SD_Management of School-based PD Programs

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Session 12/13

of School-Based Professional
Development Programs

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 3

Domains, Strands, and Indicators of PPSSH
(DepEd Order No. 24, s. 2020)

Domain 2. Managing School Operations and Resources

- Strand 2.2 Financial Management
● Indicator 2.2.2 Manage Finances adhering to
policies, guidelines, and issuances in
allocation, procurement, disbursement, and
liquidation aligned with the school plan
(for teachers’ professional development).

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 4

Domains, Strands, and Indicators of PPSSH
(DepEd Order No. 24, s. 2020)

Domain 3 Focusing on Teaching and Learning

- Strand 3.1 School-based review, contextualization and
implementation of learning standards

Indicator 3.1.2 Assist teachers in the review,
contextualization and implementation of
learning standards to make the MATATAG
Curriculum relevant for learners
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 5
Domains, Strands, and Indicators of PPSSH
(DepEd Order No. 24, s. 2020)

Domain 4 Developing Self and Others

- Strand 4.5 Professional development of school personnel
● Indicator 4.5.2 Implement professional development
initiatives to enhance strengths and address
performance gaps among school personnel.
● Indicator 4.5.3 Monitor and evaluate the
implementation of professional development
initiatives in enhancing strengths and in
addressing performance gaps among school
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 6
Domains, Strands, and Indicators of PPSSH
(DepEd Order No. 24, s. 2020)

Domain 5. Building Connections

Strand 5.4 Communication
Indicator 5.4.2. Communicate effectively in speaking and in
writing to teachers, learners, parents, and other stakeholders
through positive use of communication platforms, to facilitate
information sharing, collaboration, and support.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
Domains, Strands, Indicators of PPSSH
(DepEd Order No. 24, s. 2020)

Domain 7 Personal Growth and Professional Development

-Strand 7.4 Professional reflection and learning to improve
● Indicator 7.4.2 Develop a personal
professional improvement plan based on reflection
of one’s practice and ongoing professional

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 8

Session Flow
Roles of School Leaders in Leading and Managing
School-Based PD Programs
Effect Size and Its Intervention Requirement
Whole-School Approach
School-Based PD Programs
Implementation Strategies for the Conduct of School-Based
Training on the MATATAG Curriculum
Work Application Plan (WAP),RTIP, DTIP, and CSBPDP
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 9
Session Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to:
• discuss the significant roles of school leaders in leading and
managing School-Based Professional Development Programs to
improve teacher practice;
• integrate the concept and elements of the whole-school approach to
curriculum planning and its link to teachers’ ongoing professional
learning, articulating the effect size and its impact on learning

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 10

Session Objectives

• discuss the Implementation Strategies for the Conduct of School-

Based Training on the MATATAG Curriculum;
• develop a WAP capturing the general concepts of MATATAG
Curriculum articulating the a doable school-based professional
development plan for teachers on the MATATAG Curriculum; and
• display willingness to implement the WAP to improve learning

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 11

Keepin’ My Memory On

For 5 minutes, please

accomplish the “Keepin’
My Memory On” the
template provided.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 13

Keepin’ My Memory On
I experienced/practiced being (specify your role) __________________during

(what PD program)_____________________________________________which

helped me (enhanced competencies) _________________________________.

Thus, (state the result) ______________________________________________.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 14


● Form a triad with your

seatmates A, B, C.
● Start with A, then take
turns in sharing your

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 15

Let’s Process
What can you say about the

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 17

In sharing with your
teammates, what struck you
the most with regard to the
roles you performed during
the training?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 18

When was the last time you either
managed, implemented, or
participated in a school-based PD

How was your experience?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 19

In leading, managing, or
implementing a school-based
professional development program,
what do you think are the critical
factors that we need to consider?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 20

What is Effect Size and Why Does It Matter?

