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Thinking in

By: Jamela Elaizza K. Martin
This lesson teaches me to:

Explain: Explain:
The concept of thinking. Results of thinking of the
creations of Allah.

Infer: Link:
Fields of thinking. Between thinking and
civilizational development
of society.
Starter Activity:
Look at the
picture. Explain
what it can
Well done! What
you did is an
example of
thinking or critical
thinking. Read on
to find out!
I take the initiative to learn:

Allah granted many gifts to man, including most prominently the gift of the mind, which He
gave to man alone of all creatures. The mind enables man to distinguish between truth and
falsehood, good and evil,which results in his success in this world and being rewarded in the
Hereafter. It is the tool for reflecting and thinking about everything around man in the vast
universe in order to acquire knowledge.

Allah said:
“Wa Allahu ‘Akrajakum Min Butuni ‘Ummahatikum La Ta'lamuna Shay’aan Wa Ja’ala Lakumu
As-Sama Wa Al-Absara Wa Al-Af’idata La’allakum Tashkurun” (And Allah has extracted you
from the wombs of your mothers not knowing a thing, and He made for you hearing and vision
and intellect that perhaps you would be grateful)
[An-Nahl: 78]
I use my skills to learn:

Allah encouraged his servants to think of his creations so that they discover His great power
through his creatures and worship Him.

...But what exactly is thinking?

Thinking is using the mind to study and analysis of things in order to arrive at new facts and
conclusions. It is referred to in the book of Allah using several words, such as: seeing reflection,
consideration, reasoning and remembering, all of which are mental processes that compliment
each other and are linked to thinking.
Thinking of the Holy Qur’an
Allah urged us to think of the verses of the Holy Qur’an by reflecting on its vocabulary in order
to understand its meanings, apply its Sharia provisions and learn from its stories or lessons.
Sharia, Islamic law or sharia law is a religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition. It is
derived from the religious precepts of Islam, particularly the Quran and the hadith.
The Holy Qur’an focused on two fields:
Thinking of your own creation

If man looks carefully at his shape, he will find that he

is distinguished from all creatures, as Allah created him
in the most perfect image and with the best structure.

Thinking of manifestations of the power of Allah in

the universe

If man looks with his own eye the universe around him,
he will find that we live in a globe that is hanged in
space, with stars moving around us. This globe rotates
around its axis at a fixed speed in front of the sun,
which creates the sequence of day and night, thereby
allowing man to rest after a hard day’s work.
What are the benefits of thinking?
Which makes him feel
humble before His As people with more
greatness and worship knowledge are more
Him to get His mercy and fearful of Allah than
His paradise. others.

Strengthening the Fearing Allah;

believer’s faith in

Thinkers acquire
Scientific Man feels and
Enabling them to explore advances in all enjoys the beauty
with their minds the fields of life. of the universe;
consequences of things,
act in accordance with There is a close
public interest, and avoid connection between
Which results in a feeling
sedition, thereby thinking of the universe
of peacefulness and
preserving and developing and scientific advances, as
the wealth of their evidenced by the
country. inventions of previous
Let’s Apply: Social Studies

Thinking is a basis of civilizational development:

Thinking is an essential requirement for human progress and development throughout the ages.
The cultural and technical progress of developed countries today is a product of thinking,
reflecting and the resultant creative ideas that have contributed to the advancement of humanity.
Thinking is a way development and excellence at the level of individuals, societies, and
The United Arab Emirates encourages innovation and creativity, and has ranked high among
nations and gained respect and confidence of all. It won the confidence of the world to host the
Expo 2020 amidst intense competition from several countries. All countries of the world will
come and present their innovations and creations in the UAE, which has become a global hub in
various fields, thanks to the clr=ear vision and sound thinking of its wise leadership.
Assessment: Let’s see if you listened well!

Questions 1/4

In your own words, what is

Assessment: Let’s see if you listened well!

Questions 2/4

Give two benefits of

Assessment: Let’s see if you listened well!

Questions 3/4

What are the two fields that the

Holy Qur’an focused on?
Assessment: Let’s see if you listened well!

Questions 4/4
(Think critically)

Every one has some talents

and abilities, how can we
develop them and make use
of them?
“He gives wisdom to whom He wills,
and whoever has been given wisdom
has certainly been given much good.
And none will remember except those
of understanding.”

[Al-Baqarah: 2691]
By: Jamela Elaizza K. Martin

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo,

including icons by Flaticon, and infographics & images by Freepik

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