Welcome to DP Psychology + Replication

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WELCOME - great to see you again!

1. Devices in bags under table or at back

of room for now (not in pockets).

2. Notebooks & pens ready.

3. How are you feeling about Grade 11?!

❏ Review Course Expectations
❏ Get to know each other a bit more

At home:
❏ Chillax
To Do List
1. Review Exam Expectations and SL vs. HL Requirements
2. Class Expectations
3. Copybooks & Note Taking
4. Required Reading
5. Attendance & Missed Work
6. Dates & Deadlines
7. RP1 – Summative - Week of October 9th
1. I want to earn the IB diploma/HS certificates because....

2. The most effective teachers are the ones who....

3. The most helpful classmates are the ones who....
4. One of my strengths in this subject might be....
5. One of my growth areas in this subject might be....
6. To stay on top of tasks, I need....
7. To build on my performance from last year, I need....
8. By the end of the year, I plan to achieve the following
At the station, discuss your answer with your teammates. Ask
each other questions about why those answers were chosen.

When finished, post all of your sticky notes (for that number)
on the wall near the sentence starter.

You’ll have two minutes before moving to the next station.

I want to earn the IB
One of my strengths
in this subject might
One of my growth
areas in this subject
might be....
To stay on top of tasks,
I need....
To build on my
performance from last
year, I need....
1. I want to earn the IB diploma/certifcates because....
2. The most effective teachers are the ones who....
3. The most helpful classmates are the ones who....
4. One of my strengths in this subject area is....
5. One of my growth areas in this subject area is....
6. To stay on top of tasks, I need....
7. To build on my performance from last year, I need....
8. By the end of the year, I plan to achieve the following
Current favourite song?
Let’s develop our connections. Help me to help you by knowing
what this year means to you and who you want to be, your hopes
& dreams. Knowing you as an individual will help me know
how to best support you. You may have changed on your journey
to DP so it’s good to catch up and make sure I have the most up-
to-date information. Don’t be shy - everything you write is
confidential. Need more space? Turn over & use the back of the

Anything else at all?

Learning goal: I know how to access support when I need it

NS, Post on Teams or email me

What is ‘psychology’?

Psychology is the scientific study of the human m______ and behavior. It helps us
understand how we think, feel, and behave, and w______ we behave the way we
do. Psychologists study various aspects like thoughts, emotions, motivations, and
actions to gain insight into human n______ . They analyse the way we interact
with others and ourselves, and explore the factors (such as genetics, e______, and
past experiences) that shape our thoughts and behaviors. Psychology teaches us
about the different p______ and theories to explain and understand human
behavior, helping us u______ ourselves and others better. It also provides various
tools and techniques to improve m______ well-being and assists individuals in
overcoming c______ they may face.
WELCOME - great to see you again!

1. Devices on my desk!

2. Notebooks & pens ready.

3. Which blob on the tree best

represents you today - turn & talk -
be ready to share

❏ Consider the ‘science’ of Psychology
❏ Practically explore the issue of
replication in psychology

❏ Read & annotate Dweck on praise
What is psychology?

Psychology is the scientific study of the behaviour

and mental processes of individuals, and how it is
affected by an individual’s physical state, mental
state, and external environment.

You will have 15 minutes to make something with all of the Lego pieces and write
instructions for the next team to follow.

When finished, let me know so we can take a picture for evidence!

Take apart what you made, leaving your instructions and all pieces at your station.

As a team, move to a different station.

When told to start, you will have 15 minutes to follow the instructions on the table to
try and recreate the original structure.

Good luck!
1. Did you correctly assemble the structure(s)?
If no, what did you do incorrectly?
2. What made the task easy? What made the
task difficult?
3. What would you change about the
instructions to make your assembly task
4. How do you think this task applies to
conducting research in psychology or any
other scientific field (hint: think about the
scientific method)?
5. Reflect: What did you learn about
replication and planning research studies
from this task?
Next: Dweck on Praise

Read and annotate the article and answer

the questions in your notebooks.
How did
you do
Learning goal: I know how to access support when I need it

NS, Post on Teams or email me


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