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Session 6

Level 5

www. s t u d i o e n g l i s h . co m
S e s s i o n

Agenda/ Objectives

Warm up
Differentiate between the light and dark L
Read for gist and details in the context of learning languages
Differentiate between have to and must
Listen for gist and details in the context of tests and exams
Talk about learning and tests using new vocabulary

2 studioenglish. c om
S e s s i o n

Warm up

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describe the title using emojis only
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Kill Milk
Cool Cold
Nile Told
Sell Build
Little Elbow
Fill Fold
Drill sold
Beautiful Film
I’ll call you to tell me about the film .

I feel terrible about the political scandal .

I think I’ll be able to handle it by myself .

You’ll do well at school .

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Are people from your country good at learning

Do you think British people are good at

learning your language?

Which do you think is the most difficult


Would you like to raise multilingual children?



Complete the paragraphs.

A- so what happened after four weeks?
B- but what happens when a Brit tries to learn a new
languages after leaving school?
C- Max decides to learn Spanish.
D- Motivation is obviously a problem.
E- The British are famous for being bad at learning
F- The situation in British schools doesn’t help either
1. What two examples does the writer give to show that British are bad at
learning languages?

2. Why does he/she think that British people aren’t motivated to learn

3. What reason do many schoolchildren give for not wanting to study a

foreign language?

4. How did a British newspaper try to find out if the British really are bad
at learning languages?

5. Why did Max decide to learn Spanish? How did he learn?

6. What did he do when he finished the course?

Learning a language.

● It’s importance
● The best way to learn and practice it
● How to love it
● Who shouldn’t learn English at all


Speak Spanish

Which phrase mean……..

1- Do this. It’s important…………………………………
2- Don’t do this. It’s a bad idea…………………………..
Look at the photos and complete with have to,
don’t have to, must or mustn't

Be - pay - take - touch - turn off - wear

Come - drive - pay - play - put

Must turn off

1- you …………………….your phone.
2- Children……………………….
don’t have to pay
have to wear
3- you………………..a jacket
mustn’t touch
4- you………………..the door.
must be
5- you………………….over 18 to see the
film mustn’t take
6- you…………………
don’t have to pay here.
7- you…………………...anything
mustn’t play now
8- you…………………….football
mustn’t put here at
night Don’t have to come
9- you…………………… your feet on the
Which test was the easiest and
which was the most difficult?
Mark the sentences (t) or (f) and correct
the false sentences.

1. The waiter did understand Max.

2. The bill was $6.90.
3. The Chemist’s was the first street on the right.
4. The driver understood the name on the stadium.
5. Max made a grammar mistake when he left the voicemail message
6. max ‘s final mark was eight
7. Max saya you can learn the language in a month.
How well do you think you could do Max’s four tests in
English? What do you have to say……….?

● To order a drink and a sandwich and ask the price

● To ask somebody in the street for directions, e.g. to the nearest
● To tell a taxi driver where you want to go
● To leave a voicemail message that you have called and would like
the person to call you back.
When was the last time you took an important exam? What was
the result? How did you feel before/during/after the exam?

Do you usually become nervous at exams? Why? Why not?

Are exams important in your educational system? Is it good?

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Cram Hit the books

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Aptitude test Crib sheet

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Mock exam invigilator

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Pass with flying colors Learn by heart

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Cheat Plagiarize
S e s s i o n

Quiz time

studioenglish. c om
Mock exam Cheat Plagiarize

Pass with flying colors Learn by heart

invigilator Aptitude test Crib sheet
Cram Hit the books

Form wh questions using

these words.
Discuss the questions you’ve

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