Vegetables Classification, Nutritional Composition & Use in Cookery

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• Vegetable Classification :
• Define
• Description
• Nutritional Composition :
• Define
• Description
• There Use in Cookery
DEFINITION:-Vegetables are classified according to which part of the plant is eaten.
Some vegetables fit into more than one category when several different parts of the
plant are edible, e.g. both the roots and leaves of beetroot can be eaten.
View the Vegetable classification:-)

Bulbs Usually grow just below e.g. fennel, garlic, leek, Leaves The edible leaves of Mustard, fenugreek, cabbage,
the surface of the onion, shallot, spring onion. plants. lettuce, Chenopodium
ground and produce a album(Bathua), oregano, cilantro,
fleshy, leafy shoot parsley, spinach.
above ground. Bulbs
usually consist of layers,
or clustered segments.
Roots Usually a long or round- beetroot, carrot, ginger, radish,
shaped taproot. swede, turnip, sweet potato.

Flowers The edible flowers of e.g. cauliflower, broccoli. Stems The edible stalks of plants Asparagus(shatavari),
certain vegetables. when the stalk is the main celery(ajwain), kohlrabi.
part of the vegetable.
Fruits Vegetable fruit are e.g. melon, capsicum, chilli
fleshy and contain cucumber, eggplant, Indian
seeds. marrow, pumpkin and okra Tubers Vegetables which grow potato, yam(jimikand),
underground on the root cassava(sabudana), jerusalem
tomato, tauri (ribbed gourd) of a plant. artichoke(arbi).
Vegetables is a category of food which can be obtained from any part of plant which is
edible, the edible parts can be stem, leaves, flowers, roots, tubers and sometimes fruits. Only
those fruits fall under vegetables category which is not sweet like Tomatoes, Bell Peppers,
Egg Plant, Squash and different types of beans.

We are going to study them as per the category they fall in, below are the following category
of vegetables:-
Stem Vegetables
Leaves Vegetables
Flowers Vegetables
Bulb Vegetables
Roots Vegetables
Tubers Vegetables
Fruits Vegetables

Stem Vegetables:
It is an edible part of the plant which is shoots from the roots or bulb and it always grows
above the ground unlike roots or bulb. Not all stem of every vegetable plant is edible. Some of
the stem which are popular in our household and among the chefs are Asparagus, Celery,
Kohlrabi, Leek, Rhubarb (it is actually a fruit), etc.
Leaves Vegetables:
Plants which has edible leaves fall under this category, the leaves can be all separate or very compact
like cabbage, mostly the leaves is needed to be cooked before it is ready to eat but sometimes it can
be consumed raw like cabbage which is eaten raw in the form of salad. Some example of leaves
vegetables are Spinach, Cabbage, Water Cress, Lettuce, Mustard Leaves, Fenugreek Leaves, etc.
Flower Vegetables:
Some plants have flowers which is actually used as vegetables in culinary world, these are seasonal
and are found during a particular season of the year and such plants are only grown for their flower
buds. Some example of fruit vegetable are Cauliflower, Broccoli, Courgette Flowers, Squash,
Artichoke, Lotus.
Bulb Vegetables:
This is the part of the plant which grows just below the ground and is the portion which is in
between the stem and the root, the root actually comes out from the bottom of the bulb. Bulbs are
generally in layers of skin like onion and they are very strong in flavor. Some examples for bulbs are
Onion, Garlic, Spring Onion, Leek, Kohlrabi, Fennel and Shallots(Yellow Onion).
Seed Vegetables (Beans):
This category include legumes which is used as food, it is actually the fruit of the plant of which the
seed is eaten, sometimes its peeled like green peas and sometimes it is not like French beans. It is also
referred as “Podded Vegetables”. Plants which are not legumes and produce pod like fruit fall under
this category. It generally grows above the ground but sometimes it grows below ground like Peanut.
The list for this is very big. Here are some examples for podded vegetables are Kidney Beans, Green
Peas, French Beans, English Beans, Peanut, Snow Peas, Soy Beans, etc.
Root Vegetables:
This category includes plants of which roots are edible and is used as vegetables. Usually
long, round, and swollen taproot. Some examples of root vegetables are Beetroot, Carrot,
Radish, Turnip, Celeriac etc.
Tuber Vegetables:
In this category those plant fall in which the roots are modified and enlarged in to a
swollen structure that is full of nutrients, this vegetable usually grown at the end of the
plant root attached as a lump of rock, e.g. potato. Some example of this category are
Potato, Cassava, Sweet Potato, Jerusalem Artichoke, Yam etc.
Fruit Vegetable:
Plants of which fruits are used as vegetable fall under this category, but plant which bear
sweet and fleshy fruit that are eaten raw does not fall in this category, also plants of
which grains or seed of their fruit are used do not fall in this category e.g. Beans, and
Legumes. Some example of this category are. Tomatoes, Avocado, Bitter Gourd, Eggplant,
Bottle Gourd, Bell Peppers, Ash Gourd or Winter Melon or Pumpkin etc.
The nutritional composition of food is all the substances that are in it which help you to
remain healthy . Food composition data (FCD) are detailed sets of information on the
nutritionally important components of foods and provide values for energy
and nutrients including protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals and for other
important food components such as fiber.

