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 Tunnel is a nearly horizontal underground passage which is open at

both ends.
 The operations and the constructions are carried out underground
without disturbing the ground surface. This operation is called as the
 Tunnels are different types according to their uses like traffic tunnel,
hydropower headrace tunnel and public utility tunnels.
 Tunnels can be driven or holed through a rock or earth mass by
methods used in mining including blasting.
 In soft ground tunnels may be excavated by boring machines with the
walls being supported by liner plates.

 Geological investigations are very essential in selection of tunnel site.

They are,
1. Selection of Tunnel Route (Alignment)
2. Selection of Excavation Method
3. Selection of Design for the Tunnel
4. Assessment of Cost and Stability
5. Assessment of Environmental Hazard

 Tunnel alignment is simply the position or layout of the tunnel on the ground.
 The alignment can be either horizontal or vertical.
 While a horizontal alignment runs along the tunnel center, a vertical alignment defines the changes in elevations
of the tunnel.
 There might be available many alternate alignments that could connect two points through a tunnel.
 The final choice would be greatly dependent on the geological constitution along and around different alternatives.
 The alignments having least geologically negative factors.
 The site chosen for tunnelling is such a way that the inconvenience and difficulty that is caused to the environment
in that area including living is minimum.
 The objectives of tunnel alignment are:
1. To increase the quality and reliability of the tunnel service.
2. To reduce the impact of surface transit operations faced in sensitive locations.

3. To reduce the number of transit trips.

 The selection of tunnel alignment is dependent on:
1. Topography of the area
2. Points of entrance and exit of the area
3. Alignment restraints
4. Environmental conditions
 Tunnel excavation is a complex and dynamic process that involves the removal of soil and rock to create a passage
 The Excavation process requires careful planning and execution to ensure that the tunnel is safe, stable, and
Methods of Tunnel Excavation
 There are several methods of tunnel excavation, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most
common methods of excavation are
1. Drill and Blast
2. Tunnel Boring Machines
 The choice of excavation method for tunneling can be influenced by various factors such as Geological
conditions, Ground Water conditions, Accessibility, Project timeline and Budget, Safety considerations and the
Environmental factors such as noise and dust.
Excavation by Drilling and Blasting

 Drill and blast tunnelling is a method of excavation involving the controlled use of
explosives to break rock.
 It is most widely used technique for rock excavation in tunnelling and underground
Drilling and blasting method

Tunnel Boring machine components

 Tunnel Boring Machines are massive, cylindrical machines used to excavate tunnels with precision and efficiency.
 They work by rotating a cutting head equipped with disc cutters pr teeth that grind through soil. Rock other
materials underground.
 It offers faster and safer tunnelling compared to traditional methods.
 It is most suitable for soft ground tunnelling.
Size of the tunnel
 The minimum diameter of the tunnel is fixed with consideration of the transportation, excavation and
hauling during tunnelling and should be greater than 2 m in case of circular section and in other shapes
should be greater than 1.9 m in width and 2.1 m in height.
Geometric shapes of tunnel
1. Circular section
• It is most suitable section and difficult for excavation particularly where cross sectional area is small.
• For tunnels which are likely to have resisted heavy inward and outward radial pressure, it is desirable to
adopt a circular section.
• Cross sectional area (A)=0.785DxD Perimeter (P)=3.14D
2. D-Shape or Segmental Roof section
• It is most suitable for subway.
• The segmental roof takes the external load and transfers on vertical side walls, which
may be constructed of R.C.C in case of soft soil.
 Cross-sectional area(A) = 0.8293 D² Perimeter(P)=3.57D
3. Egg-shaped section
• It is adopted for carrying sewage. In egg shaped tunnels self cleansing velocity of
flow of sewage maintains in dry and rainy seasons.
 Cross-sectional area (A) = 0.8293 D² Perimeter = 3.267 D
 Hydraulic radius = 0.2538 D
4. Elliptical section
• This section is narrow at base, so cannot be used as traffic tunnels.
• It is suitable for carrying water and sewage.
• Area of section (A) = 0.854 D² Perimeter of section (P) = 3.313D
5. Horse-shoe section
• This tunnels most suitable in soft rock and commonly used for highways and
• It is also suitable for carrying water and sewage. When lined, section gives good
resistance to external pressure.
• It is difficult to construct.
6. Rectangular section
• It is in the form of RCC Box and most suitable in case of hard rocks.
• It is generally adopted for Pedestrian Traffic.
• These are costly and difficult to construct.