Effect size tells you how meaningful the relationship

between variables or the difference between groups
is. It indicates the practical significance of a research

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 21

What is Effect Size and Why Does It Matter?
A large effect size means that a research finding has
practical significance, while a small effect size
indicates limited practical applications.
The larger the effect size, the greater the impact of
an intervention.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 22

Effect Size
● According to Hattie, an appropriate goal of schooling
(in his words) is for students to achieve at least a
year’s worth of learning for a year’s input.

● To achieve this, we are looking at an effect size of

0.4 .

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 23

Data Sets Effect Size

Reducing class size 0.21

Collaborative Teacher Efficacy 1.57

Student Retention 0.32

Discovery-Based Teaching 0.21

Humor 0.04

Strategy to integrate with prior knowledge 0.93

effort 0.78

metacognitive strategies 0.60

worked examples 0.52

classroom discussion (students having fun) 0.82

- John Hattie, 2015

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 24
Data Sets Effect Size

Spaced vs Mass Practice 0.60

working memory strength 0.50

teacher performance pay 0.05

homework 0.29

decreasing disruptive behavior 0.34

classroom management 0.35

whole-school improvement programs 0.28

external accountability systems 0.31

- John Hattie, 2015

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 25
Effect Size
Currently, the Effect Size of introducing CE and making it a
focus of teacher professional development to bring about
change in student learning is 1.57, according to John Hattie, as
shared by John Pegg in his talk to CT, NEAP and TECS teams.

The implications of this figure are huge and cannot be


MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 26

There is an issue!!!

DepEd has good policies. In particular DepEd Order No. 35, s.

2016 concerning LAC is consistent with best educational
thinking internationally. The Policy on using LACs has been in
the Philippines for years before this DepEd Order.

However, few if any tangible improvements are evident.

Consider PISA and NAT results.

What might have gone wrong?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 27
Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational

How do learners’ overall performance in the NATG10 compare

from 2020 to 2023?

Percentage Performance of learners in the

21st Century Skills 2020 2023 Trend
Increase/Decrease overall test in the three 21st
Century Skills in NATG10
Problem Solving 41.50 44.53 3.03
2020 and NATG10 2023
shows an increasing trend.
Information Literacy 39.90 43.56 3.66
However, the MPS in both school years
Critical Thinking 36.80 41.11 4.31 did not reach the minimum proficiency
level (NP: 50-74%).
Percentage Point Increase in Mean Percentage Scores (MPS)

Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational

How do learners’ overall performance in the NATG12 compare

from 2019 to 2023?
Percentage Performance of learners in the
21st Century Skills 2019 2023 Trend overall test in the three 21st
Century Skills in NATG12 2019
Problem Solving 36.45 39.91 3.46 and NATG12 2023 shows an
increasing trend
Information Literacy 34.43 43.33 8.90
However, the MPS in both school years did
Critical Thinking 34.62 39.76 5.14 not reach the minimum proficiency level (NP:
Percentage Point Increase/Decrease in Mean Percentage Scores (MPS)

(Low Proficient: 25-49%)
My Story
● Stay in your division and organize
yourselves into 4 groups.
● As a group, accomplish the “My
Story” template.
● Reflect on and discuss your outputs
among yourselves.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 31

My Story
Areas of Concern Roles Responsibilities Bottlenecks/ Actions
Challenges Taken

Expertise Sessions
Other PD
practices, if any

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 32

Group Processing: Paper Carousel
1. Each group has to pass the output to the other group in a
counterclockwise direction.

2. At a signal, “Go! ”, start passing your output to

the next group.

3. As soon as you have the output from the other

group, point out some common terms that you
have reflected in your own output.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 34

4. You may add ideas or thoughts to the other group’s outputs, if

5. Repeat the process for the other outputs until you have finally
taken hold of your group output.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 35


6. As a group, you reflect and discuss any

changes (omissions or additions, if any) in your
group’s work or output. Huddle and decide
whether the changes made by other groups
are significant or not.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 36

1. What can you say about the activity?
2. What did you discover from the
outputs of each group?
3. What are the usual concerns or

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 37

4. What are the usual actions
5. How could we do all these
things better?
6. How can we better support
our schools for them to
effectively implement these
PD activities?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 38

What can we do better, together?
There needs a further Policy directive to embed more deeply
LACs (and its companion Teacher Collaborative Expertise
Development) into ALL operational practices.

