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Asalaam o Alikum and Good morning!

How are you?

Can you tell me which reader are we reading these days? Yes It’s not fair

What is the book about?

Great! It’s about feelings.

Now today we will write an Imaginative narrative, do you know what is it?

Wait! I will tell you but before that lets watch a video:
Okay now tell me if the story you have just seen
was real or imaginary?

Can this happen in reality?

Hmmmm, yes you are right it was not real, it was

an imaginative story.

Now lets find out what is imaginative or fictional


The purpose of writing an imaginative narrative is

to entertain and engage the reader in an
Criteria of writing an imaginative Narrative
Now let us recall the elements of writing a
story or the conventions of story writing

Lets watch a video to learn more
Now today you will also imagine and write a story of your choice,

Here are different situations given, you can choose any one
Write the following imaginative narratives starters on board for students to choose from:

- ‘A space ship landing right in front of you’. Write a story about what happens.
- ‘You are an animal in a zoo’. Describe what animal you would be and what you would do
all day.
- ‘One of your toys becomes alive’. Write a story about what happened.
- ‘Your teacher disappeared one morning’. Describe your day in the class without a
- ‘A dinosaur comes out of your cupboard’. How would you two spend your day together?
After choosing the situation lets make a story map as shown in the sample
on MWB or an A4 sheet for help
Now with the help of your own tree map or story plot, write a rough draft of your
story in your notebook.

Make sure You mention each element of the story in your rough draft.
e.g. Characters –
Problem/ Situation

It should be an imaginative story with correct use of punctuation marks.

After writing the draft take a picture and share it on Google classroom.

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