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 ध्मानाद् धमन्य: । (Ca. Su. 30/12)
Dhamanis are structure which pulsate.

 ध्मानात् पुरणात् बाह्येन रसादेन इत्यार्थ: ।

(Cakrapani Ca Su. 30/12)
Dhamanis start pulsating when they get filled up
with nutrient material derived from external
 Acc to Athrvaveda
शुद्ध रक्त वाहन्य: धमन्य:।
Dhamanis are tubular structure which carry pure blood

 धमन्यो रसवाहिन्यो धमन्ति पवनं तनौ । (BP)

Bhavamishra explains dhamani carries body fluid & blows air in
the body. This implies supply of O2 to the tissues

 तासां तु खलु नाभिप्रभवाणां धमनीनाम् । (Su. Sa 9/4)

Dhamanis take its origin from nabhi

 मूलेन महता महामूला मता दश, विधम्यन्ते समन्तत:।

Here ‘ Mahat’ is heart, attached to the heart are 10 vessels which
धमन्यो नाभिसम्बद्धा । (AH. Sa)
Dhamanis are attached to nabhi.

Acc Sushruta – nabhi is moolasthana of dhamani

Acc Charaka – Hrdaya
Acc Vagbhatta – nabhi.

 चतुर्विंशतिर्धमन्यो नाभिप्रभवा। (Su. Sa 9/3)

Dhamanis are 24 in number

 द्वे धमनीशते। (Ca. Sa 7/14)

Dhmanis are 200 in number

 Acc Vagbhatta – 24 dhamanis.

Dhamani vibhaga (Division of

 Mentioned by Sushruta only

 Divided dhamani (24) into Urdwaga, Adhoga &


 धमनीनामूर्ध्वगा दश, दश च अधोगामिनय: चतस्रस्तिर्यग्गा:।

(Su. Sa 9/4)
After arising from nabhi, 10 dhamanis spread
upwards, 10 dhamanis downwards & 4 sidewards

उर्ध्वगा: ह्दय अभिप्रपन्ना त्रिधा जायन्ते, ता: त्रिंशत् ।

(Su.Sa 9/4)
Urdwaga dhamani after reaching hrdaya again divides each
into 3, thus becoming 30.
They carry Vata, pitta, kapha, rakta rasa, carry sensation of
sound, sight, taste & smell. They attend to speaking, shouting,
sleep, waking, tears, carry breast milk.

1) उर्ध्वगा: शब्दस्पर्शरुपरसगन्धप्रश्वासोच्छ्वास जृम्भ क्षुद्ध हसितकथितरुदितादीन्

विशेषान् अभिवहन्त्य: शरीरं धारयन्ति ।
Urdwaga dhamani support the body by attending to
function such as receiving sensations of sound,
touch, sight, taste & smell, inspiration, expiration,
yawning, sneezing, laughing, talking, shouting & such
other functions
2) एताभिरुर्ध्वं नाभेरुदर पार्श्व पृष्ठ उर: स्कन्ध् ग्रीवा बाहवो धार्यन्ते याप्यन्ते च ।
By these dhamani, parts of the body above the Umbilicus,
such as Abdomen, flanks, back, chest, shoulders, neck, arms
etc. are supported & maintained

अधोगा: आमपक्वाशयान्तरे च त्रिधा जायन्ते, ता: त्रिंशत्।

(Su.Sa. 9/7)
In between the amashaya(stomach) & Pakvashaya(large
intestine) each one of these divides into 3 branches thus
becoming 30.
They carry Vata, pitta, kapha, Sonita, Rasa, Annarasa,
Toya, from bladder carry urine, for production of sukra in
testes, attached to large intestine for expelling the faeces,
carry sweat

1) अधोभागस्तु वातमूत्रपुरीषशुक्रार्तव आदि अन्यधो वहन्ति |

Adhoga dhamani carry vata, flatus, urine, faeces,
semen & menstrual blood downwards.
2) On reaching pittashaya(small intestine) with help of
pitta or agni act on essence of food & divides it into
sara & kitta.
3) Nourish the body by supplying nutrient materials
present in the essence of food.
4) रसस्थानं चाभिपूरयन्ति मूत्रपुरीषस्वेदांश्च विवेचयन्ति।
Fill the seat of rasa (i.e Hrdaya) & separate urine, faeces & sweat
from the rasa.

