Pattern refers to continuous timing pattern used
in a media plan whereby equal amounts of spending are allocated to
all time periods of the schedule.
2. Pulsing is a continuous advertising pattern in which there is
variation of media spending in the media schedule. There are
periods in which the spending is notably heavier than others.

3. Flighting is a timing strategy where ads or commercials are run

during a period (called a flight) followed by a period of no
advertising (called a hiatus)(Pause)
Advertising Campaign Management

4. Select Media

The selection of the media depends on target market

Media-usage habits.
Advertising Campaign Management

5. Prepare creative brief

A creative brief is a document produced by the client “business

customer” in order to inspire the advertising agency creative team
and provide a guide line throughout the project.
Advertising Creative Brief

The advertising brief must contain the following main points:

1. The objective
2. The target audience
3. The message theme
4. The support
5. The constraints
Advertising Creative Brief
1. The Objective

The objectives of this supermarket retail advertising is to

communicate the brand low prices and good value strategy in to
increase sales.
Advertising Creative Brief
2. The Target Audience

The target market could be for example: females, 13-30,

who enjoy sports and have an active life style…etc.
Advertising Creative Brief
3. The Message Theme

The message theme in advertising aims at highlighting certain results

or feelings customers will be getting by using a specific product or
Comfort is a theme is generally used in package holidays , cars etc.
Beauty: This theme is generally expressed for the beauty products,
cosmetics etc.
Happiness theme is used by Coca-Cola.

Advertising Creative Brief
4. The Message Support

The message support includes any important information about the

product and its main attributes.
For instance: the support claims for MicroThins company are:
•30% thinner
• 40% lighter
• 4 times more scratch resistant
• 10 times more impact resistant
• 99.9% UV protection
• Anti-reflective
Advertising Creative Brief
5. The Constraints

Adverting faces Legal and cultural constrains vary from one

country to another. The following are some of the most
common constraints that face advertising:
1. Comparative advertising
2. Control of TV Ads
3. Accessibility to broadcast media
4. Limitation on length and number of commercials
5. Taxes on advertising
6. Advertising of specific products “cigarette”
7. Disclaimer

A disclaimer in advertising is a statement that is meant

to prevent an incorrect understanding of a declaration.
International Implications

62% of advertising budgets spent outside of U.S.

• Using different advertising campaigns for international products
• Understanding of languages and cultures


You are required to come up with a creative brief of an advertisement

of a product from a band of your choice. The ad must be targeting a
Moroccan segment of consumers.
1. The objective
2. The target audience
3. The message theme
4. The support
5. The constraints

Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing Communication

Kenneth E. Clow and Donald Baack
Global Edition

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