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Stress Management


In a medical or biological context Stress is a physical, mental, or
emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension. Stresses can be
external (from the environment or social situations) or internal (illness,
Psychological or from a medical procedure).
Stress can initiate the "fight or flight" response, a complex reaction of
neurologic systems.
What is Stress
Stress management is a wide spectrum of techniques
and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person's
level of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the
purpose of and for the motive of improving everyday
What Stress Do?
Further the stress can affect either positively or negatively the employee
performance. Positive qualities are those in which the individual may
feel more excited and agitated and perceive the situation positively as a
form of challenge. Stress is negative when it decreases the efficiency of
the person by fearing the outcome the person is not even initiate to take
up the task.
Stress can be either temporary or long term, mild or severe, depending
mostly on how long it continues, how powerful they are.
 Eustress
 Distress
 Acute Stress
 Chronic Stress
 Hyper stress
 Hypo stress
Eu-stress otherwise known as good /positive stress occurs for a short period of time.
. It’s a kind of stress that an individual experiences right before he/she has to exert
physical force, which provides immediate strength to win a game or race. When an
individual confronts with unforeseen conditions, the body enters the fight or flee
response which prepares the muscles, heart and mind for strength needed and it
will experience Eu-stress. Eu-stress prepares the body to fight or flee from an
imposing danger. It will cause the blood to pump to the major muscle groups and
will increase the heart rate and blood pressure to increase. If the event passes, the
body will gradually return to a normal state .Eu- stress helps us to improve our
performance, prepares us to meet problems, challenges, situations which need an
extra push and sometimes necessary for survival and prosperity in many parts of
Distress is otherwise known as bad stress and it has negative
consequences. In this type of stress the body and mind experience an
uncomfortable feeling when the normal routine is constantly adjusted
and altered. Distress is associated with the persons experiencing high
level of stress. The individuals suffering from distress may not be able to
meet the job demands. The distress decreases the level of motivation
and results in decreasing the quality of performance.
Acute Stress
The acute stress is the type of stress which comes immediately with a
change of routine. It usually involves immediate and intense reaction of
body and mind to a significant threat, challenge, scare or other stressors,
but it passes quickly.
In an acute response situation, a person’s anxiety will rise in a rapid
manner and then decline gradually. The individual may experience acute
stress while delivering a lecture in a meeting, conflict with fellow workers,
launching of new product. During this phase physiological symptoms such
as dry mouth, sweating, rise of palpitation occur due to anxiety.
Chronic Stress
Chronic stress will occur if there is a constant change of routine for week
after week. Chronic stress is dangerous and can lead to health problems,
especially if people do not know that and do not treat, chronic stress
can be more and more problematic. Patients are trapped in an
unhappiness and never-ending "troubles" and cannot find a way out of
desperate situations.
Hyperstress is the type of negative stress that comes when a person is
forced to undertake or undergo more than he or she can take. A
stressful job that overworks an individual will cause that individual to
face hyperstress. A person who is experiencing hyperstress will often
respond to even little stressors with huge emotional outbreaks. It is
important for a person who thinks they might be experiencing
hyperstress to take measures to reduce the stress in their lives, because
hyperstress can lead to serious emotional and physical repercussions.
The last one of the four types of stress is hypostress. Hypostress stands
in direct opposite to hyperstress. Hypostress is basically insufficient
amount of stress. That is because hypostress is the type of stress
experienced by a person who is constantly bored. Someone who is in an
unchallenging job, such as a factory worker performing the same task
over and over, will often experience hypostress. The effect of hypostress
is a feeling of restlessness and a lack of inspiration.
Reason of Stress (Stressors)
Extra Organizational Stressors
Organisational Stressors
Group Stressors
Individual Stressors
Extra Organizational Stressors
 Political
 Economical
 Technological
Organizational Stressors
 Stressors Intrinsic to the Job  Lack of Participation
 Role Ambiguity  Organisational Change
 Role Conflict  Interpersonal Relationship at
 Inter-role Conflict Work
 Role Overload  Sex Difference
 Role Underload
 Lack of Career Development
Group Stressors
 Lack of Group Cohesiveness
 Interpersonal and Inter Group Conflict
 Organisational Climate
 Lack of Social Support
Individual Stressors
 Career Changes  Life Change and Life Traumas
 Economic Problems  Ability to Cope
 Changes in Life Structure  Workholism
 Pace of Life
 Self Efficacy
 Self-Esteem
 Negative Affectivity
Effect of Stress
(A) Physiological Effects
Low energy.
Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation, and nausea.
Aches, pains, and tense muscles.
Chest pain and rapid heartbeat.
Frequent colds and infections.
(B) Psychological Effects
Depression or anxiety.
Anger, irritability, or restlessness.
Feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated, or unfocused.
Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much.
Racing thoughts or constant worry.
Problems with your memory or concentration.
Making bad decisions.
Behavioral Effects
a) Undereating or overeating
b) Sleeplessness
c) Increased smoking and drinking
d) Drug abuse
e) Nodding off during meeting or social gathering
f) Losing your sense of humor
g) Moving in a tense and jerking way
h) Reacting nervously or irritably to every day sounds
i) Absenteeism and turnover
j) Reduction in productivity
Effect on Organization
Low performance and productivity
High rate of absenteeism and turnover
Loss of customers due to poor attitudes of workers
Increased alienation of workers from the job
Destructive and aggressive behaviour resulting in strikes and sabotage.
How to Overcome from Stress
(1) Individual Approach
Knowledge About Stress, Physical Fitness, Time Management, Readjust Life Goals, Plan Your
Life in Advance, Social Support Network, Meditation, Hobbies, Listening Music, Challenge
yourself, Avoid Negative People

(2) Organizational Approach

Selection and Placement ,Goal Setting, Improved Communication, Redesigning the Jobs
Participative in Decision Making, Personal Wellness Programmes
Building Team Work, Biofeedback

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