 These aspects of the tunnelling projects are also closely interlinked with these three considerations.
 Since geological investigations will determine the line of actual excavation, the method of excavation
and the dimensions of excavation as also the supporting system (lining)of the excavation, all estimates
about the cost of the project would depend on the geological details.
 Similarly tunnels passing through hard and massive rocks even when left unsupported may be
regarded as stable.
 However those passing through different grounds, although these might have been massively
strengthened by secondary support system, might still collapse or bulge at places or even completely
fail, if geological situation is perceived properly.

 The process of tunnelling, whether through rocks or through soft ground, and for never purpose,
involves disturbing the environment of an area in more than one way.
 The tunnelling methods might involve vibrations induced through blasting or ground cutting and
drilling, producing abnormal quantities of dust and interference with water supply system of the
nearby areas.
 A correct appreciation of geological set up of the area, especially where tunnel alignment happens to
be close to the populated zones, would enable the engineer for planning and implementing plans aimed
at minimizing the environmental hazards in a successful manner .

 1. Cut and cover method

 2. Bored tunnel method
 3. Clay kicking method
 4. Shaft method
 5. Pipe jacking method
 6. Box jacking method
 7. Under water tunnels

 Tunnels are classified according to the following five categories.

1. According to Alignment
1. Spiral tunnels
2. Off-Spur tunnels
3. Saddle tunnels
4. Slope tunnels
2. According to purpose
1. Road tunnels
2. Railway tunnels
3. water supply tunnels
4. Pedestrian tunnels
5. Hydro-electric power tunnels
6. Sewage tunnels
7. Utility tunnels
8. Mining tunnels
3. According to shape
1. Circular shaped tunnels
2. Horse shoe tunnels
3. D-Shaped tunnels
4. Elliptical tunnels
5. Rectangular tunnels
6. Egg-Shaped tunnels
4. According to type of materials
1. Hard rock Tunnels
2. Soft ground tunnels
3. Open cut tunnels
4. Tunnels underneath River Bed
5. According to supporting arrangements
1. Tunnels supported by rock bolts
2. Tunnels supported by R.S.J Section
3. Tunnels supported by shotcrete

 Tunnels allow rapid and unobstructed transport facilities in big congested cities.
 Tunnels protect the system (Railway track, Highway track, Sewer line or oil line etc.) for which it is
constructed from weather effects such as snow, rain, etc. Thus tunnels reduce the maintenance cost of the
 Tunnels protect the system from destruction due to bombarding during wartime.
 In a certain place, tunnels have proved cheaper for crossing the mountain or river than open cut or bridges.
 Tunnels avoid troubling to surface life and traffic during construction.
 In the most congested urban area, underground railways or highways is the best alternative to provide
means of transportation.
 In soft rocked hill, construction of the tunnel has proved cheaper than open cut due to a large number of
the slips etc.
 It avoids the long circuitous routes around mountain or spur.
 Tunnel avoid the dangerous open cut very near to the structure.
 Tunnels have proved cheaper to carry public utility service like water, gas sewer etc.
 Tunnels if provided with easy gradient, the cost of hauling is reduced.
 The safety of tunnel construction has considered by increased due to the improved modern method of
 Due to shortening in distance tunnels have proved economical.
 It diverts water for power generation.
 It permits easy gradients in mountainous terrain resulting in high speed of vehicles.

 The initial cost of tunnel construction is more.

 Tunnel construction requires skilled labour and technical supervision of high order.
 The construction of tunnels requires advanced and specialized equipment.
 The construction duration of tunnel is more than bridges or open cuts.

 1. What is tunnel?
 2. What are the various purposes of tunnels?
 3. What are the types of tunnels?
 4. What is Tunnel Boring machine?
Gunapriya S
Natheera S. S
Nithin Surya S
Naveen Raj V

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