The central idea is the adoption of a coordinated,

whole-school approach to curriculum planning.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 39

Is cohesive and collaborative action by a
school community that is being strategically
and continually constructed to improve
student learning, behavior and wellbeing.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
Every school has
different needs and
starting points.

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 41 41

a framework that can be used to assess
what exists, create a plan to address gaps
and identify measures of progress.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
A whole school approach includes:

An overarching
supportive, safe and
inclusive school culture

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
A whole school approach includes:

School-based programs in
and out of the classroom that
focus on social emotional
learning and respect for

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
A whole school approach includes:

School policy that

prioritizes, monitors and
reports on progress for all
students, with a focus on
eliminating disparities

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
A whole school approach includes:
School partnerships to bring
community programs and
resources into the school
setting, to augment school
capacity and address families’
needs beyond the classroom.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
A whole school approach includes:
School partnerships to bring
community programs and
resources into the school
setting, to augment school
capacity and address families’
needs beyond the classroom.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
Whole-School Approach to Curriculum Planning

Note: The Pilot in 35 schools focused on Grade 4 and

Grade 7 offers leadership in schools, a chance to practice
and learn about a ‘whole-school’ approach to curriculum
in Grade 4 and/or Grade 7 prior to working with more/all
Grades in coming years.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 48

Whole-School Approach to Curriculum Planning

A whole-school approach to curriculum planning requires

school stakeholders to be involved, to trust and become a
part of the way forward. School stakeholders will be at
developmentally different places in willingness and
capacity to be involved in a ‘whole-school’ approach.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 49

Whole-School Approach to Curriculum Planning

To ensure that there is a cohesive and
consistent curriculum offered throughout each
school in each Grade and in each subject.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 50

Whole-School Approach to Curriculum Planning
To operationalize this,

school leaders need to:

 support fully the long-term change-management
challenge involved;
 have a clear vision for the approach;
 possess some curriculum expertise themselves;

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 51

Whole-School Approach to Curriculum Planning

To operationalize this,

school leaders need to:

 allocate time for this initiative;
 ensure teachers have the needed time to plan
appropriately and implement the program; and
 be prepared to sustain staff efforts over time.
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 52
Whole-School Approach to Curriculum Planning

In order to do this, schools need to:

● Officially adopt the need for a coordinated, whole-school
approach to curriculum planning;
● ensure that curriculum planning is not left to individual
teachers in isolation but is a collective effort involving teams
of teachers and oversighted by School Heads;

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 53

Whole-School Approach to Curriculum Planning

In order to do this, schools need to:

● develop thoughtfully Learning Action Cells (LACs)
established in a way that enable teams of teachers to meet,
discuss and plan learner learning, curriculum delivery and
assessment practices; and
● support strongly the development of collaborative
expertise groupings throughout the school.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 54

Whole-School Approach
Approach to Curriculum
to Curriculum Planning Planning

Benefits for learners:

• A whole-school approach provides
students with a knowledge-rich
curriculum that incrementally Photo taken from:

introduces new material.

