Ke Muhammad i Yah An

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2. Muhammadiyah is an Islamic movement
founded by KH Ahmad Dahlan on 8
Dzulhijjah 1330 H. Coinciding with November
18 1912 M in Jogjakarta.
A. Subjective Factors
B. Included in this subjective factor is the state of
the founders of Muhammadiyah, namely:
C. He saw that many of the implementation of
Islamic teachings in Indonesia were not in
accordance with what he understood.
D. He is of the opinion that in order to carry out
Islamic teachings in accordance with the guidance
of the Prophet Muhammad, it must be carried out
jointly by a group of people, according to the
word of Allah in Al-Quran S. 3 (Ali Imran): 104.
Dan hendaklah ada di antara kamu segolongan umat yang menyeru
kepada kebajikan, menyuruh kepada yang ma'ruf dan mencegah dari yang
munkar; merekalah orang-orang yang beruntung.

B. Objective Factors
 1. Interns
 At the beginning of the 20th century, Indonesian Muslims
were very weak (socio-economic, educational, religious and
 2. External
 At the beginning of the 20th century, reformers of Islamic
thought emerged, such as: Jamaluddin Al-Afgani, Muhammad
Abduh, Rasyid Ridla etc. Their thoughts resuscitate Muslims
to understand, deepen the religion of Islam from the original
source. Such an understanding raises awareness that Muslims
must rise and Islamic teachings must be upheld by struggle
III. Muhammadiyah identity
As an Islamic Movement
As Da'wah Movement, Amar Makruf and Nahi Munkar;
As the Tajdid Movement
IV. Purpose and objectives
The aims and objectives of Muhammadiyah are to
uphold and uphold the Islamic Religion so that an
Islamic society can be realized
V. Vision and mission
Vision: Actively carry out da'wah, amar makruf, nahi munkar in
all fields, so that it becomes rahmatan lil'alamin.
Mission :
Uphold monotheistic beliefs;
Understanding the Islamic religion to answer and resolve the
worldly problems of life;
Disseminate Islamic teachings based on the Al-Quran and As-
Realizing Islamic practices and personal life, family, society
1. VI. The basis of Muhammadiyah's charitable efforts
2. Muhammadiyah bases all its activities and deeds on the principles
contained in the preamble to the Articles of Association, namely:
3. Human life must be based on monotheism, worship, and
obedience to Allah.
4. Human life in society.
5. Fulfilling the teachings of the Islamic religion with the belief that
Islamic teachings are the only foundation of personality and
common order for the happiness of the world and the hereafter.
6. Upholding and upholding the religion of Islam in society is an
obligation as a form of worship to Allah and charity of humanity
7. It arrives at the steps of the struggle of the Prophet Muhammad
8. Launching charity business and struggle with organizational order.
VII. Muhammadiyah's charity and struggle guidelines
In carrying out the charity business and the struggle
of Muhammadiyah, we are guided by the Al-Quran
and As-Sunnah of the Prophet in a consistent
manner, moving to develop in all fields and fields
by using methods and following the paths that are
pleasing to Allah.
VIII. Muhammadiyah character
Do charity and fight for peace and prosperity.
Make more friends and practice ukhuwah Islamiyah
Broad-chested, wide-eyed, by upholding Islamic teachings
Religious and community in nature.
Heed all laws, statutes, regulations, as well as the legal basis and philosophy of
the state.
Amar makruf nahi munkar in all fields, as well as being an exemplary example in
accordance with Islamic teachings.
Active in community development with the aim of ishlah and development, in
accordance with Islamic teachings.
Cooperation with any Islamic group in an effort to broadcast and practice Islam
and defend their interests.
Helping the government and cooperating with other groups and developing the
country to achieve a just and prosperous society that is pleasing to Allah.
Be fair and corrective in and out wisely.
IX. Understanding religion according to Muhammadiyah
Religious understanding according to Muhammadiyah is listed in the
Muhammadiyah beliefs and aspirations of life (MKCH) as follows:
Muhammadiyah is an Islamic movement
Islam is the religion of Allah which was revealed to His Messengers, as Allah's
guidance and mercy to mankind as His servant and caliph on earth.
Muhammadiyah in practicing Islam is based on the Al-Quran and the Sunnah of
the Prophet, by using the mind in accordance with the spirit of Islamic
Islamic teachings include: aqidah, morality, worship, and muamalat muamalat
Muhammadiyah invites all layers of the Indonesian nation who have received
God's grace in the form of a homeland that has sources of wealth, the
independence of the nation and the Republic of Indonesia based on
Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, to work together to make a just and
prosperous country that is blessed by Allah. SWT.
X. Organization structure
The organizational structure of Muhammadiyah is as follows:
Twig is a unit of members in one place or region.
Branch is a unit of twigs in one place.
Region is a unitary branch in one city or district
Territory is a regional unit within one province.
The center is a territorial unit within the State.
XI. Elements of Assistant Leaders
The leadership assistant element consists of Majlis and Institutions.
Majlis is an auxiliary element of the leadership that carries out some of the main
tasks of Muhammadiyah.
Institutions are leadership auxiliary elements that carry out the duties of
supporting Muhammadiyah.
XII. Autonomous Organization
An autonomous organization is an organizational unit under Muhammadiyah
that has the authority to manage its own household, with guidance and
coaching by Muhammadiyah leaders. The autonomous organization was
formed by Muhammadiyah to foster Muhammadiyah members. Autonomous
organizations consist of general and special autonomous organizations.
The general autonomous organization is an autonomous organization whose
members are not all Muhammadiyah members. A special autonomous
organization is an autonomous organization whose members are all
Muhammadiyah members, and are given the authority to carry out business
activities determined by the leadership of Muhammadiyah in coordinating
elements of the supporting leadership in charge in accordance with the
applicable provisions regarding the charity business.
The formation and dissolution of the autonomous organization is determined
by Tanwir on the recommendation of the Central Leadership. Other
provisions regarding autonomous organizations are regulated in the Rules of
Autonomous Organizations made and determined by the Central leadership.
XIII. Coat and Flag
The Muhammadiyah symbol is the twelve main shining suns. In the
middle it says Muhammadiyah (in Arabic letters), circled by two
sentences of the Shahada (in Arabic letters).
The Muhammadiyah flag is rectangular, measuring two to three, with
the Muhammadiyah symbol in the middle and Muhammadiyah
writing below it. The base color of the flag is green with white
writing and pictures.

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