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Second level

Muhammad Abu Huraira

Datasoft Systems Bangladesh Limited

Objectives of the course is to

• define and guide how to create Composite screen from T24

internal browser.
• Define and guide to create TAB screen from T24 internal browser

 A Composite screen is a collection of screens in T24 placed in one

browser window, but in different frames.

The individual frames can be set to accept requests for certain

enquiries, transactions, menus, Tabbed Screens, URLs etc.

 Composite screens are defined in T24 using application


 The Composite screens can be invoked using command COS from

T24 command line or from Menu COS <Composite Screen Name>

• On the command line Type the application name

EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN followed by the name of the composite

• The composite screen name can be a alphanumeric character.

Composite Screen Field Definitions

GB TITLE : Enter any name of your choice under GB Title

Content Type : Should define the type of displays required within the
frame selected. The different options available under content type
are listed below.
CONTENT.TYPE – The field accepts the following values
• OPEN.FRAME - Create a frame set
• CLOSE.FRAME - Closes the frameset
• ENQ - Item is an Enquiry Screen
• TXN - Item is a Contract Screen
• UTILITY – Item is Browser routine
• TAB - Item is Tabbed Screen
• COS – Item is Composite Screen
• MENU – Item is Menu Screen
• URL – Item is URL
• BLANK – Item starts blank
• TOOL - A Valid Tool Item
• TOOL BAR – A Valid Tool Bar ID
Now let us see what each one of this means and how it has been
OPEN.FRAME : Creates a frame set. Selecting this option tells that we
are splitting this frame in to further frames
CLOSE.FRAME : Every time a frame set is opened ,it needs to be
closed. For this purpose we use Close Frame
COS : We select this item if we want a composite screen to appear
with in the frames . The required composite screen needs to be
defined under field CONTENT as COS<Name of our composite
screen> (COS SAMPLE1)
ENQ : This item is used to display an Enquiry. A parameter can be
passed along with an Enquiry. (COS CUSTOMER.DISPLAY.T1
MENU : This item displays a Menu
BLANK : This items leaves a blank frame
PW : If we select PW it means that we want the PW.PROCESS record
to appear with in the frame
TAB : This item is a tabbed screen. A tabbed screen enables the Browser to
display a series of Enquiries, Versions ,URL’s etc to appear together, on the
same screen. Tabbed screens are defined in the table EB.TABBED.SCREEN.
(COS ACCOUNT.DETAILS 0100001577179 10157367)
TOOL : A Valid Tool Item should be created under BROWSER.TOOLS which
in turn is defined in composite screen definition
TOOL BAR : A Valid Tool Bar ID should be created in
BROWSER.TOOLBAR which in turn is defined in composite screen
TXN : This item is a contract screen where the transaction is defined
URL : This item is a URL. Hyperlinks are added to a screen version by
defining the path of the document or file in the HYPERLINK field on

UTILILTY: This item calls a browser routine OS.NEW.USER


MENU : This item defines the menu

• BORDER.SIZE: This field defines what the border of the frame set
will be. Only used for Open Frame
• COLS: This defines the number and width of the columns. It is
done in the same format as the frameset tag in html. For a given
OPEN.FRAME item you must have either the ROWS or the COLS
field set. You cannot however have both.
• ROWS : This defines the number and width of the Row. It is done
in the same format as the frameset tag in html.
• NAME: Gives a name for the Frame. All content defining items (i.e.
telling you what is in a frame) must have a name.
• SCROLLING: This defines whether the frame is going to allow
scrolling. Can only be entered with content defining items.
• CONTENT: This is a multipurpose field that defines the content of
the frame. Either a URL, the name of an Application and version, an
enquiry etc. Also used to define the name of the utility to be called.
• CONTENT.ARGS: If a UTILITY type is set then this will define the
args for the called utility
• ITEMS: defines what type of item passing to specific frame
EXAMPLE: Structure Of a Frame Set For 2 Rows and 2 Column
Multivalue 1 – Open .Frame
• This means that we are going to put 50%,* into the Rows column.
We use ROWS because we are specifying a horizontal space from
the top. And we have only 2 rows in our example of equal size. We
use 50%,* because the first ‘bloc’ takes up 50% of the row
(horizontal) space (that’s what the * signifies) and the second half
by default takes the rest of the space.
Therefore, the first multivalue will look something like this :
ROWS 50%,*
Multivalue 1 – Open .Frame

First multivalue expansion – Row Division

Multivalue 2- Open. Frame

• We are extending CONTENT.TYPE.1 multivalue to expand to

CONTENT.TYPE.2 to define the next ‘Open Frame’ item. We have to
specify the split ‘Columns’ field (COLS.2).

