Wk 4 - Travelling

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Important Information
Words and Expressions
• Passport • Travel Agency
• Visa • Round Trip
• Customs Form • One Way Ticket
• Immigration • Arrival
• Duration • Departure
• Purpose of Visit • Fare
• Currency • Inspection
• Exchange Rate • Security Gate
• E-ticket • Final Destination
• Cruise • Transit
• Time zones • Daylight Savings Time
Traveling tips
• Do your research • Arrive Early
• Know the documents • Ask official people for
you need assistance
• Keep information • Keep emergency
accessible but contact information
secure. on your person

Agent: How may I help you today ma’am?
Traveler: I am well. Can you help me book a plain ticket to
Agent: Ok, I can help you with that. Will this be a one way
ticket or round trip?
Traveler: I need a round trip ticket.
Agent: What arrival and departure dates are you wanting.
Traveler: I want to leave on the 5th or January and return
on the 2nd or February.
Agent: Great, let me look and see what is available. Can
you wait for just a moment?
Traveler: Yes, thank you for your assistance. 4
Agent: Welcome to Miami International airport. I need to see
you passport and customs form.
Visitor: Thank you, here are that papers you need.
Agent: Ok, Mr. Budi. What is the nature of your visit in the USA?
Visitor: I am here to have a holiday with my family.
Agent: Fine, what will the duration of your stay be?
Visitor: We will be here for two weeks.
Agent: Is Miami your final destination in the USA?
Visitor: No, we will be flying to New York this afternoon.
Agent: May I see you plain tickets to New York?
Visitor: Yes, here they are.
Agent: Ok, everything looks good. Enjoy your holiday in the
USA. 5

Visitor: Thank you.

Traveler: Hello, I am needing to change my money from
Singapore Dollars to Indonesian Rupiah.
Agent: Ok, how much money are you wanting to exchange
Traveler: I have 300 Singapore dollars.
Agent: Very good. Our current exchange rate is $1 (Singapore
dollar) to Rp. 7,290.00 (Rupiahs) So you will received Rp.
2,000,000.00 after our fee is taken out.
Traveler: Ok, thank you. May I have that in small bills. I want to
do some shopping in local markets.
Agent: Yes, I will be happy to give you smaller bills. Is there
anything else that I can help you with today. 6
Traveler: No, thank you, that is all that I need.
Attendant: May I help you sir?
Guest: Yes, what will the time be once we arrive in Seoul south
Attendant: They are in Korean Standard time so it will be 6:30
Guest: Wow so that is that is the same time that we left?
Attendant: Yes that is correct. With the time zone changes we
will arrive about the same time we left.
Guest: That will feel very strange. Thank you for your help.
Attendant: Yes sir it does take a little getting used to. You are
very welcome.
Guest: Good morning, I need to check in for my flight to Cairo.
Clerk: Ok, please let me see your identification and do you have
your confirmation number?
Guest: Here is my passport and I do not remember my
confirmation number.
Clerk: Did you book the ticket directly with us or through a travel
Guest: I booked the ticket online. I was sent this e-mail; does it
have any information that can help you?
Clerk: Ah, yes. This is an e-ticket. You do not have to check in this is
all the information you need.
Guest: Oh, ok. Great thanks for your help. I can go straight to the
gate then.
Clerk: Yes, that is correct. Have a fun trip. Thank you.
Groups of 2 students will take a country. They will give a
presentation about travelling to that country.

Explain: Documents Needed, Currency, Time Zone, Distance,

Flight time, Cost of Travel, Modes of Transportation, Length
allowed to stay, and any other information related.

The Presentation needs power point. Each student should

participate in the presentation. The countries that you can
choose from are:

• China • Bangladesh
• Japan • Honduras
• Uganda • Romania
• Norway • Siberia
• Argentina • Mexico
• Angola • Malta
• Madagascar • Pakistan
• USA • Yemen
• Saudi Arabia • Lithuania 10

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