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1. Show that cos4A – sin4A + 1 = 0
cos4A – sin4A + 1 = 0

(cos2A+sin2A) (cos2A– sin2A) + 1 = 0 Algebraic Concept: Difference of fourth powers can be treated as
the difference of two squares a2 – b2 = (a+b) (a-b).
(1)(cos2A– sin2A) + 1 = 0 (cos2A+sin2A)=1
cos2A–(1- cos2A)+ 1 = 0 sin2A=1- cos2A

cos2A– 1+ cos2A + 1 = 0 Manipulating the left side of the equation.

2 cos2A=0
By simplifying both sides of the given trigonometric identity, it is
clear that they do not agree. Although we used different
trigonometric identities and algebraic techniques, the left hand
side and right hand side give different results. Hence, we can
finally conclude that this proposed trigonometric identity does
not hold true.
2. Prove that (cotA + tanA)-1 = sinAcosA
(cotA + tanA)-1 = sinAcosA
=sinAcosA Algebraic Concept: Inverse of negative powers:

=sinAcosA cosA= ; sinA=

Manipulating the left side of the equation.
sinAcosA=sinAcosA LCD: sinA cos A

cos2A+ sin2A=1

Simplifying the left side of the equation.

Using basic trigonometric identities and algebraic manipulations, we have proved that both
sides are equal by simplifying the given trigonometric identity. At every step of the simplification
process, the resultant expression was the same. We can thus confidently assert that the given
trigonometric identity holds true.
3. Show that (cotA + tanB)/(cotB + tanA) = cotA tanB
=cotA tanB
=cotA tanB
=cotA tanB
Manipulating the left side of the equation.
=cotA tanB LCD in the numerator= tan A
cotAx=cotA tanB LCD in the denominator= tan B
By Division (
cotA tanB=cotA tanB

Using basic trigonometric identities and algebraic manipulations, we have proved that both sides are
equal by simplifying the given trigonometric identity. At every step of the simplification process, the
resultant expression was the same. We can thus confidently assert that the given trigonometric identity
holds true.

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