• We are going to put 50%,* into the Column. We use COLUMN

because we are specifying a vertical space from the top. And we
have only 2 columns in our example of equal size. We use 50%,*
because the first ‘bloc’ takes up 50% of the columns (vertical) space
(that’s what the * signifies) and the second half by default takes the
rest of the space.
Multivalue 2- Open. Frame

Therefore, the Second multivalue looks like this :

COLS.2 50%,*
Multivalue 3 - Frame 1

Now we are going to Open another frame with in which we are going
to define a transaction ( a version) called
the Third multivalue looks like this :
COLS.2 100%,*
By defining Cols.3 as 100%,* , we tell the system that the instruction
which follows will take the whole of the box(Frame) we are
currently working in.

Now we will expand the multivalue again to specify the First Frame
Multivalue 4 – Transaction:

Frame 1 Definition
the Fourth multivalue looks like this :

Frame 1 Field Definition (TXN)

Now we need to close the TXN block we’ve just defined as we don’t
want to define any more within the same frame, so we need to
close frame
Multivalue 5 –Close. Frame
Closing the frame
Multivalue 6 - Frame 2

Now we are going to Open another frame with in which we are going to
define a transaction ( a version) called CUSTOMER,INPUT I F3

Therefore, the Sixth multivalue looks like this :

COLS.6 100%,*
Sixth multivalue expansion – Frame 2 (OPEN.FRAME)

By defining Cols.3 as 100%,* , we tell the system that the instruction which follows will
take the whole of the box(Frame) we are currently working in.

Now we will expand the multivalue again to specify the First Frame definition
Multivalue 7-Transaction

The seventh multivalue definition:

Frame 1 Field Definition (TXN)

Now we need to close the TXN block we’ve just defined as we don’t want to define
any more with in the same frame, so we need to close frame
Multivalue 8-Close.Frame

Closing the frame

Frame 2 Field Definition (CLOSE.FRAME)

Now we are going to close the frame relevant to the open frame CONTENT.TYPE
2 (Multivalue 2) since we have finished with the first row.
Multivalue 9 – Closing Frame
Field Definition (CLOSE.FRAME)

We are now going to open a outer frame for the second row where we will be
defining individual columns column where we will be defining Frame 3 and Frame
4 in separate frames within the large frame.
Field Definition (OPEN.FRAME)
Therefore, the tenth multivalue looks like this :
COLS.10 50%,*
Multivalue 11 - Frame 3

Now we are going to Open another frame with in which we are going
to define Enquiry E.DEDUCT.INT.ST

Therefore, the eleventh multivalue looks like this :

COLS.10 100%,*
Eleventh multivalue expansion – Frame 3 (OPEN.FRAME)

By defining Cols.3 as 100%,* , we tell the system that the instruction which follows
will take the whole of the box(Frame) we are currently working in.
Now we will expand the multivalue again to specify the Frame definition
Multivalue 12 -Enquiry

Therefore, the twelfth multivalue looks like this :

Frame 3 Field Definition (ENQ)
Now we need to close the ENQ block we’ve just defined as we don’t want to
define any more with in the same frame, so we need to close frame
Multivalue 13-Closing.Frame
Frame 3 Field (CLOSE.FRAME)
Multivalue 14 - Frame 4

Now we are going to Open another frame with in which we are going
to define a transaction ( a version) called ACCOUNT,BD.SB.LCY.IND
I F3

Therefore, the fourteenth multivalue looks like this :

COLS.14 100%,*
Fourteenth multivalue expansion – Frame 2 (OPEN.FRAME)