• It connects it to previous learning and offers ample practice opportunities.
• This approach is particularly valuable for building depth of knowledge
students need for advanced topics.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 55

Whole-School Approach
Approach to Curriculum
to Curriculum Planning Planning
Benefits for learners:
• All students, regardless of the
class they are in, should receive the
same rich learning opportunities.
Photo taken from:

• A whole-school approach enables programs-for-teachers-school-leaders

teachers to reduce disparities in education and agree on:

○ What content to teach,
○ How to teach it, and
○ How to assess student learning.
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 56
Whole-School Approach
Approach to Curriculum
to Curriculum Planning Planning

Benefits for learners:

With access to shared curriculum
teachers can spend less time on:
 Figuring out what to teach,
 More time, focusing on how
to teach effectively, and
 Tailoring instruction to meet
individual student needs. Photo taken from:

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 57

Whole-School Approach
Approach to Curriculum
to Curriculum Planning Planning

Benefits for teachers :

• Shared, high-quality curriculum materials and a common
instructional approach enable teachers to improve their classroom
practice significantly.
• Teachers can discuss problem, learn from one another, and refine
curriculum materials collaboratively, enhancing their teaching
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 58
Whole-School Approach to Curriculum Planning
Whole-School Approach to Curriculum Planning

Benefits for teachers :


• Teachers with access to a shared bank of high-quality curriculum
materials for all subjects spend less time sourcing or creating materials.

• This reduced individual planning load allows teachers to concentrate on other

critical aspects of their roles, such as building relationships with students.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 59

School leaders should collectively agree on why, what, and
how they are implementing this approach, using a clear
vision as a guiding anchor.

Photos taken from:

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 60

Schools should have curriculum maps and unit plans
that provide a structured framework for teaching,
ensuring that knowledge and skills become increasingly
sophisticated over time.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 61

An agreed-upon instructional approach defines what
effective teaching looks like in the classroom. It is often
codified in documents like instructional playbooks.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 62

Curriculum leaders should
be well-trained and capable of
overseeing the implementation of
the curriculum approach.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 63

Ongoing professional learning is crucial for teachers to improve
their teaching quality and consistency.
○ Teachers need professional learning opportunities closely aligned
with the school’s curriculum approach.
○ This training should be connected to classroom practice and help
teachers implement the curriculum effectively.
○ Instructional coaching can play a vital role in translating knowledge
acquired through training into actual classroom practice.
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 64
• New teachers should be provided with robust induction programs
that introduce them to the school’s curriculum approach,
instructional methods, and specific curriculum materials.
• Pairing new teachers with mentors can guide them through these
processes can help them integrate smoothly into the school’s
educational framework.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 65

The main practical ideas of implementation
1 revolve around the importance of
collaborative, structured curriculum planning,
the provision of high-quality materials.
The benefits this approach offers to both
2 students and teachers.

Strong leadership, clear vision, and ongoing

3 professional development are vital
components of successful implementation.
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 66
School-Based PD Programs
In-Service Training for Teachers
INSET refers to a modality of professional
development intervention organized either at
the school (school-based INSET) or
division/district level (cluster-based INSET)
to address and resolve areas of need identified
by the teachers or school leaders to
continuously improve their competencies.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 68

In-Service Training for Teachers

INSET classes are

participatory and should be
offered to small groups to
maximize impact on teacher
and school leader quality.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 69

Learning Action Cell (LAC)
(DO No. 35, s. 2016)

Learning Action Cell (LAC)
(DO No. 35, s. 2016)

“Learning Action Cell is a group of

teachers who engage in collaborative
learning sessions to solve shared
challenges encountered in the school
facilitated by the school head or a
designated LAC leader.”

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 71

Learning Action Cell (LAC)
(DO No. 35, s. 2016)

Theoretical Framework

Community of practice with collaborative planning, problem-solving,

and action implementation

Improved teacher's content knowledge, pedagogical skills,

assessment strategies, and professional ethics

Student learning and holistic development

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 72

Composition of a Learning Action Cell

LAC Leader
(Principal/School Head)

LAC Facilitator LAC Members


LAC Resource Person

LAC Documenter (s)
(Any Member) External/Internal

Figure 2. Composition of Learning Action Cell (LAC)

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 73
“The greatest influence on student
progression in learning is having expert,
inspired and passionate teachers and school
leaders working together to maximize the
effect of their teaching on all students in
their care.” - John Hattie, 2015

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Collaborative Expertise (CE)

