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Assignment 2 guidelines

Assignment 2 key components

1. Provide a summary of your research by indicating the research problem, the context of the
study (literature), the purpose of the study, key objectives and research questions . You
will need to take note of the feedback in assignment 1 for this section. (15)
2. Select a research paradigm for your study and explain its relevance in addressing the research
questions of the study (10)
3. Discuss the research approach to be adopted in your study and show its relevance and
appropriateness. (15)
4. Who will be your participants ? and how will they be selected ? Also indicate how you will
determine the sample size (15)
5. Discuss the data collection methods and justify why you chose them for this study (15)
6. Explain how you are going to analyze the data (10)
7. How are you going to ensure that the data to be collected is reliable and valid (10)
8. How will you ensure that the whole process is ethical? Explain the practical steps you are
going to take to ensure that you adhere to important ethical guidelines (10)
 Minimum 10 pages

 Times new roman, Font size 12 and 1.5 spacing

 A minimum of 12 academic references should be used for this assignment

 All sources should be acknowledged and included in the reference list

 Please use the APA referencing style

 Submit assignment on moodle.

 Indicate the names of all group members on the cover page

Assignment structure
 Research Title
 Introduction
 Research problem and context of the study (Not less than 3 pages for this section))
 Purpose of the study
 Research objectives
 Research questions
 Research paradigm
 Research approach
 Target population, research participants and sample
 Data collection methods, instruments and procedures
 Data processing and analysis
 Ensuring reliability and validity
 Ethical considerations
 References
 A research topic emanates from the research problem and the purpose of the

 It usually carries the same key words.

 It should be an accurate reflection of the research that is to be conducted.

 It must be both meaningful and brief. It should not exceed 15 words.

 A properly formulated topic should contain 4 components :

Components of qualitative and quantitative research topics

Qualitative topic / title

 Main concepts being explored
 Issue /research problem
 Context or setting
 Population

Quantitative topic/title
• Independent variable: whose influence or relationship to the problem variable is to be
established. (cause)
• Dependent variable: is the effect or outcome (problem)
• Population: a group of people from which the study will be carried out.
• Place: where the study will be done (setting).
Example of a Qualitative Research Topic

Topic : Perceptions about the factors influencing substance abuse

amongst GUC students

 Main concepts being explored - Perceptions about factors

 Issue /research problem – substance abuse
 Context or setting – GUC
 Population - Students
Example of a Quantitative Research Topic
Topic - Demographic factors influencing the level of substance abuse among
college students at GUC

 Independent variable: Demographic factors

 Dependent variable: Level of substance abuse
 Population: Students
 Place: GUC
2. Introduction
 This section introduces the research proposal and states the research motivation.

 The introduction should also give an indication of the research problem

 followed by a brief background which should locate the problem in existing

3. Context of the study
 Provide a brief overview of the subject matter of the research – the research

 Summarize the existing research or literature relevant to your topic.

 Highlight key findings, theories, methodologies, and debates that have emerged
from previous studies.

 Identify gaps or limitations in the existing literature that your proposed research
aims to address.

 Provide evidence or examples to illustrate the significance of the problem and its
potential implications.

 Explain why the proposed research is important and timely. Discuss the potential
4. Purpose of the study – qualitative statement
 Purpose of the study - The purpose of the study describes the overall intention of
the study. It is a broad statement of what will be achieved by conducting the study.
 Always linked to the research topic

Purpose of study example

Topic : Perceptions about the factors influencing substance abuse amongst GUC

The purpose of this study is to investigate/ examine. Explore the perceptions of

GUC students regarding the factors that influence substance abuse. By Exploring
these perceptions, a comprehensive understanding of the underlying factors
contributing to substance abuse is gained.
Wording your statement of purpose- Qualitative research
 Here are some key verbs or phrases commonly used in purpose statements
for qualitative research:

"The purpose of this study is to understand..."
"This research aims to understand the perspectives of..."
"The purpose of this study is to examine..."
"This research aims to examine the factors influencing..."
"The purpose of this study is to describe..."
"This research aims to describe the characteristics of..."
Wording your statement of purpose – Qualitative research
Gain Insight Into:
"The purpose of this qualitative study is to gain insight into..."
"This research aims to gain insight into the perceptions of...“

Explore the Perceptions of:

"The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the perceptions of..."
"This research aims to explore the perceptions of [participants] regarding...“

Investigate the Impact of:

"The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate the impact of..."
"This research aims to investigate the impact of [factor] on..."
Wording your statement of purpose – Qualitative research
Gain Insight Into:
"The purpose of this qualitative study is to gain insight into..."
"This research aims to gain insight into the perceptions of...“

Explore the Perceptions of:

"The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the perceptions of..."
"This research aims to explore the perceptions of [participants] regarding...“

Investigate the Impact of:

"The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate the impact of..."
"This research aims to investigate the impact of [factor] on..."
Purpose of the study – Quantitative Research

Purpose of the study example

The purpose of this study is determine the demographic factors

influencing the level of substance abuse among college students
at GUC
Wording your statement of purpose – Quantitative
Here are some key verbs or phrases commonly used in purpose statements for
quantitative research:

"The purpose of this quantitative study is to assess..."
• "This research aims to assess the impact of...“

• "The purpose of this quantitative study is to evaluate..."
• "This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of..."
Wording your statement of purpose – quantitative research

• "The purpose of this quantitative study is to analyze..."
• "This research aims to analyze the correlation between..."