5) एताभिरधोनाभे: पक्वाशय कटीमूत्रपुरीषगुदबस्तिमेढ्र सक्थीनि धार्यन्ते याप्यन्ते च ।

By adhoga dhamani, the parts below the umbilicus such as large
intestine, pelvis, urinary bladder, rectum anus, penis & legs are
supported & maintained.
 तिर्यग्गाणां तु चतसृणां धमनीनाम ऐकै का शतधा सहस्राधा च उत्तरोत्तरं विभज्यन्ते ।
One of four dhamanis spreading sidewards divide into
hundreds & thousands of branches further & so becomes
तासां मुखानि रोमकू पप्रतिबद्धानि यै: स्वेदाभिवहन्ति रसं च अभितर्पन्त्य अन्तर्बर्हिश्च ।
The function of tiryak dhamanis are attached to the hair
follicles & carry sweat to the exterior & rasa both inside &
अभ्यङग परिषेक अवगाह लेपन वीर्याण्यन्त: शरीरमभिप्रतिपध्यन्ते त्वचि विपक्वानि ।
The potency of medicines used in form of anoiting, pouring
liquids on the body & applications of pastes, get cooked or
processed in the skin, enter into the interior of the body.

स्पर्शं सुखं असुखं वा गृहणीते ।

The sensation of touch both comfortable & unconfortable are
perceived by these dhamanis.

यथा स्वभावत: खानि मृणालेषु बिसेषु च।

धमनीनां यथा खानि यैरुपचीयते ॥ (AH. Sa)
Just by nature, vacant spaces are present in flower
stalk & tuber of lotus plant, similarity vacant spaces
are present in dhamani also though which rasa dhatus
spread to entire body.

पञ्चाभिभूतास्त्वथ पञ्चकृ त्व: पञ्चेन्द्रियं पञ्चसु भावयन्ति ।

पञ्चेन्द्रियं पञ्चसु भावयित्वा पञ्चत्वमायान्ति विनाशकाले ॥
(Su.Sa 9/11)
Dhamani are composed of panchabhutas & join with
panchaendriyas, 5 times (once in each sense organ) after
uniting with panchendriyas with indriyarthas & these attain
panchatva at time of death.
 मूलेन महता महामूला मता दश ओजोवहा: शरीरे अस्मिन|
Attached to the heart are 10 vessels which carry ojas to all over
the body.

 ताभि: परिवृता नाभिश्चक्रनाभिरिवारकै :।

ताभि:च उर्ध्व अध: तिर्यग् देहे अयमनुगृहयते ॥ (AH.Sa 3/39)
Dhamani attached to nabhi, resembles the axle hole of a wheel
surrounded by spokes. By these dhamanis spreading
upwards, downwards & sidewards, the entire body is
maintained by nourishment.
 As per nirukthi, Dhamani is an anatomical tubular structure
having characteristic features of Dhmana (Pulsation) & also
responsible for conduction of rasadi dhatus, which
indicates Artery.
 But Acharya Sushruta in Dhamani gata rogas mentioned

Grdrasi (Sciatica), Vishwachi (brachial neuralgia), Khanja

(limping), Badhariya (deafness) & this above said condition
shows nervous involvement. But in context of treatment,
acharya mentioned Siravedha & samanya vatavyadhi cikitsa
like Abhyanga, sveda, basti which in turn increase
vascularity leading to increased blood supply & repair of
tissues along with enhancing the function of nervous
 So Dhamani on structural basis considered as Artery

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