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Department of PG studies and Applied Geology

Jnana Sahyadri ,Shankragatta - 577425

Seminar on :-
Phyllum Coelenterate

Submitted by , Submitted To ,
Pavithra M P Shuchi mam
2nd sem ESRM Guest Lecturer
Dept of Applied Geology Dept of Applied Geology
Kuvempu University. Kuvempu University.
• Phylum Coelenterata is a Group of aquatic, or marine
organisms and a member of the Animal Kingdom.
• They are usually found as attached to the rocks at the
bottom of the sea.
• These are the multicellular and simplest group of
invertebrate animlas, found in colonies or solitary.
coelenterata is also called cnidaria due to the presence of stinging
cells on their body.
The word cnidaria is derived from greek word, knide meaning
stinging cells. it’s synonyms coelenterate is also a greek word
meaning hallowintestine.
The term coelenterate and cnidaria was coined by leucrt and
Hatschek respectively.
The study of coelenterate is called cnidology. it consists of
about 9,000 living species.
Characteristics of Phylum Coelenterate :
Living and extinct organisms which possess radial and biradial symmetry.
They may live in colonies like obelia or some may live solitary like Hydra.
Some Coelenterates are free-floating or are known to swim about freely, like
Aurelia. Others are sedentary like Corals. Their bodies are mostly cylindrical,
flatoor resemble the shape of a cup.
Cnidarians possess specialized stinging cells called cnidocytes, which are
used for capuring prey and defense.
the mouth is responsible for both ingestion and elimination.
They possesses Diploblastic tissue organization, cnidarians have two tissue
layers the outer epidermis and the inner gastrodermis, separated by a jelly-like
substance called mesoglea
Hydra Obelia
Aurelia Corals
Alternation of generation: Coelenterates shows alternation of generation or
There are no circulatory, respiratory or excretory organs in Coelenterates. The outer body
surface is responsible for respiratory and excretory functions.
Classification of Coelenterate
Coelenterates can be classified into the following Four categories.
I . Protomedusae
II .Hydrozoa
III .Scyphozoa
VI .Anthozoa.
Anthozoa (Flower Bearing Animals)
• These are in both in Solitary and Colonial forms.
• Geological Age from Lower Ordovician to present..
• They are found in warm and shallow waters upto a depth of 200
metres at a temperature range of 18°C and 28°C.
• Corals , Sea anemones, Sea pens are the most Important
animals in the class Anthozoa.
sea anemones
sea pens
Morphology of Corals
• Corals may be simple (single) or compound ( colonial).
• The exoskeleton of corals is made up of calcium carbonate.
• The simple body of coral is cyllindrical or conical in shape.
• The entire body of simple coral is known as Corallite.
• Colonies of corallite is called corallum.
• The outer wall of corallite is known as Theca and it may have coating of
calcite layer which is called as Epitheca.
• The terminal end of corallite is called Epical end and the triangular
depressed open end is called Calyx.
• In the centre of the calyx there is a depression like structure is called
• The surface of the corallite may be smooth or it may have circular growth
lines with or without vertical ridges giving rise to mesh like structure which is
known as interseptal ridge.
• The interior of the corallite is divided into number of compartments by
means of platy structures growing in length into the corallite known as septa.
• Radiating lines are septas and these septas are divided into three types
based on the length.
• long lines are primary septas , short lines are secondary septas and very small
lines are tertiary septas and rod like structure which separates these lines are
• At the base of the calyx there is a depression known as fossulla.
• The position and the nomenclature of the fossulla are :
• The septa may be straight, curved or short and separated. They are
known as asteroid, thamasteroid and apheroid septa respectively.
Shapes of Corallite .
Classification of class Anthozoa
The class Anthozoa is again divided into 5 subclasses or orders,
on the basis of
 Number of septas
 Based on the shape, size and relationship of corallite.
 Based on the internal relationship of corallite
Five Subclasses of Anthozoa are
1. Alcyonaria - This subclass is
also known as Octacorallia
because of the presence of
eight mesentertes and eight
Geological age is Mesozoic
2.Schizocorallia : These are simple, massive and branching corals and edge are
slightly curved .
Geological age from Ordovician to Jurassic .
3.Tabulata- Forms with strong,
platy and porous dissepiments
tabulate are included in this
subclass. The corallite may be
prismatic or it may resemble
Geological age is from lower
ordovician to Devonian
4. Zoantharia - This subclass
is also known as Hexacorallia
as the number of septa is either
Six or multiple of six.
It is also known as stony coral.
This subclass is ranging from
Triassic Period to Recent .
5. Rugosa -The fossils of this
subclass possess rough
appearance, hence the name
Rugosa. Since the number of
septa is four or multiple of
four, the subclass is also
known as Tetracorallia.
This extinct paleozoic
subclass ranged between
Ordovician to permian
Geological Distribution:
• The class Anthozoa (both solitary and reef building corals) include
more than 6000 species. They are marine, warm and shallow water
(upto 200 metres) organisms. The reef building corals live upto 45
metres depth while solitary corals live upto 303 metres depth.
• In geological times, they were more abundant in Palaeozoic and
Mesozoic Eras than present day times.. Their fossils are abundant in
lime stones and rare in sand stones and clay.
Important Indian forms are :
• Zaphrentis (Ordovician-Devonian).
• Favosites (Silurian-Carboniferous),
• Halysites (Ordovician-Silurian).
• Syringopora (Silurian- Permian).
• Calceola (Ordovician-Permian).
• Cyclolites (Eocene-Oligocene).
Economic Importance
• Many species of coelenterates are used as food which contribute to
economic growth of the nation.
• Jellyfish is commonly used as food in Japan, Korea and western
• Some of the coelenterates are used for decorative purposes.
• It has been used in traditional medicines since long time.
• Corals are used in cosmetic .
Causes of Coral Reef Decline:

2. Eutrophication
3. Shipping and oil spills.
4. Exploiting for food (overfishing).
5. Mining.
6. Tourism.
7.Global warming
8. Ocean Bleaching.
Conclusion :

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