Session 4 (Derivatives)

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 Book: Thomas Calculus (14th Edition) by George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass, Frank R. Giordano
 Chapter: 3 (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5)
Tangency for curves
To define tangency for general curves, we need a dynamic approach that takes into
account the behavior of the secants through and nearby points as moves toward
along the curve. It goes like this:
• We start with what we can calculate, namely the slope of the secant .
• Investigate the limit of the secant slope as approaches along the curve.
• If the limit exists, take it to be the slope of the curve at and define the tangent to
the curve at to be the line through with this slope.
Slope of line tangent to a curve
Recall the concept of a limit and
Use the limit in this context

𝑓 (𝑥 0 +Δ 𝑥 )− 𝑓 (𝑥0 ) Δ𝑥
𝑚= lim
Δ 𝑥→ 0 Δ𝑥
• Let shrink from the left

𝑓 (𝑥 0 +Δ 𝑥 )− 𝑓 (𝑥0 )
𝑚= lim
Δ 𝑥→ 0 Δ𝑥
Let shrink from the right

𝑓 (𝑥 0 +Δ 𝑥 )− 𝑓 (𝑥0 )
𝑚= lim
Δ 𝑥→ 0 Δ𝑥
DEFINITIONS: Slope, Tangent Line
The slope of the curve at the point is the number:

provided the limit exists. The tangent line to the curve at is the line
through with this slope.
Finding the Tangent to the Curve at
1. Calculate and

2. Calculate the slope:

3. If the limit exists, find the tangent line as:

Consider . Find the tangent at
Slope: Equation of Tangent:
𝑦 =8 +12(𝑥 − 2).
𝑓 (2+Δ𝑥)−𝑓 (2)
𝑚= lim
Δ𝑥→0 Δ𝑥
Why Do we need Derivatives???
Topics to be covered
• Definition and Geometric interpretation of the derivative.
• Alternate form of the derivative.
• Differentiable on an interval; one-sided derivatives.
• When does a function not have a derivative at a point?
• Differentiability by function type.
• Differentiation rules.
• Derivatives of some common functions.
• Second and higher order derivatives.
• Glossary.
Definition of Derivative
The derivative is the formula which gives the slope of the tangent line at any point
for The derivative of the function with respect to the variable is the function
whose value at is

Note: the limit must exist

• No hole
• No jump
• No sharp corner
Derivative Notation
Assuming that is the function that relates the position of a particle with
time the derivative allows us to define instantaneous velocity at as the limit
of the average velocity from when

So, instantaneous velocity when is defined as:

1) The position of an object is given by with in feet and in seconds. Find the
speed of the object when

So, speed when

2) The position of an object is given by , with in feet, in seconds and a, b & c are
constants. Find the speed of the object at any time .
By using definition of derivative find the derivatives of the following functions:


2. .

3. .

Practice (1)
By using definition of derivative find the derivatives of:
For the present case we have:

Practice (1)


∵ lim
[ h ]
cos h −1
=0 and lim
h →0
[ ] }
sin h

Geometric interpretation of the Derivative
Alternate Form of the Derivative
(can only be used when finding the derivative at a specific point!!)
Differentiable on an Interval; One-Sided Derivatives
• A function is differentiable on an open interval (finite or infinite) if it has a derivative at each point
of the interval.

• A function differentiable on a closed interval if it is

differentiable on the interior and if the limits:

exist at the end points.

Alternative Definition of One-Sided Derivatives
A function differentiable on a closed interval if it is differentiable on the interior and
if the limits:
¿−hand derivativeat 𝑎


exist at the end points.

¿hand derivative at𝑏

is continuous at but let’s look at the following one
sided limits.

𝑓 (0+ h)− 𝑓 (0) ¿ |h| −h

lim = lim |0+h|−∨0∨ = lim = lim =−1. ¿

h→0 h h→0
− h h→ 0 h h → 0 h − −

lim ¿
+¿ 𝑓 ( 0 + h) − 𝑓 ( 0)
h→ 0 = lim ¿ ¿
h h→ 0 +¿ |0+ h| −∨ 0∨ ¿ = lim ¿¿ ¿
h |h |
h → 0 +¿ = lim ¿¿
h h
h →0 + ¿ = 1. ¿
1) .
2) .

The Chain Rule

 Book: Thomas Calculus (14th Edition) by George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass, Frank R. Giordano
 Chapter: 3 (3.6)
The Chain Rule
 Suppose we are asked to differentiate the function:

 Observe that is a composite function. In fact, if we let and let then we can write , that is, .
 We know how to differentiate both and , but how do we differentiate a composite function like
 The differentiation formulas that we have studied so far do not tell us how to calculate .
 Therefore, it would be useful to have a rule that tells us how to find the derivative of a
composite function: in terms of the derivatives of and .
 The chain rule is one of the most important and widely used rules of differentiation.
The Chain Rule
 It turns out that the derivative of the composite function is the product of the derivatives of
and . This fact is one of the most important of the differentiation rules and is called the
chain rule.

