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3. Campaign Refinement**

* **Review and Feedback:** Share your campaign concepts with peers, instructors, or industry professionals to
receive constructive feedback.
* **Consider:**
* Clarity of Message: Is your key message clear and concise?
* Target Audience Connection: Does your campaign effectively connect with your target audience's values,
interests, and concerns?
* Visual Appeal: Are your visuals engaging and memorable?
* Call to Action: Is your call to action clear and motivating?
* **Legal and Ethical Considerations:** Ensure that your campaigns comply with all legal and ethical standards,
including advertising regulations, copyright laws, and consumer protection guidelines.
* **Budget and Resources:** Consider realistic budget constraints and the available resources when planning your
* **Think:**
* Production Costs: What are the costs associated with creating your television commercial?
* Social Media Advertising: What budget will you allocate to social media advertising?
* Influencer Marketing: How much will you budget for influencer partnerships?
• 4. Presentation Preparation**

* **Presentation Format:** Create a professional and engaging presentation that showcases your two
advertising campaigns.
* **Include:**
* Title Slide: Include a captivating title and your name.
* Research and Analysis: Briefly summarize your research findings, including your target audience
profile and competitive analysis.
* Campaign Concepts: Present your television commercial and social media campaign concepts in
* Storyboards and Mockups: Include visuals such as storyboards for your commercial, mockups of
social media posts, and examples of influencer partnerships.
* Call to Action: State your overall marketing goals and how your campaigns will achieve them.
* Conclusion: Summarize your key takeaways and highlight the potential impact of your campaigns.
* **Visual Aids:** Use high-quality images, videos, and graphics to enhance your presentation and make it
visually appealing.

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