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Challenges with the lack of

empathy and increased

desensitization to violence in
Table of Contents
• 1. Introduction • 6. The Best Three Solutions
• 2. Definition and Analysis of the • 7. Implementing One Solution
Problem • 8. Conclusion
• 3. Criteria for Solutions • 9. Acknowledgement
• 4. Brainstorm of Solution Options • 10. Bibliography
• 5. Evaluate of Solution Options
School shootings that shocked a nation, violence which divided a community, school fights that not only go
largely unpunished but are encouraged through cheers and video promotion, these are all apparent problems which
cast a hideous shadow over today’s generation. Different as they are, they all stand connected towards a common
theme, source and issue, that of the increased desensitization of violence in school settings as well as the lack of
empathy among students towards one another.

Desensitization is characterized by a decrease in the body’s response to a particular sensation, in this case,
violence. In the greater context of this topic, it allows the body, through gradual and frequent exposure with
violence acts, to slowly normalize such actions of violence, leading to indifference towards violence when it is
committed in front of desensitized individuals.
Definition and Analysis of Problem

• In the 2019-2020 school year alone, about 939,000 violent incidents

occurred in US public schools, with over 70% of schools reporting at least
1 violent incident (National Center for Education Statistics, 2020).
• Desensitization and Lack of empathy has increased among students in the
US due to depictions of violence in mass and social media, and increased
mental health challenges.
Criteria for Solutions

Inclusive- effective solutions must be those that are inclusive so that they don't have to feel left out by their


Well advertise and organize - Solutions should be promoted as thoughtfully as possible to reach more teenangers

who need it. Being organized in events, speeches or extracurricular activities will make them feel cared for and

respected and increase their self-esteem.

Affordability - it is necessary to ensure that they are affordable and that the school can afford these solutions.
Brainstorm of Solution Options
• Lessons on the impact of • Educational programs for parents.
social media and digital • Stricter policies about school
footprint. violence.
• Wider resources for mental
health. • More interpersonal and
• Training teacher/staff in extracurricular activities.
being able to identify and
reach out to students in need.
The Best Three Solutions Selected
• Educating students about the impact of spreading violence on social media and the
effect it could have on their futures and digital footprint. Educating students about
the mental health support available to them and training teachers and school staff to
identify and reach out to students in need.

• Educational programs for parents to learn how the environment around students at
home can affect students and encourage parents to take a more active role in their
kids' educational and behavioral health.

• The promotion of a strong school community through more interpersonal activities

and extracurricular activities.
Evaluation of Solution Options
• A school-based educational program that educates students about the impact of violence
and mental health resources and trains staff to reach out to students in need: Gives
students access to resources they otherwise would not have, but is already being
• Home-based educational program: It would involved families in those difficult
conversations but would have to address cultural stigmas and views and would be
logistically challenging
• Promotion of Extracurricular Activities: Would engage students in interpersonal
activities, give them a support system, increase their self esteem, but would be a
financial investment to fund staff and resources
Implementing One Solution
The solution that was chosen by us is that of the extracurricular activities outside of school hours.

- First of all, we must be able to identify, compromise and solidify our ideas before publishing it,
ensuring that it will interests a larger body of people and groups. Not any ideas would be most efficient
and productive in conveying our messages.
- Second of all, we must ensure the participation of trusting adults that would be able to host and
participate in such activities, allowing us to manage the flow of students as well as to offer greater
density of assistance towards the students participation.
- Third of all there should be actual incentives and obligations in order to push a larger body of student
into participating into our activities. Without these frameworks, most student would not consider doing
it after school at all.
- Last but not least, we need a financial foundation in order to fund such activities and the execution of
these ideas. Through this font, contacts need to be made directly with the school in order to organize
various front of fundraising as well as getting official funding from the county for the running of such
plans, the maintenance of it.
• There has been much tension in school communities that makes the problem
of increased violence and a lack of empathy between students.
• Lessons for students about the effects of spreading violence and the
availability of mental health resources that teachers can be trained to identify..
• Parental education about being active in their child’s learning environment so
that there is better communication about their emotional and behavioral
• The implementation of extracurricular activities adds to the development of a
school community
Khadijia contributed Tien did the paper’s Danny did the Anh did her part through
through her work on the introduction as well as brainstorming of her work on the criteria
definition and analysis the ways in which we solutions and the for establishing possible
of the problem as well implement one of the conclusion. They used solutions as well as
three best solutions that naming the best three
as the evaluation of we concluded on. With their researches and
potential solutions. With group discussion in solution options selected.
this, he listed the ways
this, she composed in which a realistic order to create an outline With this she was able to
detailed evidences and implementation of the and organize possible analyze and go in-depth
relevant data in order to suggested solution solutions for the in the three chosen
not only address but would be materialized problems facing teens at solutions, their benefits
elaborate upon the issue. into the real world as school. as well as what makes
well as introducing us to them being chosen over
the essay. others.
• Crime, Violence, Discipline, and Safety in U.S. Public Schools in 2019–20.
(2020). National Center for Education Statistics. Retrieved May 8, 2023, from
• Youth violence. (2020, June 8). World Health Organization (WHO). Retrieved
May 13, 2023, from
• Gaylord-Harden, N. K., So, S., Bai, G. J., & Tolan, P. H. (2017). Examining the
effects of emotional and cognitive desensitization to community violence
exposure in male adolescents of color. The American journal of orthopsychiatry,
87(4), 463–473.

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