“There is a role for the system :

to provide the support, time, and
resources for this to happen.”
- Hattie, J. 2015

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024


The concept of COLLABORATIVE

EXPERTISE in education concerns addressing
the need to improve student learning outcomes by
reducing within-school variability in teacher

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 76


Highlights the need to shift the education narrative towards

This shift is critical if we, at the Department of Education, wish ultimately,
to lead schools, leaders, and teachers to help attain better learning outcomes
for learners.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 77

Improved Learning Outcomes for Students
Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational

-Three Fundamental Ideas

1. Most effective learning occurs when you begin

teaching where the learner is at.
2. Learning is consistent with the way brain learns
supported by cognition research.
3. Teachers, in a school, work as a team.

Summary of Three Ideas
Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational

• Quality teaching can be promoted by three ideas evidenced by teachers:

1. Knowing their subject and how it can be taught, and

where to start;
2. Using knowledge of how the brain learns to guide
teaching approaches to support student learning; and
3. Working to establish and utilize collaborative expertise
to facilitate greater coherence in learning across their

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
Customized School-Based Professional Development Programs Plan (CSBPDP)
(Adapted: Training and Development (Tan D) , Volume 3 and TPDC Framework)

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
Implementation Strategies for the
Conduct of School-Based Training
on the MATATAG Curriculum

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down,
Thumbs Sideway

Show a thumbs up if the option is
possible. Thumbs down, if you
believe it’s not. Thumbs sideway,
if unsure.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Thumbs Sideway

Are you ready?

Game na ba kayo?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

1. Maximizing the loading of
other teachers per learning area
from other grade levels not
involved in the initial phase of
the training

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

2. Engaging SK members
to take charge of the class
while the teachers are in the

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

3. Scheduling a half-day
training for K,1,4, and 7
teachers totaling 40 hours to
ensure that the regular classes
will continue without

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

4. Letting the most active
parents handle the class and
visit the class now and then
to see whether the learners
are intact inside the

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

5. Taking turns by a batch of Grade
4 or Grade 7 teachers, maximizing
the loading of other batches of
teachers not yet involved in the
scheduled training (e.g. Batch
1/Week 1- English, Science, Math,
Batch 2/Week 2- Filipino, AP,
Values Education, Batch 3/Week 3-

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

6. Shorten the class and let
the learners go home so as
not to distract the
attendance of the teachers in
the training.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

7. Maximizing the loading
of relieving (special)
teacher in the training-

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

8. Tap the barangay
officials to organize
sports activities for the
learner to engage in.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

9. Hiring substitute
teachers, subject to the
availability of funds.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

10. Ask the school head
to merge classes with the
ALS learners.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Joint DepEd Memorandum
dated December 20, 2023

Based on the Joint DepEd Memorandum dated

December 20, 2023, School Heads are expected to
employ the suggested strategies they find applicable
to their school context in implementing the Training on
the MATATAG Curriculum for K, 1, 4, and 7.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Suggested strategies appropriate in their school context in
implementing the Training on MATATAG Curriculum for
(Joint DepEd Memorandum dated December 20, 2023)

1. Maximizing the loading of other teachers per

learning area from other grade levels not involved
in the initial phase of the training
2. Scheduling a half-day training for K, 1, 4, and 7
teachers totaling 40 hours to ensure that the
regular classes will continue without disruption

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Suggested strategies appropriate in their school context in
Suggested strategies appropriate in their school context in
Training on MATATAG
on MATATAG Curriculum
Curriculum for for
(Joint DepEd Memorandum dated December 20, 2023)

3. Taking turns by a batch of Grade 4 or Grade 7 teachers,

maximizing the loading of other batches of teachers not yet
involved in the scheduled training (e.g. Batch 1/Week 1-
English, Science, Math, Batch 2/Week 2- Filipino, AP, Values
Education, Batch 3/Week 3- TLE/HELE, MAPEH)

