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Aircraft system in 5 Gen Fighter aircraft th

Name: John Benhar P S b
Name : Kowsickraj J
Reg No: 720821101025 Reg No: 720821101029
Department of Aeronautical Engineering
Program : B.E. Aeronautical Engineering

Air Craft is very helpful for travelling. It is always help us to go AIR CRAFT
one country to other country. Now Air Craft became a power for war art. Its make a
nation more secure. it is a scientific transport and also a powerful arms for a nation. An aircraft is a machine that is able to fly by gaining support

Fifth Generation Fighters beyond Lockheed Martin-Asian Military & Russia’s Su-57 outshines US Defense
5th gen fighter jets – A Chinese,Russian, Indian and US arms at race.
and Military-TASS

As of January 2023, the combat-ready fifth-generation
fighters are the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, which entered
service with the United States Air Force (USAF) in
December 2005; the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II,
which entered service with the USAF in July 2015; the
Chengdu J-20, which entered service.
Putin inspects new Russian fighter jet unveiled at air The F-22 Raptor stealthy air superiority fighter
show 2021. forms a core of the USAF.(2014)

Most Powerful fighter Jet

Chengdu J20 (2017) US Made F22 KAI's KF-21 Boramae

Future Defense
Future Projects

US Air force Radical plan for future

Next Gen fighters moves to new critical phace 5th generation fighter aircraft prototype AMCA will take
fight in 2028.

1. A fifth generation aircraft is capable of operating effectively in highly contested combat
environments, defined by the presence of the most capable current air and ground threats,
and those reasonably expected to be operational in the foreseeable future.
2. 5th Generation capability is defined by the combination of Very Low Observable stealth,
advanced sensors, information fusion and network connectivity – all packaged within in a
supersonic, long range, highly maneuverable fighter.
Vikrant - India’s new 5th generation aircraft carrier

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