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Assessment 1 Week 2 Term 2

Comprehension test: The brave little fish.

Read “The brave little fish” on p.70 in your DBE book and answer the following
questions in full sentences.

1. Write a paragraph of about 8 sentences about what you think will happen to the brave little
fish on his first adventure. (8)
2. Do you think the little fish liked swimming around the stream with his mother?
Give reasons for your answer. (2)
3. Why did the little fish want to talk to his mother?
4. Do you think the little fish did the right thing in leaving the stream?
Give reasons for your answer.
5. The title of the story is "The brave little fish". Do you think this is a good title?
Give reasons for your answer. (2)
PSW Gr 5 T2 Test 1 (Eng) Week 3
Answer the following questions in the back of your book.

Give the definition for the following words and give an example of each: (12)
1. Stereotyping
2. Bias
3. Discrimination
4. Violation
5. Physical abuse
6. Emotional abuse

7. Give 2 examples of children rights. (2)

8. Give 3 guidelines on how to stop discrimination. (3)
9. Who can you contact on serious cases of discrimination? (1)
10. Name 2 people you can ask for help if are being abused. (2)

Total: 20 marks
PSW Gr 5 K2 Toets 1 (Afr) Week 3
Beantwoord die volgende vrae agter in jou PSW boek.

Gee die betekenis van die volgende definisies en gee ‘n voorbeeld van elk: (12)
1. Stereotipering
2. Vooroordeel
3. Diskriminasie
4. Skending
5. Fisiese mishandeling
6. Emosionele mishandeling

7. Noem 2 regte van kinders . (2)

8. Gee 3 riglyne hoe ‘n mens diskriminasie kan stop. (3)
9. Wie kan jy kontak in ernstige gevalle diskriminasie? (1)
10. Noem 2 groepe mense wat jy kan vra vir hulp as jy mishandle word. (2)

Total: 20 marks
English FAL Term 2 Test 1 Week 4
1. Choose verbs from the list below to complete the paragraph. Rewrite it in Simple Past tense. (5)
Happen Was Flash Walk Shout Jump climb
1. Yesterday I __________ to the shops.
2. On the way something exciting _________________.
3. Lights ___________ and people ________________.
4. It ____________ not an accident, they were filming a TV drama.

2. Write these words in alphabetical order. (5)

3. Rewrite the following sentences using the correct punctuation. (6)

3.1 on wednesday peter and Bongani will go to pretoria
3.2 my birthday is in march and jills birthday is in June

4. Give the past tense of the irregular verb. (4)

4.1 bring 4.2 blow4.3 feel 4.4 is
Natural Science Term 2 Test 2
Natuurlike wetenskap K2 Toets 2
PSW Gr. 7 Term 2 Test 1 Week 5
Answer the following questions in the back of your.

1. Name 5 ways you can improve your reading skills so that you understand what you are reading.
2. Why is it important to read with understanding?
3. What are the 2 skills that form a big part of successful study?
4. Explain the following concepts. Memory, long-term memory, short-term memory.
5. Explain in your own words the meaning of recall. (2)
6. What do you need to improve your memory.
7. Name 3 ways to improve your memory and recall ability.
PSW Gr. 7 Kwartaal 2 Toets 1 Week 5
Beantwoord die volgende vrae agter in jou werkboek.

1. Noem 5 maniere hoe jy jou lees vaardighede kan verbeter sodat jy beter kan verstaan wat jy lees.
2. Hoekom is dit belangrik om te verstaan wat jy lees?
3. Noem die 2 vaardighede wat ‘n belangrike rol speel in akedemiese sukses. (2)
4. Verduidelik die volgende konsepte. Geheue, langtermyn geheue, korttermyn geheue. (3)
5. Verduidelik in jou eie woorde wat “onthou” beteken.
6. Wat het jy nodig om jou geheue te verbeter?
7. Noem 3 manière om jou geheue te verbeter .

Total: 20 marks
English FAL Term 2 Test 3 Week 6

Write a transactional text on the following topic:

It must have 3 paragraphs, 130 – 150 words.

Please write neatly.

Please check your spelling and punctuation.
PSW Gr. 5 Term 2 Test 2 Week 7
Answer the following questions in the back of your book.

Read the case study and answer the following questions

PSW Gr. 5 Kwartaal 2 Toets 2 Week7
Beantwoord die volgende vrae agter in jou boek.

Lees die gevallestudie deur en beantwoord die vrae wat volg.
PSW Gr. 7 Kwartaal 2 Toets 2 Week7
PSW Gr. 7 Kwartaal 2 Toets 2 Week7
Natural Science Term 2 Test 2 Week 8
Natuurlike Wetenskap K2 Toets 2 Week 8
PSW Gr. 5 Kwartaal 2 Toets 3 Week9

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