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Suggested strategies appropriate in their school context in
Suggested strategies appropriate in their school context in
Training on MATATAG
on MATATAG Curriculum
Curriculum for for
(Joint DepEd Memorandum dated December 20, 2023)

4. Maximizing the loading of relieving (special)

teachers who are not in the training-program
5. Hiring substitute teachers, subject to the
availability of funds.
6. Tapping teacher applicants for voluntary
services during the duration of the training

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Work Application Plan (WAP)
in the Context of MATATAG Curriculum

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

It’s a WAP Wrap!
● Organize yourselves by 5’s.
● You will be provided with a copy of the caselet.
● Read the caselet provided. (3 minutes)

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024


Both Mr. and Mrs. Macaroni work at a private school.

The School Director sent them to a 5-day training program on
Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) using the SOLO model,
which provided them with opportunities to engage in all
activities that would enhance their teaching competencies.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024


As a result, they were grateful and excited to

return to the school and apply their learning from the
HOTS training program.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024


When they returned to school, they were eager to

meet with their School Director to provide feedback on the
training. When asked how to apply their training gains,
Mr. and Mrs. took turns answering verbally to the
questions, which irritated the School Director.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

My Takeaway

Individually, answer the following questions:

1. What made the school director felt irritated?

2. What could be the best way that Mr. and Mrs. Macaroni
give feedback?
3. What tangible thing did the School Director want Mr. and
Mrs. Macaroni to present?
4. What are the essential elements of a plan?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Group Discussion

● Each member of the group takes turn to discuss your individual

● Choose from your group one to facilitate the discussion, one to
document, one to present the output in plenary.
● Write your answer on the sheets of manila paper provided.
● Share your answer in plenary. (make sure that everyone has the
chance to share)

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Wisdom Sharing

● How did you feel doing the activity? Why?

● What made you decide to include those elements of a plan?
● What are the commonalities and differences that you discovered
from other outputs?
● To apply appropriately the learning gains from any training
programs, what type of plan do you need to prepare?
● How is the WAP different from the other plans?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

WAP Rationale for MATATAG Curriculum

The Department of Education has pursued its

education reform, the MATATAG: Bansang
Makabata, Batang Makabansa Agenda, which sets
the new direction of the agency and stakeholders
in resolving basic education challenges.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

WAP Rationale for MATATAG Curriculum

Adopting the MATATAG Agenda allows the Department to

recognize the existing and expected realities, and
consequently, adopt appropriate measures to realize its
vision, hence making the MATATAG Curriculum, which is
responsive and attuned to the dynamic changes that come
Curriculum 2023
into play in the society.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

WAP Rationale for MATATAG Curriculum

The MATATAG Curriculum focuses on

foundational skills and embedding peace competencies,
building more resilient schools and classrooms,
strengthening inclusive education programs, advocating for
teachers’ additional benefits, and providing professional
development programs, among others.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Significance of MATATAG Curriculum

By empowering school leaders with the necessary

knowledge and skills, the school community can foster an
educational culture that embodies the principles of the
MATATAG Curriculum and ultimately enhances the learning
experiences and outcomes for learners at the Kindergarten,
Grade 1, Grade 4, and Grade 7 levels.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Significance of MATATAG Curriculum

To articulate the general shape of the MATATAG Curriculum

and to ensure its full implementation, all the participants of
the training (teachers and school leaders) shall develop a
Work Application Plan (WAP).

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Workplace Development Objectives (WDOs)
Impact/Goal Results Objective

Outcome Application Objectives

(back in the workplace)

(per job group)

Terminal Objectives
(end of the training) (per job group)

Learning Enabling Objectives

(major learning blocks) (per job group)

Session Objectives

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024



MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Program Design
Workplace Development Objectives (WDOs)
Impact/Goal Results Objective School Leaders
(Chiefs, PSDSs and EPSs, School Heads)
Outcome Application Objectives
(back in the workplace) (per job group)
implement their Workplace Application Plan (WAP)
vis-à-vis the PPSS or the PPSSH and as responsible
Output Terminal Objectives members of the PMT/ME and/or resource
(end of the training) (per job group)
persons/trainers at the Region/Division/School levels.

