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Good classroom management is a key
factor in teachers’ professional life. It
helps to maintain congenial and
positive learning environment in the
class. It also helps to set standard
procedures and rules to carry out in
day-to-day teaching effectively and
smoothly. This subsequently helps
the students to learn skills which they
need in the adult world.
Remember !
Classroom management makes you
swim or sink!
Gardening and Knitting-an analogy !
Good teaching is like gardening. The most
important part of the activity is preparation
of the soil so that plants can grow.

If you don’t get the very first row right, later in
the pattern, you have to go back, rip out all
the yarn, and start over again…
What is Classroom Management?

“The actions taken by the teachers to create

and maintain a learning environment
conducive for successful instruction.”

Evertson &
What is your classroom management

Activity 1.1
Authoritarian Style

The authoritarian teacher places firm limits

and controls on the students. Students will
often have assigned seats for the entire
term. The desks are usually in straight rows
and there are no deviations. Students must
be in their seats at the beginning of class
and they frequently remain there throughout
the period. This teacher rarely gives hall
passes or recognizes excused absences.
Authoritative Style
• The authoritative teacher places limits and controls
on the students but simultaneously encourages
independence. This teacher often explains the
reasons behind the rules and decisions. If a
student is disruptive, the teacher offers a polite,
but firm, reprimand. This teacher sometimes metes
out discipline, but only after careful consideration
of the circumstances.

• The authoritative teacher is also open to

considerable verbal interaction, including critical
debates. The students know that they can interrupt
the teacher if they have a relevant question or
comment. This environment offers the students the
opportunity to learn and practice communication
Laissez-Faire Style

The laissez-faire teacher places few demand

or controls on the students. "Do your own
thing" describes this classroom. This
teacher accepts the student's impulses and
actions and is less likely to monitor the
Indifferent Style
• The indifferent teacher is not very
involved in the classroom. This teacher
places few demands, if any, on the
students and appears generally
uninterested. The indifferent teacher just
doesn't want to impose on the students. As
such, he/she often feels that class
preparation is not worth the effort. Things
like field trips and special projects are out
of the question.
• This teacher simply won't take the
necessary preparation time. Sometimes,
he/she will use the same materials, year
after year.
Kids ! You Just Can’t beat

“Survival of the fittest!”

When there is no organization,

strong start dominating the weak.
Your Classroom Management
starts before the first day of the
school !

Be Proactive!
Activity 1.2
Make a list of things to do before school
 Room Environment
 Find out about
 Students Prep
 Getting Organized
 Procedures For
Components of
Classroom Management
Good classroom management has
three basic and necessary

 Rules and Procedure

 Consequences
 Relationships
Rules & Procedures
Facilitate best learning environment

Classroom rules should be set cooperatively.

Establish a few general rules of classroom

Rules need to be established as a result of a

meaningful classroom discussion.

Minimum rules with maximum consistency is

the BEST guideline.
Procedures are usually unwritten, but have
been practiced enough so students know
them. It helps students to know what to do
Procedures need to be clearly stated,
modeled, and practiced until ALL the
students know them and become


Do not abide by Abide by the

the rules rules
Negative Positive
Consequences Consequences
Disciplinary Interventions
• The most effective deterrent of
inappropriate behavior is good instruction!
• After that comes physical presence.
• A friendly reminder.
• A firm reminder – in private
• “Go to the office!!!!” should not be the first
response unless the offense is totally
reprehensible, dangerous, thoroughly
disruptive and against a hard and fast
school rule.
and Strong
Modeling Guidance Effective

Teacher to

Attentive High
to Student Level of
Needs Cooperat
Case Study

Activity 1.3
 Pick a case from the basket

 Read it and identify the reason of


 Discuss and suggest measures to

improve the situation
Action/Strategies for good classroom
• Use assertive body language
• Use appropriate tone of voice
• Persisting until the appropriate behavior occurs
• Establishing clear learning goals
• Providing flexible learning goals
• Talking informally with students before, during
and after class about their interests
• Greeting students outside of school
• Be innovative while setting your class
• Allow and encourage ALL students to be
part of classroom discussions
• Provide appropriate “wait time.”
• Emphasize right parts of wrong answers
• Encourage collaboration
• Restate or rephrase the question
• Give hints or clues
• Provide the answer and ask for elaboration
• Use humor
• Develop a set of written expectations you
can live with and enforce.
 Be consistent. Be consistent. Be
 Be patient with yourself and with your
 Make parents your allies. Call early and
often. Use the word "concerned."
 When communicating a concern, be
specific and descriptive.
 Don't talk too much. Use the first 15
minutes of class for lectures or
presentations, then get the kids working.
 Break the class period into two or three
different activities. Be sure each activity
segues smoothly into the next.
 Make eye contact by scanning the entire
class while you speak.
What to do ………….??
 Teacher, I’m Finished. Now What Do I Do?
Quiet Choices
 Control the noise element
Class Volume Control
Clapping in Pattern
 Make all the students attentive all the time
Wisdom Jar
 Reduce tiredness
Brain Break
“Never forget the power of one
person to make a difference in the
life of a child.”

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