 It seems plausible if we interpret derivatives as rates of change. Regard as the rate of

change of with respect to , as the rate of change of with respect to , and as the rate of
change of with respect to . If changes twice as fast as and changes three times as fast as ,
then it seems reasonable that changes six times as fast as , and so we expect that
The Chain Rule
Determine if
We can express as where and Since

we have

Alternatively, if we let and then

The Chain Rule
 Let us consider the special case of the Chain Rule where the outer function is a power function.

 If where is any real number, then we can write where By using the Chain Rule and then the
Power Rule, we get

 Alternatively, we can write it as:

Differentiate .
Taking and , we get
The Chain Rule
We can use the Chain Rule to differentiate an exponential function with any base . Recall that So

and the Chain Rule gives

In particular if we get

and the Chain Rule gives

The Chain Rule
 The reason for the name “Chain Rule” becomes clear when we make a longer chain by
adding another link.

 Suppose that and where and are differentiable functions.

 Then, to compute the derivative of with respect to , we use the Chain Rule twice:
Practice Questions
Book: Thomas Calculus (14th Edition) by George B. Thomas,
Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass, Frank R. Giordano

• Chapter: 3

• Exercise: 3.6
Q # 1 – 78
Implicit Differentiation

 Book: Thomas Calculus (14th Edition) by George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass, Frank R. Giordano
 Chapter: 3 (3.7)
Explicit Functions
If one variable is described as function of other variable then is said to be described
explicitly, i.e.,

For example

Implicit Functions
If is not expressed as function of other variable then is said to be described implicitly. In
this case equation of a curve is represented by

For example

Here can be written explicitly as

Implicit Differentiation
But in some cases, can not be written explicitly as a function of .
For example

In order to differentiate such equations, we use Implicit Differentiation.

Guidelines for Implicit Differentiation
In order to differentiate the functions defined implicitly by the equation , we follow the

1. Differentiate both sides of the equation w.r.t. (independent variable), treating

(dependent variable) as a differentiable function of .

2. Collect the terms with on one side of the equation.

3. Solve the equation obtained in step 2 to find expression for .

Determine if
Differentiating both sides w.r.t. ,
Consider the curve:

a) Find

b) Find equations of tangent and normal lines to the curve at the point .
a) Differentiate both sides w.r.t.

b) Slope of tangent at is

Thus, the equation of tangent line is:

and the equation of normal line is given as:

Logarithmic Differentiation
We use Logarithm to differentiate the problems involving:
1. Complicated quotients and products
2. Variable powers of the functions.
Steps to follow:
3. Take natural logarithm on both sides.
4. Using logarithmic properties, write quotients, products and powers as differences,
sums and scalar multiples of logarithmic functions.
5. Differentiate both sides using Implicit differentiation.
6. Solve for
Find if
Taking natural logarithm on both sides of the given function:


Using ,

Differentiating w.r.t. ,
Isolating the terms involving

Since so
Find if
Taking natural logarithm on both sides,

Using ,

Differentiating w.r.t. ,
Practice Questions
Book: Thomas Calculus (14th Edition) by George B. Thomas,
Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass, Frank R. Giordano

• Chapter: 3

• Exercise: 3.7
Q # 1 – 45
Rate of Change

 Book: Thomas Calculus (14th Edition) by George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass, Frank R. Giordano
 Chapter: 3 (3.4)
The Derivative as a Rate of Change
• When we initiated the study of derivatives we talked about average and
instantaneous rates of change. We continue our investigations of applications in
which derivatives are used to model the rates at which things change in the world
around us.

• It is natural to think of change as change with respect to time, but other variables
can be treated in the same way.

• For example, a physician may want to know how change in dosage affects the
body’s response to a drug. An economist may want to study how the cost of
producing steel varies with the number of tons produced.
Instantaneous Rates of Change
• If we interpret the difference quotient as the average rate of change in over the
interval from to , we can interpret its limit as as the rate at which ƒ is changing at
the point .

• The instantaneous rate of change of with respect to at is the derivative

provided the limit exists.

• Thus, instantaneous rates are limits of average rates.

Example: How a Circle’s Area Changes with Its Radius
The area of a circle is related to its radius by the equation

How fast does the area change with respect to the radius when the
radius is 10

The rate of change of the area with respect to the radius is:

When the area is changing at rate .

Motion Along a Line: Displacement, Velocity, Speed, Acceleration,
and Jerk
• The displacement of the object over the time interval from to is:

• Velocity (instantaneous velocity) is the derivative of position with respect to time, i.e.,

• Speed is the absolute value of velocity, i.e., S

• Acceleration is the derivative of velocity with respect to time, i.e.,

• Jerk is the derivative of acceleration with respect to time:

Consider a graph of displacement (distance traveled) vs. time.
Average velocity can be
found by taking:
B change in position Δ 𝑠
distance =
(miles) Δ𝑠 change in time Δ𝑡

Δ𝑡 Δ 𝑠 𝑓 ( 𝑡+ Δ𝑡 ) − 𝑓 ( 𝑡 )
𝑉 ave = =
time (hours)
Δ𝑡 Δ𝑡

The speedometer in our cars does not measure average velocity,

but instantaneous velocity.