Enabling Objectives
(major learning
blocks) (per job group)

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Program Design
Workplace Development Objectives (WDOs)
Impact/Goal Results Objective Teachers

Outcome Application Objectives implement their respective Workplace

(back in the workplace) (per job group) Application Plan (WAP) articulating their
required competencies to be developed and/or
Output Terminal Objectives enhanced using school LACs through
(end of the training) (per job group) Collaborative Expertise (CE) aligned with the
Enabling Objectives
(major learning
blocks) (per job group)

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational

The RPMS Cycle

Source: RPMS Updated Manual 2019 (pg. 10)

WAP Template

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

WAP’s Up!
1. Individually, accomplish the WAP template.
2. Share your accomplished WAP in a triad.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

For Regional PMT

Work Application Plan (WAP)

Regional Training Implementation Plan
for the Regional Training of Trainers on the MATATAG Curriculum

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

For Division PMT

Work Application Plan (WAP)

Division Training Implementation Plan
for the Division Training of Trainers on the MATATAG Curriculum

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

For School Heads and Master Teachers

Work Application Plan (WAP)

Customized School-Based Professional
Development Plan (CSBPDP)
(Adapted: SPPD, T&D Volume 3 and TPDC Framework)

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

For Teachers

Work Application Plan

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Presentation and Critiquing

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Session Objectives
At the end of the session, participants will be able to:

• discuss the significant roles of school leaders in leading and

managing School-Based Professional Development Programs to
improve teacher practice;
• integrate the concept and elements of the whole-school approach to
curriculum planning and its link to teachers’ ongoing professional
learning, articulating the effect size and its impact on learning

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 130

Session Objectives

• discuss the Implementation Strategies for the Conduct of School-

Based Training on the MATATAG Curriculum;
• develop a WAP capturing the general concepts of MATATAG
Curriculum articulating the a doable school-based professional
development plan for teachers on the MATATAG Curriculum; and
• display willingness to implement the WAP to improve learning

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 131

Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational

Brain-Based Learning
John Pegg
The SiMERR National Research Centre

Chief Investigator:

University of New England

● RA 9155 Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001
● RA 11713 Excellence in Teacher Education Act of 2022
● D.O. 83, s. 2012 “Implementing Guidelines on the Revised School-Based Management Framework, Assessment Process and Tool (APAT)”
● D.O. 35, s. 2016 “The Learning Action Cell as a K to 12 Basic Education Program School-Based Continuing Professional Development
Strategy for the Improvement of Teaching and Learning”
● D.O. No. 11, s. 2019 Implementation of the NEAP Transformation
● D.O. 024, s. 2020 “National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads”
● DM No. 44, s. 2023 “Interim Guidelines for Quality Assurance of NEAP Core Programs”
● Paul V. Bredeson (2000) The school principal's role in teacher professional development, Journal of In-Service Education, 26:2, 385-401,
DOI: 10.1080/13674580000200114
● Competency-Based Learning and Development Management System in The Civil Service Commission
● © UNESCO 2005 ISBN: 92-803-1278-2 (Education Policy Series 3)
● John Pegg, 2024
● John Hattie, 2015

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 133

“He who learns but does
not think, is lost! He who
thinks but does not learn
is in great danger.”

🔥 Training on Higher-Order Thinking Skills PLP 134 134


Program Management Team Session Guide and Presentation

Deck Developer/s
Curriculum and Teaching Strand
Bureau of Curriculum Development NEAP
Bureau of Learning Delivery Dir. Leah B. Apao
Bureau of Education Assessment
Bureau of Alternative Education
Bureau of Learning Resources

Human Resources and Organizational

Development Strand
National Educators Academy of the Philippines
Professional Development Division
Quality Assurance Division

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 135



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