By defining Cols.3 as 100%,* , we tell the system that the instruction which follows
will take the whole of the box(Frame) we are currently working in.
Now we will expand the multivalue again to specify the Fourth Frame definition
Multivalue 15-Transaction

Therefore, the fifteenth multivalue looks like this :

Frame 4 Field Definition (TXN)
Now we need to close the TXN block we’ve just defined as we don’t want to
define any more with in the same frame, so we need to close frame
Multivalue 8 – Close Frame

Now we are going to close the frame relevant to the open frame CONTENT.TYPE
10 (Multivalue 10) since we have finished with the second row.
Multivalue 17 – Closing the Frame
Field Definition (CLOSE.FRAME)
Having closed the frame ,we also have to close the outer most frame
Multivalue 18 – Closing the Outer most Frame

We are going to close the frame relevant to the open frame

CONTENT.TYPE 1 (Multivalue 1) which was the outermost frame.
Field Definition (CLOSE.FRAME)
Viewing The Created Composite Screen
Launching The Created Composite Screen
Cos screen launching
QUESTION: Creating A Simple Composite Screen contains 3 Rows
A tabbed screen enables the Browser to display a series of Enquiries
and Versions together, on the same screen.(TAB BD.EXP.ADVREG)
• Each of the individual Enquiries and versions are displayed on
individual tabs.
• Each tab is completely independent; only one tab may be active at
any given time.
• Switching to another tab will lose all input to the previous tab.
• Tabbed screens are defined in the table EB.TABBED.SCREEN. In this
example three tabs have been defined: an enquiry and two
• Whether the tab is to be an enquiry or a version is determined in
ENQ – Enquiry
TXN – Transaction
• The name that will appear on the tab is entered in the field
• The actual enquiry, or version, to be run is entered in the field
• It is possible to link selection criteria, such that once the selection
criteria has been set, subsequent tabs can display the enquiry data
without the need for the selection criteria to be entered again. If
there is no matching selection criteria defined in the
EB.TABBED.SCREEN, then the selection criteria will be displayed.
• The mapping between tabs is made possible via the fields
EB.TS.SELECT.FROM and EB.TS.SELECT.TO. The field you want to
extract the data from goes in the former, and the field you want to
add the data to goes in the latter.
A tabbed screen is invoked from the command line by typing in the
command ‘TAB’, followed by the key to the EB.TABBED.SCREEN.

The above command will then display all of the tabs laid out in the

• If the first tab on the tabbed screen is an enquiry, then it will present the
Enquiry Selection screen. This will only happen on initial display. On subsequent
visits to this tab, the enquiry selection criteria, if there is any, will be run.

• If the first tab is a version then it will be run as is.

Traversing tabbed screens - Enquiry to Transaction(EXAMPLE1)
• When a user traverses from an enquiry to a transaction tab, the
version will look for the field specified in its EB.TS.SELECT.FROM
field to use as the key to that version.
• This field will then be used to interrogate the F.ENQUIRY.SELECT
record for the first enquiry on the tabbed screen. On finding the
field in the F.ENQUIRY.SELECT record, it will then use this value as
its key.
• In this example, the third multi value is a TXN that has specified
that it will look for the field CUSTOMER.NO.
• When the Customer Record tab is clicked, the server will attempt to
find the field CUSTOMER.NO from the first enquiry –
ACCOUNT.LIST. It will then attempt to use this as the key to the
CUSTOMER record.
Traversing tabbed screens - Enquiry to Enquiry(EXAMPLE2)

Enquiry to Enquiry mapping

• All Enquiry mapping will refer to the first enquiry on the tabbed
screen, regardless of the designation of the last tab.
• if the Enquiry ‘Account Balance’ tab is selected then it will use the
fields referred to in the EB.TS.SELECT.FROM field – in this case
ACCOUNT – and attempt to map it to the field in the
EB.TS.SELECT.TO field. It will use the first enquiry on the tabbed
screen to perform the mapping. The first enquiry in this case is
‘Statement Entries’
• EB.TS.SELECT.FROM and EB.TS.SELECT.TO is multi valued, so more
than one field can be put forward for mapping.
• If the mapping is successful then it will bring back the results of the

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