𝑑𝑠 𝑓 ( 𝑡+ Δ𝑡 ) − 𝑓 ( 𝑡 ) (The velocity at one

𝑉 (𝑡 )= = lim
𝑑𝑡 Δ 𝑡 → 0 Δ𝑡 moment in time.)
Example: Motion on a Spring
A body hanging from a spring is stretched 5 units beyond its rest position and released at time to
bob up and down. Its position at any later time is

What are its velocity and acceleration at time

Example: Jerk
The jerk of the simple harmonic motion considered in previous
example is given by:

It has its greatest magnitude when not at the extremes of the

displacement but at the rest position, where the acceleration changes
direction and sign.
EXAMPLE: Modeling Free Fall
Accompanying figure shows the free fall of a heavy ball bearing released from rest at time
(a) How many meters does the ball fall in the first
(b) What is its velocity, speed, and acceleration then
(a) The free-fall equation is:
During the first , the ball falls

(b) At any time , velocity is:

At , velocity is: .
The speed at is: Speed =.
The acceleration at any time is: .
At , acceleration is: .
Derivatives in Economics
• In a manufacturing operation, the cost of production is a function of , the number of units
produced. The marginal cost of production is the rate of change of cost with respect to level
of production, so it is . Roughly speaking the marginal cost at some level of production is the
cost to produce the item.
• Suppose that represents the dollars needed to produce tons of steel in one week. It costs
more to produce units per week, and the cost difference, divided by , is the average cost of
producing each additional ton:

• The limit of this ratio as is the marginal cost of producing more steel per week. When the
current weekly production is tons:
Suppose cost to produce x stoves is:
The cost of producing one more stove a day is:
If we are currently producing 10 stoves, the 11 th stove will cost approximately:

Suppose revenue of selling stoves is: marginal cost

The revenue of producing one more stove a day is:
If we are currently producing 10 stoves, you can expect revenue to increase by about:

marginal revenue
Practice Questions
Book: Thomas Calculus (14th Edition) by George B. Thomas,
Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass, Frank R. Giordano

• Chapter: 3

• Exercise: 3.4
Q # 1 – 31
Related Rates

 Book: Thomas Calculus (14th Edition) by George B. Thomas, Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass, Frank R. Giordano
 Chapter: 3 (3.8)
Related Rates
• We are now interested to look at problems that ask for the rate at which some
variable changes.
• In each case the rate is a derivative that has to be computed from the rate at which
some other variable (or perhaps several variables) is known to change.
• To find it, we write an equation that relates the variables involved and differentiate it
to get an equation that relates the rate we seek to the rates we know.
• The problem of finding a rate you cannot measure easily from some other rates that
you can is called a related rates problem.
• Related rates problems involve finding a rate at which a quantity changes
by relating that quantity to other quantities whose rates of change are known. The
rate of change is usually with respect to time.
Related Rates Equations
• Suppose we are pumping air into a spherical balloon. Both the volume and radius
of the balloon are increasing over time. If is the volume and is the radius of the
balloon at an instant of time, then

• Using the Chain Rule, we differentiate to find the related rates equation

• So, if we know the radius of the balloon and the rate at which the volume is
increasing at a given instant of time, then we can solve this last equation for to find
how fast the radius is increasing at that instant.
Sphere problem:
Consider a sphere of radius . If the radius is changing at an instantaneous rate of , how
much does the volume change
If is the volume and is the radius of the balloon at an instant of time,

Differentiating both sides of above w.r.t we get

Thus, we conclude that the sphere is growing at a rate of

Steps for Related Rates Problems:
1. Draw a picture (sketch).

2. Write down known information.

3. Write down what you are looking for.

4. Write an equation to relate the variables.

5. Differentiate both sides with respect to.

6. Evaluate.
EXAMPLE : A Rising Balloon
A hot air balloon rising straight up from a level field is tracked by a range finder 500 from
the liftoff point. At the moment the range finder’s elevation angle is , the angle is increasing
at the rate of . How fast is the balloon rising at that moment
We let represent time in minutes and assume that:
the angle in radians the range finder makes with the ground.
the height in feet of the balloon.
such that and are differentiable functions of .
The one constant in the picture is the distance from the
range finder to the liftoff point (). There is no need to give it
a special symbol.
Given that:
We are required to find that how fast is the balloon rising For this we will find .

Equation that is relating the given variables is given as:

Differentiating both sides w.r.t “” we get:

EXAMPLE : A Highway Chase
A police cruiser, approaching a right angled intersection from the north is chasing a speeding car
that has turned the corner and is now moving straight east. The cruiser is moving at and the police
determine with radar that the distance between them is increasing at . When the cruiser is . north
of the intersection and the car is to the east, what is the speed of the car

We picture the car and cruiser in the coordinate plane, using
the positive axis as the eastbound highway and the positive
axis as the southbound highway. Let represent time and set
= position of car at time
= position of cruiser at time
= distance between car and cruiser at time .
By Pythagoras theorem:
Practice Questions
Book: Thomas Calculus (14th Edition) by George B. Thomas,
Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass, Frank R. Giordano

• Chapter: 3

• Exercise: 3.8
Q # 1 – 47

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