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Body Language Charades
Have you gone
to a charity
Can you give
me an example
of charity

1. What was the effect of the

sponsored walks?

2. What cause the newspaper

photographer to take photos?
3. What caused the charity week to be
a success?

4. What was the effect of lots of

people baking cakes for the bake
5. What will be the effect of raising
all this money?

6. What was the cause of the good

sales on the barbecue?
"A cause is a person,
event, condition, or
reason that is
responsible for an action
or result.
An effect is a result
brought about by a
cause or an agent.
Identify if the
underlined phrase is a
cause or an effect.
1. Our apartment is on the
11th floor; therefore, we
have a great view of the

Ο cause Ο effect
2. Because I helped my
mother, she was able to finish
her work quickly.

Ο cause Ο effect
3. It was a very windy day;
therefore, we were able to fly
our kite.

Ο cause Ο effect
4. Since the class was well-
behaved this week, they were
able to watch a movie on

Ο cause Ο effect
5. We turned up the heat
since it was getting cold.

Ο cause Ο effect
Character Walk
This game should be played in a space where
there is room to walk and move about.

The children walk around the space

freely,when the teacher calls out on the
card,the children must become that character.

This can be played in group or the whole class

Who among of you watch a news

Do you hear about the King and

the Queen of England?
Who is the present ruler of

I have a story here about England

and Wales.
Tongue Twister
What are the two countries that
involved in the selection?

Can you compare the two

Comparing involves identifying similarities
and/or differences (e.g., apples and oranges
are both fruit) whereas contrasting
involves comparing two or more objects or
events in order to show their differences
(e.g., an apple has a thin skin that we can
eat; an orange has a thick skin that we
cannot eat)
Drama One-Line
Drama One-Line
1.Who won the race?

2. Why did the hare think that the

tortoise would never win?
3.Where did the hare stop for a

4. Why did the hare want to do the

race again?
5.What can we learn from the
We need to keep trying even when things
seems hard.
There is hope in every trials we had in
life.through this it enables us to endure
challenges,dream about possibilities,and
strive to make a positive impact.

Write a short paragraph about your

dream in life.And Let it share to
the class.
 How do you
What about to your
express love in
your parents?
The Giving Tree
Once, there was a tree that
loved a boy, and every day that boy
would come and gather her leaves
to make them into crowns and play
games. The boy would climb up her
trunk and swing from her branches,
eat apples, and play hide-and-seek.
The Giving Tree

When the boy was

tired, he would sleep in the
tree’s shade. He loved the
tree very much, and so did
the tree.
The Giving Tree
Time went by, and the boy
grew up. Now, the tree was often
alone. One day, the boy came to the
tree. The tree said to him, “Come,
my boy, climb up my trunk and
swing from my long branches and
eat delicious apples, play in my
shade and be happy!”
The Giving Tree
“I am now too big to climb and
play,” replied the boy. “I want to
buy some things and have fun. I
want money. Can you give me
money?” he asked.
The Giving Tree
I’m sorry, but I have no money. I
have only leaves and apples,” the
tree said, “Take my apples and
sell them in the city. Then you
will have some money, and you’ll
be very happy.”
The Giving Tree
So, he climbed up the tree to
gather apples and carried them
away to the city. The tree was
happy again. But the boy didn’t
return for a long time, and the
tree was sad.
The Giving Tree
Then one day, the boy came back
to the tree, and the tree shook
with joy, and she said to him,
“Come to me, my boy, and climb
up my trunk and swing from my
branches and eat apples and play
in my shade.”
The Giving Tree
The boy replied, “I am too busy to
climb you. I want a house to keep
me warm.”

“I want a wife, and I want kids, and

so I need a big house. Can you give
me a house?” the boy asked.
The Giving Tree
The tree answered, “I have no
house. This forest is my house. But
you may cut off my branches to build
a house. Then you will be happy.”
The Giving Tree
So, the boy cut off the tree’s
branches and took them along to
build himself a big house, and the
tree was happy to help the boy. But
this time, the boy again
disappeared for a long time, and
when he came back, the tree was
happy again.
The Giving Tree
.“Come, my boy. Come and play.”“I
am too old to play,” replied the boy.
“I want a boat to take me away from
here. Can you give me a boat?” he
said.“Cut down my trunk and make
yourself a boat,” replied the tree,
“Then you can sail away and be
The Giving Tree
So, the boy cut down the tree’s
trunk and made a boat, and the tree
was again happy to help the boy.

After a very long time, the boy came

back again.
The Giving Tree
“I am sorry, my boy,” the tree said,
“but I don’t have anything left to
give you. All my apples are gone.”

“My teeth are too weak for apples,”

replied the boy.
The Giving Tree

“My branches are gone too. You

cannot swing on them,” said the tree.

“I am very old to swing on branches,”

answered the boy.

“My trunk is gone. You cannot climb,”

said the tree.
The Giving Tree
“I am too old and tired to climb,” said the
“I am very sorry. I wish that I could give you
the things you want. I have nothing left. I am
just an old stump. I am sorry, my boy,” sighed
the tree.

“I don’t need anything now, just a quiet place

to sit and rest. I am very tired.” said the old
man who was once a boy.
The Giving Tree
“Well,” said the tree, straightening
herself up, “Well, an old stump is
good enough for sitting and resting.
Come, my boy. Sit down, sit down
and rest.”

And the boy did. And the tree was happy

The Giving Tree
“Well,” said the tree, straightening
herself up, “Well, an old stump is
good enough for sitting and resting.
Come, my boy. Sit down, sit down
and rest.”

And the boy did. And the tree was happy

 Can you What happen to
summarize the the tree at the
whole story? end?
The Giving Tree

The Giving Tree” will help your child understand

multiple lessons like “loving someone
unconditionally without expecting anything in
return” and “joy of being with your loved ones”.
The Giving Tree
In the story, the bond between the boy and the tree is like that of
a child and a parent. The boy at first loves the tree dearly, and the
tree reciprocates the little boy’s love. But as the boy grows old, his
priorities change according to his age, and he visits the tree less
frequently. Yet, the old tree never wavers from it’s devotion to the
boy. The tree loves the boy unconditionally and refers to him as a
“boy” even when he has grown old. The tree is like a safe haven
where the boy can take refuge and be assured of love and
acceptance at all times.

How do you appreciate the effort

and love of your parent?
 Are you happy today? Why do you feel
happy today?
Moral Lesson:

Don’t chase happiness.Enjoy life.

In pursuing happiness, many people focus on
external factors, believing that material
possessions or the right circumstances will
bring them joy. However, true happiness often
comes from within, and one powerful way to
cultivate lasting happiness is by becoming
Sharing of ideas in class about

How people overcome happiness

in life?

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