• "The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine..."
• "This research aims to determine the factors influencing..."

• "The purpose of this quantitative study is to measure..."
• "This research aims to measure the relationship between..."
Wording your statement of purpose – Quantitative research

Examine the Relationship:

"The purpose of this quantitative study is to examine the relationship
"This research aims to examine the relationship between [variable 1] and
[variable 2].“

Explore the Prevalence of:

"The purpose of this quantitative study is to explore the prevalence of..."
"This research aims to explore the prevalence of [phenomenon] among..."
5. Wording research objectives – Quantitative research
The objectives of the study are to:
To determine the prevalence of …..
To assess the impact of ……
To evaluate …..
To analyze
To measure
To analyze trends in ….
To measure the impact of ….
Wording research objectives – Qualitative Research
The objectives of this study are to:

To examine….
To gain insight into
To explore
To investigate
To understand
To identify
1. To identify the various factors perceived by GUC students as influencing substance abuse in GUC

2. To examine the societal, environmental, and individual factors that contribute to substance abuse amongst

3. To explore the differences in perceptions of substance abuse factors among different demographic groups within
the GUC student body.

4. To investigate perceptions about potential interventions for mitigating substance abuse behaviours amongst
Features of good objectives
 The intention of the reader is explicitly stated - e.g. to
examine , explore, determine, to compare.
 The object/s of the study are identified – exactly what the
researcher will be focusing on is clarified
 There is an indication of the participants of the study
 Context of the study is located or included or implied
 Hints at the way in which the study may be carried out …e.g.
phrases such as ‘ to determine’/ ‘to explore’ are suggestive
of the research approach
 N.B Good objectives convey sufficient information to allow the
reader to immediately understand what the research is about
6. Research questions – EXAMPLE (QUALITATIVE)
Objectives are research questions are ideologically linked

1.What are students perceptions about the factors influencing substance abuse
behaviours among GUC students?

2.How do societal, environmental, and individual factors contribute to substance

abuse amongst students

3.How do different students perceive the factors contributing to substance abuse in


4.What interventions or strategies could mitigate substance abuse behaviours in GUC

7. Research paradigm
 Linked to the knowledge interest

Topic - Demographic factorss influencing the level of substance abuse among

college students at GUC
Paradigm – Positivism

Topic : Perceptions about the factors influencing substance abuse amongst

GUC students

Paradigm - Interpretivism
8. Research approach
 Also linked to the paradigm

Topic - Demographic factorss influencing the level of substance abuse among

college students at GUC

Topic : Perceptions about the factors influencing substance abuse amongst

GUC students

9. EXAMPLE : Target population, sample, sampling
method, specific sampling type or strategy

Topic : Perceptions about the factors influencing substance abuse

amongst GUC students

 Target population – Guc students

 Sample : Public health students
 Sampling method: Non probability
 Sampling type/ strategy : QUOTA
ble factors that aresu
Variables in quantitative research

s.Anything that can

 Since research aims to solve problems and improve conditions in society, it is
important to take into consideration measurable factors that are subject to
change due to circumstances

es is called a variable
 Anything that can vary/ change in research is called a variable . For example
age varies, gender varies etc

 Understanding variables is crucial in quantitative research as variables are the

characteristics or properties that can vary and are measured or manipulated in a
Dependent and independent
variables in quantitative research
 Many research studies aim to understand the causes of problems with
the ultimate goal of establishing causal relationships . Consider the
following statements

Smoking enhances the risk of lung cancer

demographic factors influences substance abuse

 In each of the above queries , there is an independent and a dependent

Dependent and independent
variables in quantitative research
 Independent variable – the variable used to describe the factor that
causes the problem

 Dependent variable – the variable that is used to describe or measure

the problem or outcome

 In a causal relationship the cause is the independent variable, the

outcome is the dependent variable
10. Data collection methods, instruments and
Topic - Demographic factors influencing the level of substance abuse among
college students at GUC

Data collection method: surveys

Topic : Perceptions about the factors influencing substance abuse amongst

GUC students

Data collection method: interviews , focus groups

11. Data processing and analysis
Topic - Demographic factorss influencing the level of substance abuse among
college students at GUC

Data processing and analysis : processing involves coding and analysis is

statistical analysis

Topic : Perceptions about the factors influencing substance abuse amongst

GUC students
Data processing and analysis - Processing involves interview transcriptions and
analysis can be thematic
12. Ethical considerations
 Voluntary participation -
 Informed consent
 Confidentiality
 Anonymity
 Credibility
 Potential harm ( physiological, social harm, legal harm, psychological harm)
 Permission Regulations and authorization entities

Clearly state how you will adhere to these ethical guidelines. Pay attention to the
practical things that you will do.
Ensuring reliability and validity


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