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CDA Licensing Training

Unit 3 : Communicating with client/parents

Instructor: Alia El Naggar


● At the end of this unit, participants will be able

to apply communication strategies in assisting,
instructing, and educating families/patients on
implementation of the therapy program at home.
● Types of communication

● Keys to good listening

● Break

● Therapeutic communication technique

● Providing information

● Questions

Why is communication important specifically in our field of work?

Characteristics of a mental health professional

• Good Listening Skills

• Clear Verbal Communication
• Empathy
• An Open Mind
• Self-Awareness
Individual Activity
● Reflect on the previous slide (Characteristics of a mental
health professional)
● Reflecting on each point below, evaluate your
o Good Listening Skills
o Clear Verbal Communication
o Empathy
o An Open Mind
o Self-Awareness
● Write on the assignment form, explaining each point
How well can you read people?
• In 3 groups discuss the mostly used strategies that you have found effective
when communicating with your clients
• What were some communication challenges that you faced with any of your
clients and how did you manage it through effective communication?
• Each group will come up with at least 4 strategies
• Create a PPT to be shared
What are the keys to good listening?
Therapeutic communication technique
Acknowledging what is heard

● Observing is made by the therapist / psychologist of wringing of hands,

wiping perspiration, dry lips , speaking in a very low tone.
● The therapist / psychologist is making observation of nonverbal


● The therapist / psychologist restates or repeats what the client has been
saying, it can be in the form of a question or a statement
Let’s try it together
Providing information


● The Therapist’s formulation of a client‘s statement or expression of

feelings in clearer terms without indicating approval or disapproval

Let’s try it together

Providing information


● In paraphrasing the therapist / psychologist restates whatever she has heard from the client.

● The therapist / psychologist ’s paraphrasing gives a feeling to the client to test whether she has understood what
he want to communicate


● The therapist / psychologist pays attention to certain consistent statements, made by the client.

● The therapist / psychologist may point out “you say you are sad ,but you are smiling “


● In summarizing the therapist / psychologist highlights the main theme of what has been discussed .
Communication techniques activity
(all group together)
• In pairs, one person act as therapist and the other as patient/client.
• Client will speak (3-4 sentences)
• Therapist will use one of the communication techniques with the client .
• Other members will say what’s the name of this technique ?
Final Activity
• In pairs, one person act as therapist and the other as patient/client.
• Spend max 5 mins as a client describing a challenging emotion/situation that you
are going through (can be made up)
• Therapist will write down important areas of concerns to be
addressed/highlighted/paraphrased/linked etc. based on the techniques discussed.
Therapist will then answer and respond using the techniques discussed
• Then switch roles

Case study: First session with a client with symptoms of depression

Watch the video,

• Write down the techniques that you noticed the therapist used with examples
• What were the positive aspects of the session in your opinion? Why?
• What were the negative aspects of the session in your opinion? Why?

• 300-400 words

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