There are six major nutrients: Carbohydrates (CHO), Lipids (fats), Protiens, Vitamins,
Minerals, Water
The cheapest source of food. Can be readily digested, absorbs and utilized for producing energy. The
most efficient source of energy. Can furnish 50-70% of the total calorie intake. Carbohydrates are
almost entirely derived from vegetable sources. Main sources: Starch in the granular form in cereals,
pulses and tubers and sugars that are present in milk, fruits and vegetables and sucrose.
Important sources of carbohydrates:-
The important sources of carbohydrates in the diets of children and adults are cereals, millets, roots,
tubers, pulses, sugar and jaggary, while milk and sugar are important sources in the diets of infants.
Carbohydrate content of some important food:
Name of food
Carbohydrate ~g/100g
Cereals and millets (rice, jowar, etc.)~[63 – 79]
Pulses (Bengal gram, red gram, etc.)~[56 – 60]
Nuts and oilseeds~[10 – 25]
Roots and tubers (Potato, tapioca, sweet potato)~[22 – 39]
Arrow root flour~[85 – 87]
Cane sugar~[99]
Sago~[87 – 89]
Honey~[79 – 80]
Jaggery~[94 – 95]
Milk (fluid)~[4 – 5]
Dried fruits(Raisin, dates, etc.)~[67 – 77]
Fresh fruits~[8]
A group of naturally occurring substances characterized by their insolubility in water and
solubility in organic solvents. They occur in plant and animal tissues. They include simple lipids,
compound lipids and derived lipids. Oils and fats serve as the main source of energy. They also
provide the essential fatty acids. They are good source of fat soluble vitamins. Fat serve as an
insulating material in the subcutaneous tissues and around vital organs. It provide materials for
the synthesis of cholesterol and certain hormones. Lipoproteins and glycoproteins are essential
for maintaining cellular integrity. Fat is essential for maintaining good health.

Fat contents of different groups of foods:

Food groups
Fat content %
Fruits &Vegetables~<1
Lean fish muscle
Oil seeds and nuts (except coconut)~98
Egg yolk~32
Milk (fresh);
Protein is a macronutrient that is essential to building muscle mass. It is commonly found in
animal products, though is also present in other sources, such as nuts and legumes. There are
three macronutrients: protein, fats and carbohydrates. Macronutrients provide calories, or
energy. Protein is the basic component of living cells and is made of carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen and one or more chains of amino acids.
Protein contents of different groups of foods:
Food groups
Protein content %
Cereals and millets~6.14
Pulses (legumes) dry~18-24
Oilseeds and nuts (except coconut)~18-40
Meat, fish and liver~18-20
Milk (fresh)
Milk, dried whole~26-28
Milk, dried, skimmed~33-38
Vegetables, fresh Leafy~1-4
Roots and tubers~1-1.5
Other vegetables~1-7
Vitamins are substances that your body needs to grow and develop
normally. There are 13 vitamins your body needs. They are. Vitamin A.
B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid,
biotin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and folate).
Fat-soluble vitamins:
Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble. The body stores fat-soluble
vitamins in fatty tissue and the liver, and reserves of these vitamins can
stay in the body for days and sometimes months.
Dietary fats help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins through the
intestinal tract.
Water-soluble vitamins:
Water-soluble vitamins do not stay in the body for long and cannot be
stored. They leave the body via the urine. Because of this, people need a
more regular supply of water-soluble vitamins than fat-soluble ones.
Vitamin C and all the B vitamins are water soluble.
Vitamin content in different foods:
Vitamin D — sunlight, oily fish, egg yolk.
vitamin A — carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach, kale.
vitamin B12 — meat, poultry, fish.
vitamin E — nuts, seeds, vegetable oils.
Vitamin B — Milk, cheese, oyster, green vegetables.
Vitamin C — citrus fruits, strawberries, blackcurrant, broccoli…..and etc.
Minerals:- 2. Chloride: Table Salt, Soy 10. Phosphorus: Mushrooms,
Minerals are those elements on Sauce, liver Unprocessed Meat, Meat, Cashews, Oats, Fish, Beans,
the earth and in foods that our Milk and Peanuts Squash, Pecans, Carrots, and
bodies need to develop and 3. Copper: Crab, Lobster, Almonds
function normally. Oysters, Nuts, Wholegrains and 11. Potassium: Spinach, Apples,
Minerals are important for Yeast extract Oranges, Tomatoes, Papaya,
your body to stay healthy. 4. Iodine: Seafood, Seaweed and Bananas, Lemons, Celery,
Your body uses minerals for Iodised salt Mushrooms, Pecans, Raisins,
many different jobs, including 5. Iron: Meat, Eggs, Beans, 12. Zinc: Beef, Pork, Dark Meat,
keeping your bones, muscles, Baked Potato, Dried Fruits, Chicken, Cashews, Almonds,
heart, and brain working Green Leafy Vegetables, Whole Peanuts, Beans, Split Peas, and
properly. Minerals are and Enriched Grains Lentil
also important for making 6. Magnesium: Honey, Almonds,
enzymes and hormones. Those Seafood, Tuna, Chocolates,
essential for health include Pineapple, Pecans, Artichokes,
calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and Green Leafy Vegetables
sodium, chloride, magnesium, 7. Manganese: Cereals, Nuts, Oils,
iron, zinc, iodine, chromium, Vegetables and Wholegrains
copper, fluoride, molybdenum, 8. Sodium: Table Salt, Cheese,
manganese, and selenium. Milk, Soy Sauce, and
Unprocessed Meat
Sources of Minerals: 9. Sulphur: Cheese, Eggs, Nuts,
1. Calcium: Almonds, Carrots, Turnips, Onions, Fish, Wheat
Milk, Broccoli, Canned Fish, Germ, Cucumbers, Corn,
Water is the body's transportation and
sanitation system. It maintains blood
volume, regulates temperature,
keeps the tissues in the eyes and mouth
functioning properly, it dissolves waste
products and carries them out of the body,
and it delivers nutrients from food to
all the body's tissues. The content of water
in various foods ranges from a few percent;
90% in milk
15% in grains
16 to 18% in butter
20% in honey
35% in bread
65% potato, cassava
75% in meat and fish
90% in many fruits and vegetables…etc.
A large salad meal with veggies and beans can carry you
through the entire afternoon. This recipe is just a sample of
what you can create yourself with your favorite ingredients.
•Prep and Cook Time: 10 minutes
Ingredients:4 cups mixed salad greens
• 2 oz low-fat cheddar cheese
• 1/2 cup cucumber slices
• 1/2 cup tomato, diced
• 1/2 cup sliced red bell pepper
• 1/4 cup avocado, diced
• 1 cup garbanzo beans
• 1/2 cup cremini mushrooms
• 3 Tbs sunflower seeds
• Dressing
• 1 Tbs extra virgin olive oil
• 1 tbs lemon juice
• salt and pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients. Toss with olive oil and lemon juice.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
Healthy Veggie Salad
Manganese 53%
1.00 serving
(558.85 grams)
Calories: 422 selenium 51%

vitamin E 47%
Nutrient DRI/DV

vitamin C 191% fiber 46%

copper 86% protein 45%

phosphorus 71% magnesium 42%

vitamin A 64% zinc 39%

pantothenic acid 58% vitamin B6 35%

folate 54% vitamin B3 34%

vitamin B1 54% potassium 32%


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